Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Blind Item #4

This married almost A list reality star from multiple reality shows won't do any filming in public for her show because she is trying to keep it a secret (failing miserably) and doesn't want people to think she even likes her husband which is what people would think if they were out in the street being filmed together.


  1. keep what a secret?

  2. Sheesh how about some punctuation?

    Didn't Kendra and Hank just have a picture on Kneepads? Seems like I saw one somewhere where they were the picture of happiness in spite of impending divorce.

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  5. Just to be a bit different Kourtney Kardashian.

  6. Yeah it really sounds like Kendra, but I would have expected it to say FORMER A-list reality star.

  7. Krap and Gayfish.

  8. Huh? What?
    She's keeping a secret about what? That she works on a show? That she is married? Huh?
    Smdh until it falls off and lands in Kansas. comprende.

  9. The previews for the show have already run on we network. Jig is up girl

  10. I'm going for Stodden on this one.

  11. @cleocat. Good guess I think, but Thankfully Enty doesn't consider Stodden A+ list.
    (Hope he never will)

  12. So someone was saying earlier that Kendra and Hank having all this drama is really a bullshit story just for ratings. Is Enty saying that Kendra doesn't want anyone to see that she and Hank really aren't fighting? I swear the way shit is worded around here boggles the mind.

  13. It's Kendra. Saw an article last night about how she and Hank had to be all smiles for some event they were contractually obligated to appear at, for an episode of their show. I don't understand what kind of reality show would require a couple that's already publicly on the outs to play the happy couple or at least appear together when they don't want to. I know reality TV is fake anyway, but when the whole world knows you're faking (one way or the other), it seems ridiculous. Then again who knows what's real?

  14. I'm sure Kendra is getting all the money from the show as part of his participation on a show he has no desire to be on. She's got a pre-nup that I bet is good, I bet the kids end up living with Hank most of the time. Bizarre family.
