Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Blind Item #2

This former A+ list mostly television actor who starred on two very long running network hits saw his daughter recently who looks amazing and has had issues with an eating disorder. Before he even hugged her he told her she needed to lose a few more pounds. His daughter started crying.


  1. Kelsey...such a mensch.

  2. Kelsey talking to Spencer. Asshat!

  3. was gonna guess baldwin but grammer works.

  4. Whoever this is, what an asshole!

  5. Truly what a jerk. All she wants is daddy's love and he wants her thinner.

  6. what a great Dad :(

    he's a real gem

  7. Definitley Kelsey.

  8. Those are the parents that need to be shot.

    I had a friend who was on steroids for an autoimmune disease so she was bloated by the steroids, she was in fact hardly eating the steroids make her feel ill[I believe anorexia brought it on in the first place] because her weight on steroids was her ideal weight. Her father who knew clearly his daughter was on steroids and not well, he was with her at the hospital when she almost died before it was diagnosed, kept bugging her when she was going to start working out again and lose some weight. No wonder she was anorexic.

  9. How cruel, selfish and thoughtless. My love goes out to her. Hugs too. Oh, and your fathers a jerk, dont listen ti him.
    People really really REALLY shld think before they say anything. When my teenage daughter was in the throes of anorexia, u cant believe how many people said ahe looked great. I wanted to choke them. ( its many years later and shes fine now)

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. He may have said something like, "Wow, you look great, just a few more pounds!" Dads can be thoughtless asshats like that sometimes.

    Then again, I can't imagine my dad intentionally being a jerk to me, but I can't say the same about Kelsey Grammer.

  12. @Aeol.....

    You're using the word 'mensch' wrong, unless you really think Kelsey Grammer is an awesome human being.

    1. Thank you, @majik. That was bothering me. A mensch is a good guy, not an asshole

    2. He was probably being sarcastic.

  13. Wow.
    Whoever this is is crud. And makes me actually glad I've never known my father, if that's typical "fatherly" behavior.

  14. I took aeol's mensch comment to be sarcasm.

  15. @Meanie....bah! I've clearly been off the internet too long, my sarcasm filters are definitely could have been sarcasm, I missed that...

    Off to reddit to retrain....

  16. Charlie sheen just to be different

  17. Someone needs to roofie 'ol Frasier, do a little vasectomy and keep that dick from ever reproducing again. He's gonna be like Charlie Chaplin. He's gonna marry some little chicks that's 36 years younger than him and she's gonna pop out 8 more of his kids that he will then proceed to insult, ignore or abandon.

    I mean no disrespect to Charlie Chaplin, just using his ability to procreate so late in life as an example.

  18. CHICKIE not chicks (fucking auto correct).

  19. I was gonna say Hoff. My advice to her: tune him out, keep quiet, and hang in there till the disposition of assets.

  20. I assumed the "Mensch" comment was made ironically.

  21. Parents sure are assholes sometimes.

  22. Has to be, father of the year, Alec Baldwin.
