Monday, August 04, 2014

Beyonce And Jay-Z

I'm trying to think of a celebrity marriage that has been analyzed more than Beyonce and Jay-Z. Prior to the elevator purse beat down by Solange most of the trouble in their marriage stories came from sites and blogs like this one who weren't afraid to talk about the marriage or their issues or the cheating. Now, with the mainstream tabloids involved, it seems as if every photo is scrupulously looked at and body language studied to see if the couple is splitting. One day they are and the next there is a photo of them smiling at each other so they must be doing ok. Throw in the mix, a bunch of photos supplied by Beyonce to show the couple at their most happy which is frequently with their daughter and you have no idea what is going on. Isn't that the way they want it? Do you remember before they married how many times they left people guessing when or if they already were married? Until Beyonce released a few seconds of their wedding video a few weeks ago, it still was something most people speculated about rather than knew anything. No one is getting anything from Jay or Beyonce. It just isn't going to happen. The weak links are the people they come into contact with for a short enough amount of time where they don't sign things to keep them quiet. If the elevator fight was not on video would we have heard about it? Nope. We would have all been wondering what caused Solange to delete all her photos of Beyonce from Instagram but wouldn't know the back story. No one still knows what happened in the hallway or who triggered the outburst from Solange. We all have guesses and it doesn't look like anything has really changed in their marriage. He does what he wants and she does what she wants and they try to keep it all private.


  1. slow news day or what

  2. Her ninja mask is not very effective.

  3. Anonymous8:21 AM

    I cease to have interest in them

    1. Could care less. Her fake pregnancy bump was the last interesting thing she had going on.

  4. Oh come on. These people adore the speculation. About everything. Even those damn 'mysterious' baby pictures. It all adds to their air of mystery.
    Really does any one actually care whether they're together or not in the end ?
    And if you want a more speculated celeb marriage, probably Charles and Diana is a good one.

  5. Lol they look like a couple of idiots in that pic. Dude shoulda stayed on his streets are watching look, ever since Picasso baby he seems to have lost his core audience and is going for the Kanye suburban demographic

    1. Yeah I don't know any vegan thugs

    2. Actually ud be surprised. Gza, Rza, Qtip... Rappers are becoming more and more health/business minded. I'm always surprised when I read interviews.

      Still think the nonstop weed Wiz Khalifa thing is hugely exaggerated, strictly for image. Dude can't be that prolific and hard working when u blaze 24-7

    3. Yes, he can and probably does. Weed affects people differently. What puts one in a fetal position, makes another hyper. Like a fat person addicted to coke- it happens- for sure

    4. None of them are thugs, they're businessmen. They want to be seen as thugs, but I bet Jay Z is soft as Italian leather.

    5. Plokzy- my bf and his extensive network are musicians. You can blaze 24/7 and be that prolific and hardworking, I've definitely seen these guys do it.
      My bf has slowed his smoking a BIT, but he's basically more creative in that state, and it doesn't keep him from writing deadlines or getting to every gig early.

  6. Please I still wonder if she's Blue Ivy's biological mother…they hide the child's face…and when last seen she looked just like Jay

    1. She does look just like Jay but in her first first baby photo, I thought she looked just like both of them.

  7. They use these rumors & add to them, just like they do the illuminati rumors.

  8. Her pretending to be pregnant when she really wasn't (the folding tummy!) continues to be my favorite Stupid Celebrity story of all time.

    Other than that, I have zero interest in either of them.

  9. I remember a day when I'd never heard of them.

  10. Lmao @ elevator purse beatdown!!!

    Luvvvv itt! Lol And yup that shituation started sl this analysis. So many rumors that woild make your headspin. Who knows all this shit could have been a deviously planned pr stunt. Maybe that saying about any publicity is good is somewhat true.

  11. A celeb marriage more analyzed than these two? How about Brad and Jennifer? Brad and Angelina? Ben Affleck & JLo? Charles & Di? Madonna and Sean Penn?

    1. All of which are infinitely more interesting

    2. Half of which weren't married and in a different age of tabloid culture.

  12. ahhh these two

    they love the speculation and that Illuminati stuff just cracks me up

    it wouldn't surprise me if this marriage was 90% a business sitch-and maybe 10% a real and maybe failed marriage

    masters of manipulation

  13. I don't cease to have interest in them. I never had any to begin with.
    That mask does make me stabby though. HATE it.

  14. Nobody would have ever wondered why Solange deleted photos from her Instagram, because nobody was ever following her!
    She looks like damn Sideshow Bob with that hair

  15. Did Solange delete per photos before the video was released? I assumed it was after and she only deleted because the story came out. If my assumptions are right, she probably wouldn't have deleted them and we'd still be clueless if the video hadn't revealed the fight.

  16. I think this is what they like- everyone talking about them, speculating.. Are they married? Did Beyonce carry the babY? Are they splitting up? They like playing head games, but they are the ones who will ultimately get hurt.. I really dont care what they do, but its sure interesting gossip. Its fun for us, but its their life, and I think they should take better care of it.

  17. According to the DM they are staying in separate hotels.
    It is all business!

  18. Couple of over rated bafoones. Esp HIM! (She used to be neat.)

    1. Bafoons is the perfect word for them. Thank u

  19. hate the mask too. why the faking? Are they both gay? bi?

  20. You've never heard of Thug Kitchen @Sarah?


  21. I must be getting old because as I remember it Prince Charles & Diana's marriage, and break up got a million times the press or interest these 2 get. The royal family have said even less about it all than Bey & Z, though Diana couldn't keep her mouth shut, which seemed to actually fuel the curiosity.

  22. What was the point of this post?....

  23. What are you Enty, sixteen years old or something?
    Prince Charles and Princess Diana's marriage was analyzed far more and for far longer than Camel-lot.
    (Btw, I can't take credit for "Camel-lot" thought I wish I could, lol. Someone on HSK came up w that term.)

  24. Beyonce thanked her husband on an MTVvideo awards show years ago, so I doubt anyone is still speculating on if they're married. He looked surprised & she shrugged her shoulders as if to say she let the cat out of the bag. Although Hollywood Dime says otherwise, my Bunni senses tell me she was never pregnant with Blue Ivy.

  25. Anonymous10:24 AM

    i cant...

    i bailed somewhere around the 4th sentence.

  26. They have been doing this from the onset of their relationship. I am not a fan of either of them but there was always buzz about are they or aren't they (instert mysterious scenario here)? I can't imagine how difficult it would be to be around two huge egos trying to contrive their next big PR move to the masses.

  27. We're talking about them.

    Mission accomplished.

  28. They are as inneresting as that botoxed porn star and her rapper/"designer" husband! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

  29. Bey is totally hitting it with her all-girl band. Never believed it until I saw her live, but me thinks she fancies the ladies.

  30. My 2 cents : Love her, love them. They love the publicity, love putting on this show to keep people talking. I think they run a tight ship and only let's out what they want you to know. I love all the speculation. If they are having trouble, it's no different than any other couple, they just happen to be celebrities.

  31. I really can't stand her, and I don't like the poser he's become with her.

  32. There is a fascinating story here, and people are trying to tell it. Namely, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall and can't be put back together again, even with a billion dollars. They have been flailing away since the elevator thing, and supposedly it's been over for years. Jay Z, former CRACK dealer likes WHITE WOMEN, a lot, has been having affairs on his wife, and she only cares for the title, power and money.

    Second, these are 2 BLACK con artists conning the BLACK community. White people don't give a damn about either of these hucksters. The black press has posted blinds of their fights, and it's only the most STUPID of people that think they had a real marriage. It's a business arangement, but the teasing, has wore out. It looks like Jay Z wants out to date all the WHITE WOMEN he can shake his wallet at, and that the whole FARCE will end at the end of this tour.

  33. Anyone trying to compare them to the REAL royal couple, Charles and Diana, are dead wrong also. If Diana were B, she would have turned her head the other way at all the affairs, and took comfort in her title, money and status. But Diana didn't want a false life, she wanted REAL love, that's more than B, who doesn't give a damn, as long at they technically are married. B hasn't one percent of the class and humanity of Princess Diana.

  34. Anonymous5:55 PM

    what the...

  35. y'all forget something:
    GOOP was a BIG supporter or the brand...where is that now?? this and GOOP mess is a whole big sham.

  36. of the brand of bey/j

    forgive me i have had too many bourbon cocktails in KY!
