Monday, August 11, 2014

Blind Item #4

This A list mostly movie comic actor who is right on the verge of A+ list had a mild heart attack two weeks ago. The only thing that did was cause him to give up coke for a couple of days to let his body recover. I would give it no longer than a year at his current pace before he dies.


  1. Holy shit!!!! Dude better get shit together.

  2. Hart. He can't sit quiet for more than a couple minutes

  3. I hope it's not Hart. Enty would mention that he was a comedian, right?

  4. Verge of A+ list, comic actor? Sudeikis?

  5. Not diggin' the death prediction so early in the morning.

    That said, it better not be Jim Carrey.

  6. I say Sudeikis because he bugs the shit out of me. I've said this here before, but I saw an interview of him in the KC Royals dugout during a game this season, and he looked like a cokehead deluxe.Twitching like a son of a bitch.

  7. No way this is Chris Pratt - if anything he's a stoner

    I agree with the Kevin Hart guess, he always looks cracked out of his mind

  8. nah jonah will be academy award nominee

  9. Sudekis has lost a lot of weight over the last year or two. Maybe he wants leading men dramatic roles rather than comic roles.

    Jim Carry was A+ but no longer.

  10. I hope it aint Kevin. He's openly talked about his father's drug addiction and how it affected his family.

  11. I keep hearing Jonah Hill is a jackass so maybe it is the drugs fueling this behavior. Also he is overweight and has gone through lots of gains and losses of weight so I could imagine heart troubles for him. Not Kevin Hart because he is already A+ as a stand up act and becoming A+ as a movie star

  12. Jonah Hill, Seth Rogan, Jason Segal - take your pick. Did any of them have a hit this summer that would push them to the verge of A+?

  13. Robin Williams died
