Sunday, August 17, 2014

Blind Item #3

This A list talk show host thinks she is well above her husband at this point in her career and would love to leave him for someone she considers her equal. Her big problem is that he has so much dirt on her from their exploits to get her ahead back in the day that she won't ever get out of the marriage without writing a massive check.


  1. Kelly and Mark seem really close... I realize appearances can be deceiving but i have a hard time believing this is them.

  2. Wendy better guess..Kellie and Mark seem very...much equals/partners..and Wendy was a baadaaas back in the day

  3. Wendy's hubby isn't famous though, he's her manager. I think Ripa & Consuelos fits better

  4. Anonymous8:34 AM

    "Without writing a massive check or hiring a hitman".

    Show him u mean business BOO.

  5. @ D
    Sorry for late response to your invite to come play in the Vanessa W tribute band...sadly..I can't sing and am instrument challenged.,though I'm pretty mean on the harmonica and bongos...
    Can we make it a Neil young..or Miami sound machine tribute band? I'm in

  6. All good guesses----I love Wendy and watching her on tv but she is a REAL bitch and would not want to be friends let alone married to her!

    OT --Lady H---I cant believe some people were digging Lena Dunhams new hair! It is SO ugly! No disrespect to the people that like it but even Charlize would look stupid with a platinum blonde mushroom cut! Lena looks best with shoulder length dark hair like she had in 2nd season of Girls

    1. I agree about Lena. She pulled it back a bit for the ice bucket challenge on instagram, and it looked a tiny bit better. Overall, a mess.

    2. Did anyone see baby beiber warm pot of water that he poured over his head to tty to pass off as a ice cold bucket? ? He is really such a pussy I don't get his appeal at all. Orlando should do the I.b. challenge 4 real and show him how a man does it..

  7. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Kathie Lee is a good guess. Wendy was already on the radio when she.met Kevin. She.was established.

  8. @Tricia---hahaha NP---how about a combination Neil Young and Miami Sound Machine tribute? I am sure Neil would loooove that---you can play tambourine girl~

    1. I do play tambourine(doesn't everyone??)

  9. I thought I heard that Frank Gifford is having health problems and/or early stages of dementia. Kathy Lee would be a fool to dump him now.

  10. If this is Kelly, she is crazy. Mark is breathtaking.

  11. Wendy Williams or Kelly Ripa.

  12. I read this as a husband who had dirt on wife because she was...scandalous etc. kelly &mark were peers who came up together and started having kids and..just don't see it(though I know she has a wild fun streak...she's just a good hardworking mom)
    Kathie Lee isn't likely...the dirt would be on him, the biggest thing she guilty of is throughout her career is having flatulence of the mouth; and signing really sappy songs

    @derk nailed it...I think he's her manager(hubby)

  13. Wendy all the way. She has revealed some dirt in her autobiography, but I think there's more. Kevin is in no way her equal.

  14. How about that bobble head Gulianna Ransic

  15. This is def Wendy. She can never get rid of Big Kev with all the fuckeries they've likely engaged in over the years. I can see her wanting to leave his brutish ass.

  16. OT I stand by my comment about liking Lena's hair. Put some hair gel in it or clips and it doesn't have to look like a mushroom cut. It has potential for fun. At least she went balls out and did it, unlike all those half assed, so called Bob haircuts with the combover bangs. If you're gonna do it, then freakin do it.

    That is all.

  17. Derek: Those people that like Lena's hair are called hipsters ;)
    Ugh it's painful. Phil Specter hair!

    1. Okay wait a minute LadyH, I didn't think her hair was all that heinous and confessed so. How DARE you call ME a hipster. (Unless you're actually making fun of my hips in which case carry on.) :)💜

    2. @sherry: Your hips do NOT lie!!!!

  18. Not Kelly and Mark. She has been "beyond" him since she got the show but has never shown any sign of being better. They obviously love each other and the kids. I would be shocked if she left him. And what dirt could there be on her? They've been married since she was barely out of her teens.

  19. Because I don't agree with your take on a haircut - that makes me a hipster? And me without my Clark Kent glasses.

    1. Me too. At the age of 54 I'm finally cool. Skinny jeans are not gonna be pretty chirrens.

  20. Dont think its kelly and mark, they are a tight couple. Wendy williams fits best. And kathie lee and frank?!! R u kidding? I think frank halfway to lala land, dont see him writing any book. Notice u never see him anywhere, no public appearances.

  21. Dang hipsters. I had a mushroom cut in kindergarten. Still haven't forgiven my mum for that one.

  22. I like Lena's platinum hair. It's an improvement over that greasy, mousy shit she usually has. Or maybe I like the platinum because it looked like it'd been washed in the last month. Shrug.

  23. Sadly LadyH I've got a serious case of old lady ass these days. Oh if only I were as curvy as Shakira but thanks for the vote of confidence. Hahahaha...

  24. I'm also on board with the Rachel Ray guess

  25. Rachel Ray's got beaucoup dirt on her husband and he's got a ton on her. Drugs, sex, kinks, it could be them.

    I like the Wendy Williams guess, those two pulled a lot of shit along the way and it would cost her a fortune to dump him now.

    I also really like the Kelly and Mark guess. They came up together but she blew past him a long time ago. Also, they both cheat, have for years, he started it (with men as well as women but mostly men).

    Kelly wants to hang with Anderson and the Seinfelds. If Consuelos ever outed her long-standing coke habit and bed-hopping ways in a divorce it would cost her more than money. She'd be toast with the morning tv moms.

    1. Hsk. Has all the dirt on how ww. Stepped over and blasted everyone to get to the top.
      Lady h is the authority on all things HSK.
      Batsignal boo

  26. No way it's Kelly and Mark, for the simple reason that she was already a star by the time he came along on AMC. Her Hayley has ALWAYS been huge, and Mark never really did anything to help with her career. If anything she's always helped his, but neither of them seem to mind. Like others have said, they're partners.

  27. Wendy? Isn't her husband her manager now?

  28. Didn't know Wendy met Kevin after she was on the radio.

    Rachael Ray is a very good guess but I'd think what they have on each other would cancel any rash action by either.

    Wendy is huge now (how YOU doin'?") and she talks about her husband every chance she gets on her show. Still like her for this though.

  29. Sounds like Rachael Ray. She's worth a fortune. Just write the man a check and be done with it.

  30. Wendy, write the check. You deserve so much better girl.

  31. @lady H it doesnt say the husband's famous, just that she's above him at this point in her career. i think that fits wendy and her husband, esp bc as her manager, he'd be privy to her dirty dealings to get ahead on her career.

  32. Exactly headrot. Any dirt that Mark would have on Kelly would have substantial blow back on his own career and future work.

    This is totally Wendy.
