Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Blind Item #1

This former A list singer turned reality star turned singer who can't get a break but still has B list name recognition has been spending time at home while her celebrity husband goes out everyday "training" but is really hooking up with a woman barely out of her teens.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Definitely LeeAnn Rimes/Cheating Spouse: Eddie Cibrian

  3. I know this aint Mariah and Nick because they are breaking up this week Enty. Why wasn't that the second post today?

  4. LeeAnn/Eddie. She can't get a break because no one watched her crappy reality show I guess.

    How you get 'em is how you lose 'em, LeeAnn.

  5. Isn't Eddie an actor, though, rather than a celeb?

    That said, Le'Ann was my first thought, too. Poor Falcor, how you got him is how you'll lose him. Brandeeee must be in heaven.

  6. Are you kidding me? Leanne wouldn't let Eddie out of her sight long enough for him to cheat at a game of scrabble, much less another woman. One of the Braxtons is my guess.

  7. Is the Sing Off still on? Jewel, if so...

  8. Cause nobody cares about them@sandy

  9. Steamy Jewel already consciously uncoupled from Ty. He had enough of her poetry.

  10. Its the skidmarks. No one wants to deal with the skidmarks #teambabywipes

  11. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Leann Rimes.

  12. @QueenAnne Guido
    Skidmarks?! I'm afraid to ask.

  13. I've said it a million times - I cannot WAIT for Leanne and Eddie to implode

    The fallout will be amazing!!

  14. Anonymous12:04 PM

    She's an idiot for asking him to turn down work because of her own insecurities. It's all hot when you're the mistress, but become the wife and your days are numbered.

  15. There seems to be an awful lot of singers these days that have forgotten they're singers. They are running around doing everything BUT singing. Hey ladies (this includes you Bieber) you need to go find some secluded location somewhere, lock yourselves away and don't show your face until you have managed to write and record an album that is filled with quality music and lyrics.

    This is a win/win situation. We might actually get some good tunes OR we'd never have to see or hear from these boring famewhores again.
