Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Blind Item #1

This A+ list "singer" was seated all alone at a table eating with five bodyguards facing outward while the singer ate in silence. She didn't have a phone or anything to read. She just stared into the backs of her bodyguards with a vacant look in her eyes. She never spoke a word to any servers or any fans. No one approached her. Apparently she looked really sad. 


  1. Gaga?

    'singer' being 'stuntqueen'?

  2. I really want this to be Taylor Swift knowing her new song sucks hard but it's all about her telling the haters to fcuk off so it cant be that.

    1. I love Taylor's new song. And I'm not generally a fan of hers. I may need to buy the CD for the 13-year old and accidentally rip that song.

    2. @Gayeld- me too. I may accidently rip the whole cd if it's good. Now how to justify buying the cd when there are no girl children?

    3. Why not just download?

  3. Don't think it's Britney because she doesn't need 5 bodyguards.

  4. Yep it's Britney. Too much medication to prop her up and keep her making that money. I just want to give that girl a big hug.

  5. Taylor swift? Just because i like her

  6. Britney isn't allowed to dine in public.

    My first thought was Madonna or Babs.

  7. Britney isn't allowed to dine in public.

    My first thought was Madonna or Babs.

  8. Britney Spears.

  9. MimiMimi ready to go down the crazy train again.

  10. Def Brit. Madonna or Babs wouldn't have quotes around "singer".

  11. Brit goes out without bodyguards and has a boyfriend. Don't think it's her. More like Jlo.

  12. Just because we don't see the bodyguards in pictures doesn't mean they are not there. Poor Brit Brit.

  13. Couldn't be JLO?
    She's a fine "singer' too

  14. Britney not allowed to have a phone.

  15. Britney - "singer" because all her studio work is auto-tuned, and all her live performances are lip synched. And no other A+ list performer I can think of is anywhere near as medicated into submission and watched to the extent she is. This makes me sad because I'm starting to doubt she'll ever be well enough to live a normal life again.

  16. JLo because she's not really a singer either. Brit wouldn't have their backs to her but diva JLo would. It's her. And I find it hilarious that when cameras spotted her with Casper that she slink so low in the seat you couldn't see her. Ha!

  17. ou may think you know JLo but there's no way she's going to sit in the back of a restaurant with no casual company looking glum. Not at all her style. She's not a depressive and doesn't surround herself with bodyguards to avoid attention. She lives for attention.

  18. this is just ridiculous

    I call BS

  19. JLo LIVES to torment servers. It's well documented. She's HORRIBLE.

  20. Why are they medicating all signs of a personality out of her?

  21. This breaks my heart :( i'll eat with you brit!

  22. Agree with @ Sunny, JLo would never go out to eat by herself and be seen looking glum.

    I also have to say that I think JLo wanted to be seen with Casper, even tho she was sitting low as if to not be seen, THEY HAD THE CONVERTIBLE TOP DOWN ON THE FANCY BMW. That's practically putting a neon sign over their heads.
    If she didn't want to be seen they'd be in an incognito /tinted windows ride.

  23. my first thought was Rihanna

  24. but then I did not see the quotation marks, though I know some people who hate her voice, I think her music is good

  25. They said no phone, so I'm gonna take Who is Britney Spears? for $500 Alex.

  26. Posh is sad because she has to eat.

  27. I've said this before, I know, but where are her female friends? Does she only have her family and (hired) boyfriends?

  28. Why would Brit's bodyguards not be facing her?

  29. Not Gaga. That broad has a phone glued to each hip.

  30. Britney's been severely mentally ill for a lot of years. It doesn't lend itself to close friendships. Plus they were (and still are) trying to hide the real extent of it from the public so friends who might talk are out.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. @Hadapúrpura, I don't think Britney has much of a say in how her life is arranged. It sounds like she could have been having a bad day due to a mood fluctuation since even her paid boyfriend wasn't present. They were probably ordered to sit like that by her handlers to prevent anything from occurring that could result in publicity they don't want.

  33. Britney
    Wow loads of Hollywood mental illness blinds recently... Sad.

  34. Britney. She's probably still heavily medicated so the vacant staring at the backs of the bodyguards fits.

  35. You know, i was thinking, maybe her working now is making her the money she will need for the rest of her life. Mb father is squaring away a setup so she doesnt hv to work anymore and will always be taken care of. Her break with reality must have been really egreious, much more so than any of us knew or speculated about. She prob will meed lifelong care, and mb that is what dad is setting up.
