Sunday, August 10, 2014

Blind Item #10

The creepy brother/sister relationship between this foreign born former A list mostly movie actor and his sister is over. She moved out of the house they shared after a huge fight. I remember when they used to sleep in the same bedroom. He said it was because she had really bad nightmares and would sleep walk.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Colin Farrell and his sister

  3. cgm is foreign born??
    or the pheonix relatives

  4. ooh colin farrell???

  5. Anonymous11:47 AM

    what is creepy about the relationship? the sharing of the bedroom?

    maybe she's had night terrors since childhood. maybe she almost hurt herself sleep walking before.

    im sure they separate when a booty call arises. not the weirdest sibling story ive heard.

    1. Rumor is that she was the booty call, hence the creep factor

  6. Too bad Cruise isn't foreign born

  7. You nailed it CK76! Lol but really this is just to creepy

  8. Gosling if he considered former...he hasn't done much..I heard they are suoertight...maybe she kissed Eva's preggo

  9. Cersei was not a sleepwalker.

    And there's this: we're apparently hardwired for incest.

  10. Warren Beatty and Shirley Maclaine FTW.

  11. Colin Ferrell is who it's supposed to be, in my opinion.

  12. Keanu was born in Beirut.

  13. Enty daily posts blinds about every kind of nasty, slutty, perverted decadent behavior. Stories about actresses renting out their pussies for the summer, stories about blow jobs under tables in public, stories about dissipated loser actors and actresses snorting coke in bathrooms or off the bar in front of them or whipping out their dick to pick up chicks. And then he turns around and writes that something is 'creepy'. What the fuck ISN'T creepy amongst these blind items? On a creepy scale of 1-10 this story barely rates a 1.

  14. It does seem creepy tho. Dont know who it is and not sure if i want to know. Snorting blow off filthy public toilet- now thats nasty!

  15. Would Enty consider Puerto Rico as foreign even though it's a U.S. territory?! If yes, then I pick Joaquin.

  16. I don't think this creepy at all. Sounds like he his trying to help his sister from hurting herself. Try again Enty.

  17. @seven of eleven, who is person in your avi? she reminds me so much of my ex-sister-in-law!

  18. A lot of things can sound creepy depending on how you phrase it. I think this is a case of trying to make a mountain out of a molehill (to get a sensational headline).

  19. Joachim is an excellent guess, but he's oscar nominated....

    whilst I dint think it's him, his family life is beyond...bizarre

  20. Colin the best guess,

  21. I don't think it's Colin Farrell. Nothing creepy about their relationship. She's his paid assistant. They very wisely want the money to stay in the family. I think he's a good guy with a great family.

  22. @Brenda-----she is a character in the show Orphan Black

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Were the Houghs(sp?) born in Canada? Cause I could see this being them.

  25. the cult the pheonix kids grew up in was called children of god and they were forced as kids to have sex w/ each other.. as young as 5-6 yrs old. hustle other kids, recruit adults. their parents forced them to do this as well. you can google this more i don't have link. but they were taught it is normal to have sexual relations w/ their siblings since age of 4,5, ect..

  26. As long as reliable birth control used, I don't care who screws who.

  27. River was supposedly the only phoenix child who was forced to have sex whilst the family was under the children of god and HE made the family leave because of it... Nothing written anywhere about Joaquin and sisters doing anything with each other.... I've always found it weird that Joaquin played a character who was incestuous and then there are incest blinds... I'm calling Collins Farrell for this one though...

  28. I don't want this to be Colin F. He and his sister ARE very close as well as employee/employer.


  29. Not everyone in Hollywood is a Lannister, Enty.
