Sunday, August 17, 2014

Blind Item #4

This pair of singers with one of the biggest songs of the year had a big falling out recently when the lesser known of the pair hooked up with the celebrity boyfriend of the more well known half of the duo.


  1. ryan lewis and macklemore

    1. Bwahaha SAME love, Derek. He can't change even if he tried, even if he waaaaanted toooooo

      Ryan's cock keeps Macklemore warm. Explains those haircuts too ;)

    2. It's clearly not Macklemore and Ryan, I was just piling on Derek's joke. I apologize if I took it too far and offended you, Alabama.

    3. Not offended, just seeing the hierarchy at work. Some get to say what they want, others not at all.

    4. When have I gotten on anyone's ass for what they say? Oh right, I don't. That's just "others." Everyone is free to speak their minds and hearts as far as I'm concerned.

    5. Not you, it's everyone else. Only some get called out. That's all.

    6. @Alabama, you have called out the people who banned Derek a few times. I'm not quite sure where you're getting at. I'm not defending Derek either, as I have disagreed with him quite a few times on things that he has said. He gets called out a lot more than some here. The only difference is, where some may get defensive, or just leave, Derek continues on with whatever he was saying.

      No offense, Derek. I have seen you get nasty on occasion.

  2. Ight and her back up singer ?

  3. haha ---but that might have been a song from last year---but who knows what calendar Enty uses these days

  4. Arianas Grande/azalea/problem(the song)
    *BF pro BB player

    1. Or hook up being azalea(now more famous) and big sean

    2. More likely Grande and the bball player, Grande likes em grande and has no problem cheating

  5. I am so out of the loop with pop music---the new Arcade Fire album hasn't left my stereo in months that and Roxy Music----but I must brush up on my Miami Sound Machine lol---or Gloria Esteffen Coming out of the Dark is a good power ballad ; )

    1. Oh em gee, Derek. Don't take this the wrong way, but when you got banned from the book club, THIS song came to mind. Now that you brought up the word Roxy, it's been cracking me up...

      PS: How the FUCK does one get formally banned from the Bookie Wookie Club?!?! Lol

    2. There's no ban, Boo....just play nice is all!

      I adore Roxy Music....

  6. @derek I am a lomg time fool for Roxy Music #swoon

  7. @PV---I know his voice is so sexy

  8. @Lady---lol! that's not GO THERE today----lets just say it was pretty easy ; )

    I would love to go to LA and see all those dive bars---I may be going in November---I wanna go to The Viper Room---is that place still open?

    1. Lol You got banned from the bookie wookie??! God, I love you more now. That is so fkn funny
      Hahahaha right on

    2. Speaking of BookieWookie club where's TTM? She's been a bit scarce since that fateful day. Same for Charlie. Too many hurt feelings I reckon?

    3. Been to the Viper Room before it was that, saw Chuck was ewwww......

    4. Yes, Sherry, im sure its too many hurt feelings. When you spill info on a GOSSIP BLOG, you open yourself up to alot of it coming back at ya, and not always in the nicest way. If people want to comment here they (occasionally) have to have thick skin.

    5. Rosie agreed or just learn when to STFU. Sometimes people take this way too seriously. Just walk away if it's causing you distress. Your friends don't need an excuse and your detractors don't give a shit. Real life is happening outside of this escape.

  9. @LadyH I respectfully ask that that situation not be brought up on here. I have stayed quiet despite many many posts by Derek bullying me via sexual harassment due to my gender, and will continue to do so as long as that subject continues to stay off CDaN. Do with my request what you will, this is all I will say on the subject.

  10. oh good grief........if you call wailing like a banshee quiet...lmao---don't worry hun I will continue to avoid you and your issues like the plague

    1. Grow up. This is the first time I have addressed you in any manner in weeks, despite my screenshots of every time YOU mocked me without cause or reason or response from me. Back off.

    2. Play nicely, children.

  11. Thicke and Thor's brother!

    Kidding, kidding

  12. I am not fighting with you today freak---take it somewhere else and lay off the adderal

  13. Oh now we've moved on to mocking mental health issues. Well, you have said some truly cruel, unwarranted and horrible things to and about people on here, but mocking a rape victim is far worse than anything you ever said to me. That I will acknowledge.

    1. How did he mock mental illness?

    2. "lay off the adderal"

      He mines posts for data about you to use in the future to mock you. I didn't mention taking adderall until my migraine last weekend, and of course now it's added to his list of insults. Implying that what I write in disagreement with him is the result of abusing medications I am prescribed to treat a known disability is crass and ignorant.

    3. You might be reaching a bit there...sometimes you see only what you want to see. Chill and ignore it.

      Fwiw....being different does not give you a pass to be douchey to others without repercussion.

    4. There IS a possibility that you may be too sensitive for this site. I mean no ill will to you, but have ya seen some of the other comments that arent involved w you?? It can get downright ridiculous. (U arent the only one) So you may want to reconsider clicking onto the 'comments' section- it wont get better- you'll just draw more attention to yourself and theyll pounce. This is just an idea.

    5. I agree with your last statement Alabama. Although I am not perfect, I also don't believe anyone has a pass to be as awful to people as Derek has consistently been. For the record I was never once douchey to Derek. He began bullying me on every post in the beginning of July over my gender, without any provocation from me. But believe what you will on what he has said alone, I really don't care. I made the mistake of letting myself be drawn into an ad-generating war of words but I won't continue to participate.

      Anyone who believes anything Derek says about me doesn't pay attention to the weeks of me not saying a single word back. Who's got issues again?

  14. I agree Derek. Having a different viewpoint, or disagreeing with someone does not equal bullying. People throw that word around far too easily these days.

  15. Sorry, Riven. I was just making a joke, I wasn't intending to open any old wounds or start shit. My bad.

    1. My dear ladyH, why do you apologize so much? Its ok to own your individual thoughts, comments, and position on an issue.. how people react is not (y)our business, no?

  16. @Surfer---thanks
    @Doctah----when did I mock a rape victim? get lost weirdo

  17. Can anyone explain arriana grande to me? She screeches, not sings. At least miley et al can sing, arriana sounds like a howling dog singing along to mariah.

    She's cute though, but the voice.

  18. I really don't understand the appeal of Ariana but I watch Big Brother and her brother that is on it is annoying as fuck so I just cant look past that---everytime I see her now I think of him

  19. Paul Mccartney and Stevie Wonder

  20. @Riven---it is crystal clear the issues you have no need to explain them

  21. @derek harvey
    I like your taste in music, Derek (no sarcasm).

    Is anyone else uncomfortable with Ariana Grande's Lolita-esque persona.
    It's not just the voice - the way she looks at the camera calls to mind a hypersexualized child.

    1. Yoj, THATS what it is. She bugs me for some reason.

    2. Yeah. Go-go boots, the stupid hair, and the eyelashes. It won't be long before the creepiness is palpable to all, and I think she'll be finished.

  22. @Alabama---no way! LadyH is the best and open to all opinions etc--and I wish you and everyone post more!
    @Yoj--I think its cause she ALWAYS as her mouth open in photos like a blow-up doll lol

  23. @LadyH---the vultures are out for us today---I am going for a jog lol be back later xo hopefully for the 230 blinds

  24. @Rose exactly lol----*storms out dramatically waving my freak flag*
    ; )

  25. Nothing wrong with being a freak. It's "normal" people who bother me.

  26. Lol, I guessed Wham!

  27. @Riven---anyone that reads the comments knows that you are a cry baby and sound like a freakin broken record! going on and on for no reason----your like the boy who cries wolf----stfu.

  28. I'm just going to stand up and say I think Riven is a pain in the ass.

    Hey Riven - I think you're a pain in the ass. Who gets sooooo butthurt a stranger on the internet disses them? Not well-adjusted people.

  29. Lol SO Kari! Totally forgot this was a blind.

    Guys make "that fateful day" clicky! Y'all keep talking about when all this shit went down (the most recent shit ;p) and I missed it...hmph.

  30. Probably is Icky Alazblah and that snotty Ariana Grande Latte brat.
    When for the love of Gawd are their fifteen gonna be up? I can't stand Grande Latte or her jackass narcissist brother on Big Brother. And as for Icky...I don't give a damn if a black man (TI) did supposedly "discover" her, she still is doing a minstrel act that I find disgusting. And I'm not even black.

  31. This is so Garfunkel and Oates. I'd hit either of them.

  32. I've ignored prior pleas for the CDAN link of "THAT" fateful day, but since I inadvertently drugged old drama up anyways, wth.

    This went down a month ago (Friday 7/18). Enjoy this epic shit show!

    Some of it spilled over onto HERE as well...

      hahahahaha thats awesome, I cannot believe that grown ass adults act like that hahahahahahaha

  33. FTR I was "banned" from the book club lol (I only posted there like 2 prior) because they were talking trash about the commenters here---RIVEN particularly about me and Tricia and I called them out on it---TTM apologised on the others behalf etc and explained that was not cool----but then when I attempted to post after the thread Lady H just posted I was just cut off because I didn't kiss TTMs ass enough and giggled at her being called out on having some internet affair-----but you sure as hell bet I creep occasionaly--Not as much as those pretentious fools think I do cause I do have a job and an actual social life etc

  34. Iggy/Ariana/Ariana's Bf

  35. Good Christ Lady H!! Thanks a lot - that's a chunk of my life I will never get back. Good to know I suppose, don't know how I missed that.

  36. oh and TTM went out of her way to email a certain reader whom I am friendly with on this blog to tell her not to communicate with me (we ONLY communicate here) or she would not be welcome to contribute at The Book Club---dumb cabbage patch doll looking excuse of a woman....that is it---bath time
    ****Down at the west Coast lalala***

  37. Setting these fascinating personal bitchfights aside for a moment (but *only* for a moment), what about the "I'm Up All Night to Get Lucky" duo or the "I Don't Care, I Love It" duo?

    I think one of them is called Daft Punk but I'm not sure which one.

    1. @Borebee: IconaPop don't care, they love it! Great guess!

  38. That was a crazy read! Thanks for the link. I lurk some but missed all that when it happened. It is all very odd.

  39. What will you do now that you are banned from the book club @ Derek? LOL

    @LadyH : thanks for the good reading material fuck I forgot all about that drama - it's been nice to come here and actually read celeb gossip as opposed to all the OT shit

    And why would anyone talk shit about @Tricia?

  40. Well damn! By the time I got to the end of this comment thread I completely forgot what the blind was about! I have nothing on the agenda today so it looks like I'll be checking those links Lady H posted :)

  41. Thank you, Lady H, but I have no idea if anyone in either duo has a celebrity boyfriend.

    Imma cross my fingers that it's not the Biebs for any of them.

  42. @Lady Heisenberg
    I remember that. I wasn't a regular poster here (and anyway, that particular discussion wasn't any of my business) but a devoted reader.
    It was uncomfortable to witness. All my favorite imaginary friends were falling out with one another!
    Apart from the TTM's book club, what was the other off-site locale that people kept referring to?

  43. @everyone...
    I was never part of the club, and I was aware there was a blowout night..but never pursued why or questioned it...I has no idea my name was even in the for that I say thank you @derek for the chivalry on my behalf...I know not what was said, and fear even opening link to read it. I will say,@theresa...I think my determination/obstinance though I prefer...passion lol to be correct was offputting, arrogance at times and I apologized for that and think people are aware o it...I also had a seemingly annoying cyber habit of deleting...which was more of an effect of more than one guess, a better guess etc...I ceased that as well more or Irish came out once or twice and have had very heated disputes with people that occurred because though I am quite non confrontational by nature, I fiercely defend myself and always will...and friends, which is why I feel badly about being remiss with people that have defended me.

    Having said all that, I've actually had non CDAN communici with people whom, I had have had some issues with..and they were all corrected, and made better by simple forthcoming ness and words..just words..kind words which is what we all need more of. I for one, wish to not be aggressive, but I shall never be passive hearts in the right place, and to anyone who who thinks poorly of me(or said as much)., well, this is your right.
    I'm choosing to be...a guesser, a laugher, a silly new mom who comes here for some escape but not to be lost.

    I'm really aspiring to lkeeping things light here, and apologize to anyone(if I haven't already) that feels I was...difficult. Cuz that really ain't me...Trust:)

    This I won't delete..promise....

  44. @Tricia S.
    "[K]ind words which is what we all need more of".
    Hear, hear! Well said, Tricia.

  45. I 100% agree Tricia---I am just as guilty as some for being negative but I usually don't start it and just spend the whole time being defensive---I will try and keep your post in mind xo

  46. oh and Tricia---you have NOTHING to apologise about ---it is not your problem if people are perceiving you wrong---that usually entails they feel threatened and jealous (which is STUPID--we aren't all meeting for brunch tomorrow!)--you are humble smart and very kind--

  47. Tricia, you and I have had words before but it was never an attempt to bully. Honestly, I was trying to see if you had some tea to spill about a certain pint-sized Latina. But yeah, at the end of the day, it is just gossip peeps. Real life sucks enough without internet drama. We all go through something sometimes, squash the beef and make bbq.

  48. @ know I appreciate's kind...perception is reality to a lot of people so I let it slide off my back like water on a ducks arse...but support always great.

    And@'s good're super articulate..never bullied...I don't use that word too much..we sparred's totally good..wish I saw you more here actually...:) thx BTW:)

  49. @ jessi back at ya!

  50. Btw I didn't address this longstanding issue to gain or give anything other than name was brought up so I just wanted to say my part...that's dinner and sleepy sleep

  51. You just keep being you, Tricia!
    I think you're a hoot.

    Yoj, I haven't had a chance to welcome you to the CDaN circus yet... Let's correct that oversight at once, shall we? I've been enjoying your posts. Carry on!

  52. well its you know who that started AGAIN on this thread for no reason---nothing had anything to do with her----I am personally just ignoring her for now on even during her next tantrum--I personally advise all to do the same and maybe she will seek help for her um flaws

  53. Thx @ yoj..glad you posting here!

  54. @Yoj: Thank you. Perfectly said. It still gives me the sads. I'm not seven FFS! And who gives a fuck anyways? The best part is that I still have no clue what other sites they are talking about, and it's probably best that way. CDaN is enough of a shit show.

    No one likes to see their imaginary BFFs fight :(
    It's been a good CHIN WAG, as always dear <3

    Yay I'm glad this post turned back around to peace, love and KUMBAYA! That's how it was intended, and Crass would have wanted it that way. #cantwealljustgetalong?!

  55. @ lowkey..always/ only the word hoot!
    Always read your comments btw:)and your guesses are clever:)

  56. on a good note---my great city of Toronto is having a Bon Jovi album burning event! about damn time...

  57. Roxy music is my all time fave and bryan ferry the standard to which I hold all men..alas...where are the Ferrys of my generation...but my man and I almost named our girl Avalon..(kinda wished I did)
    And I've seen him live several times and he keeps getting better....

    Ah " my only love"....
    Ps to all RM fans...just released this week on spotify is digital remixes of Love is the drug( with Parov Stellar) amongst other songs....check it out

  58. @BM---I have no desire even to lurk there anymore--Kat summed it up pretty nicely in the Charles Manson blind---still luv ya though xo

    @Tricia--I saw him tour solo doing old fashioned songs from the 20s and I saw Roxy Music as well!!!! I looove them---I love there slow disco jams of their latter late 70s but also love when Bryan Eno was in the band (first 3 albums). My fav song of theirs has to be Don't Stop the Dance though

    1. Fo shiz my just keep doing you, I'll keep posting sexy Hutchence pics 'n' gifs ;)

  59. oMG we are split at birth..
    I saw them when they rejoined to gig..saw him solo for (boys n girls tour)...u nailed it...70'sromantic lost today in the music world..:(

    My fave baby making song is windswept keep it in mind next time you take a bath...alone or with someone:))))

  60. ewhh lol but ok xo
    I am 30 and NO one my age digs Roxy Music not even "Hipsters" or whatever ---their loss!

  61. Their loss
    What's your email..I'll send link
    Ps..hipsters will be listening to them when Paps Blue Ribbon starts getting served in wine bar, awesome tapas places, and medi/Euro boîtes that play more than this(why oh why was it remade), dance away..and my Bryan's solo masterpiece..slave to love

  62. Post luvs michael..he beyond explanation

  63. I heard the INXS biopic is's on here on show aired in Oz sis saw it there while c
    Visiting with her hubby(he's from Perth)


    I may be back on later--if not talk soon everyone xo

  65. Me too...I'm getting the stink eye for eating and blogging:(

  66. Wow, after reading all that I do not miss being a forum admin/mod. The site itself was a lot of fun but the different cliques and rampant aliases from multiple members was a headache!! It was a good learning experience though and even though the site is no longer around I still to this day am friends with many of the members, most of who by now I have met IRL many times. It sucks that y'all had to go thru that. I can't think of a single person here that I've ever "had words" with. But I only started commenting earlier this year, and even that is sporadic. I enjoy pretty much everyone who comments regularly here.

  67. Hey derek, who were you forbidden to talk to?

  68. @Tricia the biopic was a bit shit I am very sorry to say...I taped it and got thru half of the first ep and had to stop :(

    @pip Derek hasn't been banned from talking to anyone

    Guys, let's leave all this business behind I am not sure why some people keep picking at this scab but Bookie Wook is just another site where people gather to talk about all sorts of crap but NEVER about other people (unless they are celebs, natch).
    We chat about cooking, our pets, snark TV shows/movies whilst watching them simultaneously , crap we are going thru in our lives...sometimes it's interesting sometimes it's boring JUST...LIKE...HERE.

    All are welcome only two rules: be nice to each other and no talking about people who are not celebs...simples!

    Now for my fave: Peace out Biatches!

  69. Thank you @ sherry....

  70. @ Becky Mae..disappoints to hear that..still hope I catch it sometime/somewhere!

    1. You might like it Tricia, it's pretty trashy but over here they marketed it as the opposite... If is gone in with a trashy head space I might have loved it!

    2. *if I'd * gone in... Lol

  71. @ lady..can I have a gif?( hope that's what they are called)

    1. Awwww but you're FABULOUS! :(

      Have I LEFT you out, TRICIABOO?
      I give you three! <3

      I am not allowed to apologize anymore, as per Rosie's request ;)
      But HERE are some bouncies for Riveter's concern!

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. Wow, lots of drama around here today. Nobody asked, but to me Riven comes across a lot like my SIL and I have a hard time with that. That is, someone who always manages to find a fight but it's ALWAYS somebody else who starts things, not her, she was just sitting there all innocent-like! Derek, if you can learn to smile, shake your head, type your response and then DELETE IT, you can avoid being the designated Bad Guy. :)

  74. @LowKey
    @Tricia S.
    Thank you for your kind welcome.

  75. @derek Harvey
    For what it's worth, I'm a 31-year-old 'Roxy Music' fan.
    But I'm also a librarian, so make of that what you will.

    1. Yoj, you're also a librarian? I think I love you (in a purely platonic manner)

  76. Late to the show, and I'm not a regular commenter, but I am a long time reader...I just have to say I am glad TTM is gone...she is one of the reasons I stopped commenting and visiting the site.
    Also Riven is annoying, and deleting incorrect guesses is annoying.

  77. @Bee Haven
    Thank you.
    I have to admit, that's not the usual reaction I get.

  78. @May Welland Archer
    Please accept my compliments on your choice of name, Mrs. Archer.

  79. @Dev--Riven has been around for awhile, way before the blow out.

  80. +1 Audrey...there are MANY people with alts on here but Riven and TTM are not among them...

  81. Well I just lurk mostly maybe commented 3 times before, so I don't have anything at stake nor do I know anyone involved in this drama even as cyber-characters. What I am good at is pattern recognition. I did see the drama posts Lady H linked to. I can say I noticed riven standing up for what she (sorry if I got gender wrong) perceived as bullying. Perhaps riven has issues but Derek if you're at all a kind person that wants to contribute some good to this messed up world we live in, that in itself is enough to lay off. What you said about laying off adderall is not cool for example. You don't know others' medical history and should not judge like that. Its not just about riven either, there are many many more readers than commenters. Just in this post alone you called someone else weird or cabbage patch looking. Again uncalled for. Why say negative things about appearance at all when we know so many people have issues with body image. So that's what I will say, I am a stranger and you don't have to take my advice but your friend Tricia said some similar things above. It wouldn't hurt you to put a break on the insults. I did notice you do mention peoples personal attributes when you're mad or irritated in a lot of posts, and that's just not kind, whether it's their mental illness, gender identity, or how they look. And all those people saying to riven to toughen up and not expect anything different from comments on the web from strangers but it's not just about riven. There are many readers who may be sensitive, lonely, or disabled so they spend time online and for them this kind of attitude is disruptive. I'm just saying why not let it go even if you're convinced you're right. I am older and have been through so much that your comments don't bother me personally even though sometimes the attribute you're making fun of or pointing out in an unkind manner applies to me - I don't care but I can envision younger people or weaker people going through a rough time at the moment may be affected negatively. I hope you guys can think about that too, it's not just about riven overreacting (I don't know that she is, I don't follow the convo every day, but just long enough to notice some patterns about the talkative commenters - so Derek, I hope you think about this a little at least, though of course you can ignore the 2 cents of some stranger. I just wanted to suggest being kinder as I have been through a lot in my life and I came to the conclusion that if we can make the world a bit less hostile by holding back at times, at least not make it worse, why not.

  82. Anonymous2:37 PM


  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. @Kittyhawk High Fucking 5! I am one of those disabled, pretty lonely and depressed people that spend a lot of time online. And I'm not that old (at least I've been told 38 isn't old). I've got one good hand and it's not my natural side, half of my brain fried itself and to top off the stuff the stroke caused me those troubles, I need both my knees replaced (but no way I can afford that even with insurance). I never really complain when people say stuff to or about me because I too start my share of shit. But I want to go on record and say that I never say any of the "mean" stuff I say with a straight face. I'm never really serious (except when it comes to blinds about kids or the things I do for them like the 4th of July, Easter, dressing as Super Heroes and going to the hospital to visit them (I have to load up on pain meds to do it, but it's worth it. I stop for a few days before so I have a few extra to take those mornings), those type of things, then I'm dead serious), you know the old saying "If you're not laughing you'd be crying"? That's me in a nutshell.

    We ALL need to chill and quit taking shit so fucking seriously. It's a damn gossip site. We're supposed to be making fun of NBC for giving Jimmy Fallon a talk show or wondering how the hell movies like "Let's Be Cops" get's made, not bitching and talking shit about other people on the site.

    (Deleted previous comment because I left off the words "those troubles" which made the sentence read "...the stroke that caused me." Completely different without those two words lol

  85. +++1 fucking million @Rowdy and are two articulate mofos :)

  86. Way belated--but am directing a psychic "YES!" to Kittyhawk. Logorrhea follows... x[

    Re, the "Book Club Affair"

    If a commenter finds the atmosphere welcoming enough to share some personal stuff, it's refreshing to see the supportive remarks that often result. What is NOT refreshing is to see such bright people form cliques like 11-yr-olds, sneer at one another, take sides when someone throws a hissy fit, & even push buttons to revive a flagging cyberdrama.

    It's embarrassing when adults direct mean ad hominem/feminam remarks at one another (even if your mom didn't save your 5th-grade Diary... Tho I still suspect forgery, re-reading it was educational ;). Personal insults, cross-commenting about 3rd parties, etc, all pollute the communal well.

    See, most of us humans DO tend to be "thin-skinned" when insulted by name. Some fly off the handle right away; others try to be Mature, & suppress irritation or hurt... And a few days/a week later, odds are some trigger (calculated or thoughtless) will reheat the injured parties' anger.

    If the issue wasn't resolved, it is hard not to blow off some steam in passive-aggressive comments. The exchange of insults & rebukes resurfaces; someone provides exposition; & then, we're visited by that worst of all evils in the realm of entertainment: a f*cking sequel.

    After reading thru in hope of a resolution, only to see the combatants exit in a huff--& a dissatisfying epilogue by a chorus of remaining commenters, who critique the fight & fighters--it's time for a CDAN Holiday. Within a week, tho, the imbecilic, illiterate, & revoltingly offensive comments on other sites drive me back here--to the shameless gossip-nerds, closet Lit grads, on-set/behind scenes folk, genial perverts (TGI--FFF! ;), Fierce Grammar Crusaders, & fellow nutters on CDAN.

    Maybe, next time a string threatens to revive the latest mud-wrestling match, I'll imitate the wiser commenters by shutting the !@{$#% window & moving on. ;-]
