Saturday, August 23, 2014

Blind Item #1

This former A list mostly movie actor who has his movie career back on track after some rough starts when his franchise ended is losing the battle with sobriety. On a transatlantic flight recently the actor had ten drinks and a bottle of wine and kept pawing at the flight attendants. The last hour of the flight he finally passed out, but had to be helped off the plane by an airline representative.


  1. Replies
    1. But he's fkreigbnt born

    2. I'm starting to think enty doesn't specify anymore lol

    3. Oh Harry Twatter

  2. Just to be different because it's probably Harry potter

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  4. RDJ is A+ list even in Enty's world

  5. It kinda reads like Zac Efron because he only had 1 credit in 2013 and has much more stuff lined up for 2014/15. Neighbors was an unexpected hit. But who knows. They all seem like him lately.

  6. why does the one commenter always comment with RDJ????

  7. oooh maaaan, I wish him well-he's a nice hard working guy

  8. btw,10 drinks & a bottle of wine is ALOT for a smaller built guy like Daniel- hell, its a lot for Vince Vaughn-the BI's a bummer whoever it is

  9. @Cubsfan---because back in he day someone who hinted he was RDJ would occasionally post her under the name hmmmm and say scandalous things ---

  10. I don't see this as Radcliffe. He's always working, and movie career was never "off track" - he just was on Broadway and has been careful with his choices

  11. @derek
    but didnt rdj denied the whole thing tho?

  12. @derek
    but didnt rdj denied the whole thing tho?

  13. @Cubsfan---I think his publicist did---IDK ---could have been him---stranger things have happened---but if it wasn't it was definetly somebody in the industry

  14. I'm also doubting this is DanRad, because, while he's certainly had issues with his sobriety, I've never seen or heard reports of him being "handsy," drunk or sober.

    From what I've heard, he gets obstreperous when drunk, not grabby.

  15. I never that hmmmm was RDJ. I always thought it was someone with a job lower down the totem pole that liked the attention they got here every time they commented.
    I still enjoyed their posts, but the posters went too far with the stroking.

    1. Oh God tell me about it Sarah. I kept saying, you know that's not RDJ guys. It was madness how the comments would blow up. Still they were entertaining and polite.

    2. The hmmmm love was/is quite obnoxious! He/she recently appeared, I think maybe with a Robin Williams post. I was afraid a circle jerk was about to happen. Thank goodness it went unnoticed for the most part. I appreciate their input just not the lust that comes with it.

  16. @derek
    why would someone wanna start rumors about them? but hasnt this entry proved to be kind of a liar?

  17. Robert Pattinson.

  18. @Sarah---or a lesser known actor who sees RDJ as an enemy

    @Cubs---well I choose to believe most of what goes on here--60%---if not I wouldn't waste my time here. A lot has been revealed here before it hits the newsstand
    such as Bruce Jenners sex change
    the death of Mick Jaggers gf-Mariah Careys divorce etc

  19. Radcliff is the pawing type? That's new.

  20. Sooner or later RDJ ia going to be the answer to a blind and FSP will have guessed correctly.

  21. Radcliffe has been steadily working to great acclaim especially on Broadway, not him.

  22. If y'all want to fall down the himmmm rabbit hole, start googling "himmmm CDaN" - there are blogs out there that were all about it - one called "Who is Himmmm?" If I'm remembering correctly. Spoiler alert:

    Fairly conclusively decided that Himmmm is really Talley Griffith (grandson of Andy Griffith - correct me if I'm wrong here, old timers). I personally have spent many hours in this rabbit hole

  23. Thanks for doing the footwork Fru. I never did hear who it was suspected to be. Just like someone trying to figure out Enty.

  24. Haha if you google Talley you'll find lots of discussions of hmmmm.

  25. Yeah, no prob Sherry. I was obsessed! Had to get a job to break my CDaN rabbit hole addiction! J/k. Had to get a job to stop my mom from calling me five times a day :-).

  26. Whats up with the deleted posts Tricia??????

  27. Cant be Radcliff cause hes gay

  28. Oh daniel, hope this isnt true. I wish you sobriety.
    A little off topic, but did u ever notice you can be very fond and loving towards, and others your just like die already. My friend is a nurse in hospital for addicts and detoxers. She said its just like anyone else, some are nice, some are just pain in the ass. Btw, im gonna own it, i kinda miss celebrity rehab. It gave a goid explanation of WHY addict acts as he does. There are some horrorific child abuse stories. Just awful.

  29. Not sure who but don't think Daniel. He's been busy since Harry Potter and making the talk show circuit.

  30. I saw an interview with Daniel recently. He regrets being so open about his teenage drinking, because its not a problem now. He sounds pretty well balanced. Also finds the gay rumours funny. Its in the Guardian if you want to read it.

  31. O Lawdy. Ok

    Mickey Rourke.

    I hate to even write that name.

  32. I wouldn't invoke the Talley. He gets majorly ticked and talks about lawsuits.

    That said: 1) a "bottle" of wine on airplane is maybe 3/4 of a real wineglass. 2) Did he go into the restroom for 2 minutes afterward and return fully refreshed? Inquiring minds want to know!

  33. Geez, I forgot about that, Seven. ALLEGEDLY. ALLEGEDLY it was TG. I have no way of knowing for certain. If it was TG, I have to give him props for the lovely memorial he wrote to honor Andy here on CDaN, the day after he passed away. But remember the disclaimer, people - this site, and indeed, my very posts, are works of fiction, merely meant to entertain, and never slander. Forever and into perpetuity and allegedly and all that legal jazz. Amen.

    1. Fruuuu!

      Interesting tidbit: "Hmmmm" was the first one to say that Diana Jenkins' book "Room 23" was basically a prostitution book.

      In the TV show Lost, Room 23 was where people were held captive and brainwashed.

  34. Toby Macguire- who never drank-im just going for unusual suspects..But Daniel Radcliffe DID have a bit of a slump w/Woman in Black period when he was depressed...just sayin'(I liked all Our Darlings btw)

  35. 7 & Frufra - who is Talley and Andy?.

  36. If Enty had stated that the actor was foreign-born, I'd vote for Robert Pattinson. The warm critical reception for 'The Rover' has gotten his career "back on track" and he's been sporting a sweaty coke look of late.

  37. Why did they keep serving him???

  38. Why did they keep serving him???

  39. Anonymous12:17 PM

    some call it "losing a battle with sobriety" some call it "embracing an old comfortable friend".

  40. Drunky McPattinson

  41. I'd say bloom but he's foreign born, and doesn't have as much work at the moment as Depp

  42. IMO, Radcliffe shouldn't be considered A-list until he stars in a few well-received movies where he isn't playing Harry Potter.

    here's a wacky one: Pierce Brosnan

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  45. Brosnan's more of a stoner than an alkie and very mellow, not a paw-er.

    I like the Pattinson guess. His career's just getting back on track but he's still a mess with a booze problem.

    Efron's a possibility but would he bother beard-pawing women on a plane? After his recent antics with Rodriguez, maybe he would.

  46. Pattinson, there are even pap pictures of him being helped by to men off the plane. He hangs with a hard drinking/druggie group.

  47. I don't think there was any hope for Pattinson's sobriety once he decided to base himself in Los Angeles, rather than London. What else is there to do in LA between jobs?

  48. liam neeson?? quit drinking for awhile.. publicly said he quit. career comeback w/ the taken franchise after the star wars crap and some other misses and his wife's death..

  49. It was Himmmm, not Hmmmmmm

  50. And also sometimes Herrrr
