Saturday, August 16, 2014

Blind Item #1

This A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee stole film footage shot by his assistant (for a film his assistant is making) and is now claiming it's his original work for his upcoming film....


  1. Gosling, though I hope not..he's directing now

  2. That sounds like Franco.

  3. Franco! He fancies himself a director as well.

  4. Franco he's a pig

  5. Anonymous8:48 AM


  6. Ugh, what a loser!!! That's pretty low thing to do to someone . Franco fits!

    In regards to Franco, his brother seems so nice and funny. Is that just an act and he is swarmy like his big bro?

  7. Ooooooo, that is low. And paybacks a bitch. Straighten this out now, before you never eat lunch in this town again, lol

  8. I hate to say this, but from a perspective of exploring art, what it means, and who has the rights to a piece of art...well his rationale is intriguing.

    The original artist (who doesn't seem to have been an assistant so I don't know if this fits anywhere with Enty's blind) did naked Seth rogen without permission so Franco didn't ask permission to make paintings from the originals. It is interesting.

    And that's all the time I'm going to spend thinking about this.

  9. Oh wait--now I see that Seven's link was to confirm Franco capable of such a thing. Got it.

  10. Jared Leto. Has directing credits under a fake name. (Can't remember the name but it sounded like a name a kid would give to a stuffed animal.)

  11. Just when I thought my opinion of him couldn't sink any lower.

  12. The smart move would be to wait until the actor's project is out, then sue. You may be able to scum the profits of the project, in addition to damages.

  13. Franco or Leto, They're both self-important, douchebag "artists". The only difference between them is that one now has an Oscar.

  14. This would get his ass bounced out of either or both the DGA and WGA, and he's going to need to be a member in good standing of both if he wants to be the auteur he imagines himself to be.

  15. I'll go with Franco and my deepest, heartfelt wish that he would just go away. Douche canoe.

  16. I'll go with Franco and my deepest, heartfelt wish that he would just go away. Douche canoe.
