Sunday, August 03, 2014

Blind Item #2

This almost A list mostly television actor who seems to get work on good network shows was under the impression of his celebrity wife they were trying to work things out in their marriage. Our actor is on a well behaved streak not seen ever by him and he really wants the marriage to work. His celebrity wife though has been seeing someone on the side and the husband has no idea that he is fighting a losing battle at this point.


  1. Eric Dane/ Gayheart

  2. I'd say Rob Lowe, but his wife isn't a celeb. So never mind.

    1. That was a really bad guess. Scratch that entirely.

  3. Josh and Fergie. That's okay, I'll comfort him!

    1. Josh is nowhere near A list...Maybe back in his 'Las Vegas' tv days but he's really been MIA on tv since.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Matthew fox doesn't have celebrity wife

  6. No, but I just tried deleting it...conflicting edits.

  7. Oh I'd be happy if it was Alec. Hillaria doesn't have enough clout to remain a celebrity if not with Alec. Don't think it's them.

  8. Eddie and leann? ( it!s just for joke)

  9. I like the josh/fergie guess but is josh A list?

  10. SJP and ferris buller?

  11. But Duhamel has been making only films(bad ones) since Vegas..which ended like 7 years is he mostly TV?

  12. @simon. Alec is who sprang to my mind too. Tho, I hate to think he'd fight for this marriage, unless it's to hang on to his monay.

    Josh, I like, but was he ever acting poorly?

    Dane, good too, but is he A list? IDK if he is or isn't. But I think there's rumors of her cheating. "I think".

    1. If Alec is going to fight for his marriage, I think his motivation to do so would be to save his ego the bruising from being the one left behind. However, I doubt this blind is about them.

  13. I said Dane cuz he has back to back network hits inGreys Antomy and The Practice...

    It doesn't say actor currently on network, and Danes doing that series which has high he always does well on TV

  14. Speaking of Eric Dane though... I have long thought that he's the Perfect Man Physically. Of course, I don't have knowledge of the WHOLE package :) but his wonderful voice, hair, height, physique... Yummy! I think he's a decent actor too. He's another of those peformers that mystifies me, in that he never became a big star despite having every advantage. I guess it all always comes down to timing, luck, and support from influential people.

  15. @eastcoaster..and I think he has demons.....which always rear their head and can derail careers as we've seen so many times:(

  16. His case was drugs/alcohol..we don't know what opportunities he blew cuz he was using that day, or night before...etc..

  17. @ Tricia - So true. But think of all of the actors/actresses who've had similar ongoing issues and still get all kinds of chances. Lindsay Lohan has gotten a lead role in the London equivalent of a Broadway play! It's a crazy, crazy world for sure.

    1. And Charlie Sheen. How could I have forgotten to mention him? Even after his wildly unprofessional & disgusting behavior that got him fired from CBS, not only was he INVITED to present an award at the following Emmy Awards, but was somehow offered a new series to star in! It's incomprehensible, isn't it? When I saw him take the stage at the Emmys, I thought, well here is indisputable proof that there's no longer a price to be paid for horrible behavior. Anyway...

  18. Totally agree @eastcoaster..that's why I got out of that a biz a loooong time ago:)

  19. Alec is 55 or so with a hot wife half his age. He aint going there again. He will suck it up and keep her no matter what.

  20. Tricia you were a Yacht Girl??? :))

  21. I can remember doomsayers during the 1960s warning that if the then-societal norms were extended too far too quickly, the danger was we'd end up stuck in a society in which, literally, "anything goes." They were right, too.

    1. Yes. It was very predictable, wasn't it? And the explosion of technology greatly expedited things. The internet & vast amount of TV channels...

    2. Sooo in agreement with your comments, EastCoaster!

  22. @EastCoaster

    U think Charlie has some major dirt on someone or some folks. It's the only explanation why he continuously gets a pass for his behavior.

    1. Maybe that's it! And it would have to be a mountain's worth of dirt! I guess we'll just have to wait until Charlie's autobiography... Then again, he might meet with an Unfortunate Accident before then... *insert mix of frowny & smiley faces*

  23. Eric Dane and Noxema McVehicular Manslaughter

  24. horses ass lol!!!
    No was in tthtr/film
    But yes I was on yachts..actually cleaned them(including ivana trumps in south of France..just to be able to live there)
    And partied...but strictly legitly:)

  25. It's a Brave New World!

  26. Eric Dane's currently on "THE LAST SHIP" which I thought got good reviews..While he was filming "in The Heart Of The Sea" HE was calling Rebecca all the time(like HE was worried about where SHE was,not other way around-we started giggling about the contradiction-like 'who knew?)we thought it was other way Nantucket thing
