Monday, August 04, 2014

Blind Item #10

A waitress is asking for six figures to tell her story of the two separate nights she spent in July with this soon to be married A+ list mostly movie actor.


  1. Clooney likes the waitresses.

  2. good choices Lady

  3. Shes lying Clooney only sleeps with beards he pays. And then its separate beds:)

  4. 6 figures? How interesting could the story be?

    1. That it happened in July while the guy is already engaged might be a big part of it.

  5. Throwing Johnny into the mix.

  6. could be either but Imma go with Clooney

    bet it's a good story

  7. maybe something to do with George's preferences.....

  8. She shouldn't get a dime for her story.

  9. Clooney for for the win! I love my George, but really, this engagement was soooo quick it's been hard to buy. Someone needs to tell him that he just ain't the marrying kind.

  10. Clooney doesn't mind if we think he cheats, as long as we think he cheats with women. Planted 'blind' perhaps.

  11. So basically, what she probably wants is the A++ to come through with some cash to keep her mouth shut. I wonder if she went to him first? If she is smart she didn't because then they might say it was blackmail. If she puts it out there to gossip sites then he approaches her she is probably in the clear.

  12. So whats her story? " im a waitress who moonlights as a whore. Even tho im know this guy was engaged i screwed him anyway. Because i dont care about anyone but me. Now im making money telling about my cheesy behavior!"

  13. I don't think Depp is A+ list anymore.

    George loves the cheap tarts, waitresses or not. This is him.
    I agree, Topper, this whole engagement scenario is questionable. He said for years and year he'd never marry again. He dated golddiggers and wannabe's for years and all of the sudden he's engaged (after only 6 months) to an attorney? Not buying that its genuine. Somethins' up with him.

  14. These men cant keep their side chicks mouth shut lol lol. tell it all baby

  15. I'm team @Sandybrook

  16. @jessi. That's who I want to guess too. But, like here, ppl saying he's not A+. I think he's earned A+ for life.

    BTW- I'm sensing he's not going to make it down the aisle with this one.

    But have to admit, Clooney seems more "permiscuous" than Depp.

    There's BCoop. But it says "waitress" not "waiter". Lol. (Actually not sold on BCooper being into the HePooper.)

  17. @auntliddy. Don't ya just luv women like that? Prob also mad that he didn't come back no mo.
    Gone are the days where she would just say, "KISS MY GRITTS!"

  18. Clooney is gay. Not him.

  19. Any mention of Pitt getting married?
    First thought is Clooney but one question: Did the waitress have a dick?

  20. Clooney is not gay. He is attracted to, and sleeps with, women. He is also attracted to, and sleeps with, men - particularly young Italians. He is also not opposed to group activities, but he may have slowed down on those since he got older and hurt his back. Clooney is a guy who likes variety. If I had to bet, I'd say, in his head, he sees himself as a heterosexual guy who just needs something different now and then.
    That being said, this marriage has nothing to do with sex, gay or otherwise. George is one of the most calculating people you could ever meet - this is all being carefully choreographed - for what purpose, we'll have to wait and see.

  21. Why does everyone think George Clooney is gay? I don't have much gaydar at all, but I really don't get a gay vibe from him at all but apparently I'm the only person who doesn't. What am I missing?

    1. Cricket- i don think he's gay either. But who knows? Some here tho, have made up their minds. :)

  22. @epiphany
    I think that's the most sensible analysis of (the private) Clooney I've ever read.
    I know he's denied it, but do you think he's planning a run for political office?

  23. Talk is the marriage is part of his grand scheme to run for office. He looks more mainstream (I.e. Acceptable) being married, and having her be an educated woman instead of just arm candy adds to that image.

    He's dated actresses, cocktail waitresses, wrestlers, but I think this may be the first college educated professional he has been with. Correct me if I'm wrong.

  24. You are ignoring the obvious...Kutcher.

  25. @All lace
    She's GREAT for his image.
    He's a smart man who put his weight behind worthwhile causes, but who could take him seriously while he played the eternal playboy? Politicians have to at least pretend to grow up.

  26. I would think Clooney or Pitt would be A++.

    And how is this woman going to prove the affair was in July of this year?

    BTW, I don't George Clooney is gay. People will believe anything if the rumor is repeated enough.

  27. I was thinking Clooney but Kutcher is a great guess!

  28. All their jobs or not, the wannabes all had degrees..something george doesn't. I always thought he was bi, and I hope the waitress gets a huge check and the story runs..whatever will the Clooney conduit, People, say?

  29. It is beyond ridiculous that anyone would think that a Muslim/Druze woman of Lebanese/British heritage, not currently a US citizen, and who plans to stay in England to work, would be an asset to any future politician. Nor would Clooney be happy making the many compromises necessary to be elected. He saw his well respected father being grilled, and having to face many morality issues, when he ran and lost in a local election too.

    Clooney is far more effective, remaining as an outsider, and advocating for a few choice issues
    that he'd like included in the Democratic Party Platform.
