Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Blind Item #2

This former A list celebrity has probably dropped to B as her act and look has waned in popularity over the past few years, but her prices have not dropped. One very rich suitor dropped six figures to have her perform for him in public and then in private with his wife while he watched.


  1. Dita? No, she's hotter than ever.

    1. I meant physically hotter but maybe her martini glass act is getting old?

    2. she performed for the drigosino jewellry billionaires birthday this weekend.

  2. It's Paris in saint tropes..she earned 6 figures to DJ@ ViP nightclub

  3. Nicole Scherzinger

  4. Nicole Scherzinger

  5. Paris is mking $400,000/hr DJing for some asshole.

  6. Zelda's guess is very good.

  7. Who wants to see a wonk eyed big bird with a publicly confirmed case of herpes on their wife????? I guess there's always one.

    1. Well, now that you put it that way...

      lolol Too funny @silly girl

  8. Paris is a prostitute, then, is what we're saying?
    Sure, we all have a price, but ... Girl is doing pretty well. I don't buy this.

  9. Oh my goodness - hasn't Paris BEEN a prostitute for some time? I don't think this is breaking news. Super grody, gag me with a spoon nasty news, yes, but not anything new.

  10. I like Toppers guess. Dita fits.

  11. Me, too, @Topper....although she's still gorgeous

  12. Gotta go with Dita, I think Enty would describe Pam as a former actress, not celebrity.

  13. I too think @ Topper has excelkent guess with Dita.
    Yesterday on DM pics of her as she performed at some fat cat's Red n White Party.

  14. Carmen Electra to be different.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Paris has a personal 9 figure net worth (yeah, above $100 million)
    not counting whatever money she stands to inherit. Def not her.


  17. Pammy is in the DM today too

  18. Paris is actually gonna perform in my country (the Netherlands) in a couple of weeks. Thank godd not in my town, I would have moved -.-

  19. Aint no 6figure piece of ass on the planet. Not for 1 night anyway.

    1. Count - Agree but if you have billions$$ then it get's you some interesting, exclusive ass for a drop in your bucket.

  20. I guess he is an Andrew Blake fan.

  21. Why would Paris ever have to prostitute herself out? For fun? And why didn't Pam or Carmen save more money?

  22. Paris was cut off from her family"estate/wealth" due to an actual good decision on her parents part..evervsince those awful movies she made post Simple Life and the fashion empire she attempted to form, I remember her explaining in interviews that despite what the public thought..she works hard for her money and was self sufficient...that she was financially independent. Now do I believe that100%??? F to the no, but I do think she tries to be and family thee in emergency..like lol Wayne and that deal with the devil sex sesh she had(image nauseates me)she does what's needed to do next....this is no different.
    It was the gig in St. tropes...and it was a lot of $$$$

  23. Burlesque star Dita Von Teese performs risque show in man-sized Martini glass at Italy's The Billionaire Club

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2722029/Dita-Von-Teese-performs-risque-The-Billionaire-Club-Italy.html#ixzz3ADWAqqNf
    Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

    I stand corrected...looks like girl got her gig on..and "act"makes more sense

    Great call Topper

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. @count: You are probably rights it's never worth one night, but keep in mind that these one nighters frequently offer gifts that give forever. So it's actually a long term investment.

  26. nikki hilton just got engaged to a Rothschild banking heir so her gold-digging classes paid off

  27. paris' grandfather disinherited her whole family and left it all to charity b/c he was disgusted w/ them

  28. Anonymous6:31 PM

    I am so sick of Dita's martini in a glass routine. So old.

  29. @sugarbread..exactly what I alluded to with the Hilton's..Paris werks it for her money, and is a hooker of sorts, but I think this is more dita based on wording...Paris did just do a gig for a wealthy st. Tropes man,,,who knows..or should we even care..:(
    Nikki Hilton's Rothschild uses her for the party circuit..even though he's trading down, but bangs anyone else..she is evidently the lamest fuck ever..guess it's genetic...but ine night in Paris..last..foreeeevver
