Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Blind Item #10

So, let me get this straight. This foreign born A list mostly movie actor cheated on his actress wife numerous times. He got a woman he was seeing pregnant while still married and she might even be pregnant again but he is hooking up with another woman, all while still married to the actress.


  1. Banderas/Griffith actually

  2. We have still never found out who Antonio had his secret kid with.

  3. I think I saw some pics of Smarmy Banderas looking very predatory whilst pawing a tallish model-type at some bar/club over the weekend. He was practically drooling.

  4. If this is a no-no, kindly delete me, Enty.
    Smarm-face pics http://ll-media.tmz.com/2014/08/18/0818-antonio-banderas-bauer-3.jpg

  5. Anonymous11:41 AM

    ugh ((eyeroll)@whomever this is.

  6. I thought it was gross how he's gasing at her like the tasmanian devil OD'd on cialis & she's just posing away like a My Size Barbie. If it has an innie, Banderas will poke it.

  7. Well now that it's finito for Melanie and him, he's certainly taking advantage of his freedom. Before that however he was pretty much a shit. Why don't these people use birth control? SMDH

  8. yeah but,c'mon,technically Antonio may be "still married" but that's just because their Divorce hasn't been signed off on & finalized. They are obviously over & living separate lives now &just share a daughter

    1. Yeah, rolo is right, after all, she's getting his tatoo removed!

  9. Why, oh WHY is there never any shortage of women willing, or even eager, to be used by these men? Seriously, what is the attraction?
    I wish I didn't need to understand.

  10. It's not Thor Hemsworth is it?

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. @kno won uno and VIP - lol !

    @yoj. #uanmeboth. If I saw a man even flirting with another, he's not for me - ever. I can't imagine knowing they're boning a bunch of belly buttons.

    1. Ps. On DM "AntoniHo" left with one of the several he'd benn working on.
      Dumb arse Bimbo was smiling like she had no thoughts under her hair extensions. And now, 2-3 days later she's prob checking her phone every 5 mins while he's sticking it to another one just like her.

  13. Correction: An old codger like BandiHo never heard of the word VASECTOMY. Never mind the STDs. Or does he get a kick out of spreading his seed all over the planet. Well the bebe mamas better not get too excited about child support, Expendables 3 might be his last foreseeable gig and it's bombing.

    1. Tina-u got this right!

      Hey, a thought, maybe he's recently fixed and just bagging all the broads that are lining up thinking they have a chance at retirement via Banbareback.

  14. Get it, Bro. If the wife is cool w/ you being out there banging, and you can afford a second family, then go with it.

  15. Yeah...but at this point...Antonio and Mel are separated.

  16. Any male porn dog actor over the age of 37.

    That should cover just about all of them.

    Married or not, they're all the same. See a vag-hole, gotta fill it.

  17. Most definitely Antonio Banderas/Melanie Griffith!

  18. Most definitely Antonio Banderas/Melanie Griffith!

  19. Most definitely Antonio Banderas/Melanie Griffith!
