Friday, August 29, 2014

Blind Item #3

You know how when a woman asks a guy if she looks fat that the guy is supposed to say no? Well, this A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee with the very guarded private life asked that question of her boyfriend yesterday at lunch and he said yes. He also said her dress was not doing her any favors and then he went on for a good minute telling her all the ways she looked fat and had been gaining weight and then couldn't understand why the actress started crying. 


  1. Replies
    1. Good one Tricia. It sounded like the BF is gay. And we know Chastain has a beard, so this fits.

  2. Jessica Chastain

  3. Jessica sounds pretty logical.

  4. Don't ask if you can't handle the answer.

    1. Exactly, Erin B. The guy is at fault for going on and on about it when a simple "yes" would have done. But don't ask any question if you don't really want to know the answer.

  5. Jessica's dating a European fashion designer, it makes sense

  6. Assuming that you want an honest answer, never ask that question after you leave the house wearing the outfit!

    1. Karen: my hubby is deadset honest. To a fault (he's got integrity and lacks tact). He would tell me if I asked. But as you say, I'd ask BEFORE leaving the house!

  7. My first thought was Charlize and that charming master of tact Sean Penn, but I don't think she's done any tv and Enty would've mentioned that the boyfriend was an A-lister too. Plus, I would hope that by now she would be smart enough not to open the door for any potential criticism from him.

  8. OMG...Chastain was the first name that popped into my head too. She does look like she's put on a few in pictures, but in real life, she probably looks normal.

  9. jessica has looked fuller in hips and stomach but still cute

  10. The actress from Mike & Molly, Bridesmaids, etc. She's put on a couple lbs. since hitting the big leagues.

  11. Sadly I noticed that JC has gotten more womanly. Sigh. We can't ever be the size our bodies want to be can we? Must diet and exercise to that size 2.

  12. Just to be different I'll say Anna Kendrick. A friend was talking to me last night and said they saw her at lunch yesterday with her boyfriend. Last night she tweeted

    "Sometimes when I say I'm busy it's more that I'm trying to make sense of the chaos and disarray of my day to day life. Also, Bones is on."

    So, since my friend saw her at lunch yesterday and she sent a tweet about chaos and disarray in her day to day life I'd say she's a decent choice. Although the blind does say A list and MOSTLY movie, and I don't know of any TV she's done. I'd say the same of Jessica Chastain. The only TV I know she did was like 12 years ago when she was on an episode of Veronica Mars. Anna Kendrick did do Broadway in her younger days, so maybe she fits.

  13. I've never asked that question. I have eyes, and I can see if I look fat or not. If I think that I look fat, I probably wouldn't beleive someone if they said I didn't. Plus, why put someone one the spot?

    1. Sincerely, when I worked in retail, it amazed me, how with all those mirrors, these society doyens would buy things 1-2 sizes too small. It was like trying to stuff sausage mince back into the casing after it split.

    2. @BeeH. Lol. I experienced the same thing! And them they'd return it with all the seams split out and exchange for the same thing /same size!!! I'd suggest a different size (as kindly as I could) and they'd get pissssssed!
      Luckily there's some women that are straight forward and not dilusional.

    3. SYF: I had one line of BS I'd feed to them before they popped the seams on another collette dinnegan dress "this designer's clothing always run a size or 2 too small. It fed their egos and saved some pricey garments.

  14. This subject makes me crazy.

    10 years ago, I lost a LOT of weight when my dormant pure-O OCD came raging out. I was depressed and hardly ate anything for two months.

    Guys in my neighborhood made comments about how hot I looked. But...when I started Paxil and the OCD went into (hopefully permanent) dormancy, I gained all the weight back and then some.

    So what did these guys say? Oh, is she pregnant again?

    I didn't bother, but I should have told them to fuck off.

    Now, my weight is still up there, but I don't overeat and get decent exercise.

    TL:dr, but I had to get it out. I'm no bobblehead and proud of it.

  15. Susan Sarandon, just to be different.

  16. I thought Chastain was in the closet (according to previous blinds most popular aanswers*) ?

  17. Jessica Chastain did look a bit heavier in the recent DM photos, still beautiful though. The boyfriend's Italian and Italian men are not the most tactful creatures I've ever dated.

  18. @Lioness, just keep eating well and living are doing just fine!

  19. Well Chastain had been looking way too thin IMO so if she has put on a bit of weight good for her.
    Yes Jewelle if you think this is a beard arrangement then he is probably gay and would explain his lack of tact beyond being a male designer of I assume female clothes.

    You know what men should say, Why are you asking me that dearest? And then let her go on oh I feel like a pig today so bloated blah blah blah and then give you time to think up an answer that will get you sex shortly.

    If not a bearding arrangement, time to push the eject button Jesssica and shout NEXT!

  20. Why would any guy fall for this trap? Why would a woman even ask the question when they know we are supposed to only say no even if we don't mean it? People know what they look like. I agree that Jessica Chastain has put on weight recently so I think that is the right answer

  21. @lioness.
    Glad ur not depressed any more.
    Thanks for sharing.
    I think most of us women can identify with ur feelings.

  22. Seven of Eleven, but I was crazy for saying women prefer to live in a fantasy world, right? Let us know when you're ready to hear the truth about you all.

  23. Hey, dont ask. And if asked, dont be an asshole.

  24. I know Chastain fits, but it's not like she's ballooned. If not for this blind, I wouldn't have noticed it. She looks great.

  25. @Jordan
    I've often observed that a woman asking this question of her partner is actually seeking reassurance that he still finds her attractive. So, don't give her a yes/no answer, take her in your arms and tell her you think she's sexy.

    1. Absolute balls Yoj. When I ask Mr V if I look fat in something I want to know if I look fat. If he said I looked sexy I would assume he was avoiding the issue and was trying not to actually say I looked fat (disclaimer: I am a uk size 10 and not fat so this is a hypothetical situation).

    2. Yoj: when I ask, it's legit. I've got body dysmorphia. So whether I'm 58 kg or 42. I still see fat. Luckily I have a ridiculously honest hubby who is always truthful.
      I loathe people who do the "do I look fat?" Seeking out compliments as a pug does truffles.

    3. *pig.
      I have no idea if pugs are used in France for sniffling out fungus

    4. OMG. I was trying to think if Pugs really like truffles.

  26. Don't tell Karl lagerfeld.. remember the blind about him making a dress that was 2 sizes too small on purpose. .and she starved for weeks until she passed out.

  27. @Violet
    I stand corrected, Violet. Thanks.

  28. Chastain. The Count looks like he's penniless but titled and has a small penis.

  29. @Bee Haven
    Thank you for you candour, Bee, that's enlightening.
    It would never occur to me to ask a straight man whether I looked good (it's not that I'm brimming over with confidence, just that their taste tends to be predictable), so I tried to put myself in the place of women who do. Clearly, I was presumptuous in assuming that they're all coming from a place of insecurity.
    I'm receiving an education at CDaN!

  30. I'm with him. Don't ask the fucking question, beotch.
