Monday, August 18, 2014

Blind Item #2

This B- list mostly movie actress just turned 18. When she was a child actress her parents didn't let her appear in anything even remotely sexy and approved every project in which she appeared. As a result her career never really went anywhere. As soon as she turned 18 the work came so fast and quickly that she doesn't even have enough time for all the roles she was offered because she is willing to do anything in her roles now and is fast becoming someone who will be approaching A list by the end of next year.


  1. I think Abigail Breslin is 18

  2. Hailee Steinfeld

  3. Abby turned 18 in April

  4. I was thinking Hailee. Not sure if she is 18 yet though. This girl has a huge career ahead of her though, she is fantastic!

  5. "Not Abigail .On the movie The Call with Halle Berry,she's only in bra during the 20 last min

    Hailee is going to be 18 at the end of year and she has 5 movies in postprod

  6. Just wanted to say. Good on the parents. I have no idea who this is but considering all the stories of parents all but whoring their teenage daughters out nice to hear of some that put other things making their kid a star.

  7. Is Hailee Steinfeld the one who plays a red-headed nanny on Jessie?

  8. Why exactly is this a blind?

  9. Wendy - no that's Debbie Ryan

  10. Chloe played a little sexy in the Dark Shadows film. Going with Abigail.

  11. Oh wait French Girl pointed out the bra scene. Hailee Steinfeld.

  12. I mean, so? Can she act or is she just slutting it up? Idk what were meant to take from this.

  13. @wwax it's so weird how Brooke Shields avoided this clique. Recently saw the uncut version of Blue Lagoon again, and DAMN, cant imagine the parents who bankrolled that craziness (though i love the movie and think it's gorgeous)...yet there Brooke is 40 years later, as boring as iced tea.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. thanks, @Vera :) I get all of these younger ones confused

  16. ok, guys, it says her career never went anywhere.

    hailee steinfield has been oscar nominated. thats kind of a big deal.

  17. Chloe is still only 17. Abigail Breslin doesn't have a lot of movies coming out.

    I think it's Hailee Steinfeld. She's 18 and has about 5 movies going on.

  18. HOT. Bring on the full frontal.

  19. I'm thinking Abby Breslin. Moretz and Steinfeld aren't 18. While Breslin appeared in a bra in The Call, it was NOT was horrifying, given the role.

    Her connection to Tyler Shields and such also suggests she has been up to not-so-innocent activities in the past.

    If you follow her twitter, she's also really she's likely more motivated to do whatever she needs to in order to 'prove herself'.

    She's a beautiful girl, and very talented, I just hope she chooses her roles well and avoids addiction.

  20. "If you follow her twitter, she's also really insecure...", yes, I noticed that too. I still don't think it's her, because the never appeared in "anything even remotely sexy" and especially the "her career never really went anywhere" part just don't seem to fit. I have no better guess, though.

  21. @Tricia did you not see Kick Ass? I'd say that pushed parental boundaries on quite a few levels.

  22. I think this blind may be about one of these ladies:
