Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Blind Item #10

This former A list mostly television actress from a long running hit network sitcom has failed at her most recent attempts at network television. She is back for another shot and is making the network angry because she keeps doing product endorsements from the set that conflict with advertisers they have lined up for the show. Our actress told the network to give her a raise and she will stop. She is such a pain. Why does anyone hire her?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. At lady..it's sitcom..no heigll..no bueno:(

  3. I was thinking Roseanne

  4. Well, that's just silly. You can't have side endorsements on camera during a sponsored show. What a ninny!

  5. I don't think Grey's Anatomy qualifies as a sitcom, though. It would be funny if it was Heigl, though. Her acting on Grey's was Nyquil worthy.

  6. coke Mom Debra Messing.

  7. Sarah Michelle Gellar

  8. Messing fits better than Heigl does. Not sure what the product endorsements are, though. Anyone have links?

  9. Here you go, @NomNom83!

    Debra Messing's Life Transforming Products (conditioner and allergy meds)

  10. Debra does mention a lot of products on FB.

  11. Only one I could come up was Jill Taylor (tins wife) from Tool Time
    I like her but I recall she was always wanting more. (Seems like a few short lived TV shows after that - naybe one wasn't super short)

    Seems like u guys have the goods on Messing tho.

  12. Debra Messing hasn't done any product placements from the set of her new show. Not one. I just went through her Facebook and the only pics I can find from the set of Mysteries of Laura are of her costars, her goofing off with the hair & makeup people, and her dog Laila.

  13. I can promise you DM is nothing but a major pain in the ass on the set of her new show. I've worked on it three times. She's not pleasant, and the entire crew HATES her.

  14. Hey, this is how you hustle and make a living. Give her the damn raise.

  15. SMG's show (with Robin Williams) was cancelled in May.

  16. Deb Messing deserves a good beating. Count?
