Thursday, August 07, 2014

Beyonce And Her Bodyguard

After watching one bodyguard go down in a frenzy of drugs and hookers and defiled passport photos, Beyonce still has one bodyguard that has been around just as long and is a little more normal. Radar learned that the security company that assigned her other long time bodyguard, Julius de Boer is looking for a new bodyguard for the singer. There has been speculation before that Beyonce and Julius have hooked up and the story talks about some of those rumors. If you go back and watch the elevator video, Julius is the guy who holds Solange back. He works for Beyonce and not Jay-Z. I have always thought it strange that husband and wife use separate companies for their bodyguards and don't just have family bodyguards. I don't think this is a Heidi Klum situation. I don't think Beyonce is hooking up with the guy. I think Jay-Z likes the guy because he knows that he won't hook up with Beyonce. Also, Jay is the kind of guy who will cheat all day and night but if his wife ever so much as looks at another guy he won't allow that. There is no way he is going to let someone be with Beyonce almost 24/7 for six years if he thinks or suspects they are hooking up.


  1. So what was the point of this post?

  2. I just decided teenage Enty is writing today.

    1. Sandyboo I think they let Teenage Enty write the first blind of the day. It's before her journalism class. Which she's failing.

    2. Ha ha. Luckily for Enty the class is pass/fail.

  3. He has an elongated skull. I think he is an alien.

  4. I like this picture - it highlights the serious football head of the bodyguard, and catches Bey in a fun, casual moment, adjusting her wig.

    1. Bey wears a wig? I thought at least part of that mess was real. ;)

  5. Body guard? She is messing with her female back-up dancer. Get your gossip right!

  6. I'm back betches!
    They use different companies so they can keep their shit separate.
    That way Jay Z's people have no obligation to report anything he does to his wife, and vice versa.
    Smart business.

  7. My guess? He used cover up makeup to literally "Blend in" I don't know why Jayzie would think there's nothing going on..I'd do him...

  8. Personally I thin Bey likes the ladies….

  9. THAT - is Jay Z's main squeeze no Beyonce's

  10. Hiya folks. I've been busy. Summer holidays so the kids are off school. That means I'm on duty all day, every day.
    I'm not complaining, I love the little feckers, but it leaves no time for useless celeb gossip.
    Did I miss much?

  11. Anonymous8:01 AM

    I think Jay and Bey have an arrangement, with this and obviously with his cheating. He's okay with the bodyguard, brings him into his inner most circle, has been around them for years, so he's completely ingrained in their lives. Therefore Jay has a measure of control over bodyguard & Beyonce hooking up. It's basically Jay choosing who she steps out with. Plus, he's nobody, a random bodyguard from the work a day class. So he's not really a threat to Jay Z. It's just another aspect of that particular bodyguard gig.

  12. it's all about the business and the Benjamins

  13. Real talk: if jay and bey's marriage is all business why don't they have a prenup? Seems awfully crazy to enter into this "business arrangement" but not protect your money.

    I love them together and if jay cheats as much as everyone claims I really want to know why there's no proof.

    Also Beyoncé was able to record an entire album and shoot a video for every single song without anyone knowing so why do people think they have any idea what's actually going in in their relationship? Obviously they can keep a secret when they want to.

  14. First this post says they did hook up, then it says that they didn't and JayZ would never allow us. Wha the huh?

  15. How do we know they don't have a pre-nup because as we've all discussed, you can't be sure about anything with these two.

    I hope she is hooking up with the bodyguard he is cute cuter than Jay Z for sure if he is Mr. Double Standard.

    So jack ducky if JayZ cheats less than everyone claims does that make you feel better about him?

    You just said these two can keep a secret so you don't think Jay-Z can't hide most of his affairs secret? Money and power are effective for keeping most people quiet for a while.

    1. If jay z cheats and Beyoncé is fine with it which is what everyone is claiming then it's not cheating. I don't care about jay z I just like them together so it doesn't really makes feel at all different about him. And according to everyone who doesn't like them together jay has been cheating since the beginning and yet there is no proof. No pictures or videos? Women could make careers off of selling their stories about Beyonce's husband so yeah I wonder where they all are.

  16. @jack ducky

    Like Tina said money and power. Up until the Solange beatdown did we know anything about the strife in their marriage? Right after that stories started tumbling out the closet. If Jay Z were to drop in status or piss somebody off the media would turn on him and all his secrets would be revealed. But then at that point, everyone would be like "meh".

    1. After the elevator beat down "sources" started coming out. Still no actual proof and no actual names so...

      If/when somebody has actual proof then I'll believe it. Until then all of the stuff written about them doesn't really matter to me.

  17. I thought Julius was her cousin?

  18. @jack

    The names Rachel Roy, Rihanna, Mya, and Rita Ora weren't thrown around after the incident? It's okay for you to like them and their relationship, no need to take it personally. I agree with you that it isnt cheating because Bey and Jay do as they please.

  19. @Ay, rihanna and rita have been accused of being jay's mistresses for years. ever since rihanna came on the scene in 2005. all I'm asking for is proof. i don't think that's too much to ask for before I start hating jay z like so many others seem to.

  20. Julius dated solange about 6 years ago. No truth about him and beyonce. Hey y'all.

  21. @jackducky

    Proof on a gossip site? The fact that it has been rumored since 2005 means they could've been boning since 2005....


    So why did Solange attack Jay?
    Are they leaking all these cheating rumors to sell their tour?

  22. no proof because people are afraid of J

    like for real


  23. @ay
    No idea why solange went off. As for putting out rumors to sell a tour, what's the point? Tour was practically sold out in each city and the rumors will out last the tour which is over outside of a date in Paris. With solange and the elevator their whole life is up for speculation. Has anyone noticed that TMZ hasn't has any real stories about them. If any story held any weight, they'd be the ones with story. Not page six.

  24. @hollywood You have more tea on them?

  25. ^^^^On the Knowles - Carter

  26. @hollywood dime!!! Welcome back. . I miss you! !

    1. @sugarbread
      Hey love! Just popping in for a spell, I missed you guys :)

  27. @Hollywood

    So if they aren't putting out the rumors themselves then that means the media smells blood. Could it be that they have TMZ in their pocket, which is why they haven't ran any story on them? PMK has them so i'm sure the Carters could buy them as well. Do they think they will divorce? I think they will stay together until 2018.

    1. @ay if tmz were in 'their' pocket tmz would've never released that elevator tape.

  28. @Ay
    why until 2018?

  29. @ay, so if people assume something for long enough then it becomes fact? Is that how things work now?

  30. @jack
    I said COULD'VE. And rumors don't persist for a decade for no reason. Why do you take it personal if people think Jay sleeps with Rihanna?

    Jay and Bey got married in 2008, the same year he signed a deal with Live Nation. The deal ends in 2018. Some think he only married Bey so he could use her for the deal. When the deal ends the "deal" ends. Allegedly.

    1. I'm not taking anything personally. I asked a question. And plenty of rumors persist for years when they aren't true. Like Jennifer Anniston being pregnant or Oprah Winfrey being gay. It's Hollywood.

  31. @hollywood

    That is true.

  32. @jack

    But jennifer could get pregnant. Oprah could be gay. If they were to come out and confirm this would they still be rumors? I don't think it's as simple as "it's hollywood". Rumors persist for a reason. Either they are actually true or they are planted to put the celeb in a certain light. After reading this site you still question this? The average person doesn't know that Zac Efron is a cokehead, Kevin Spacey is gay or that contract marriages exist in hollywood. They'd have to read the blinds to know that.

    1. I don't believe 99% of the stuff on this site. I read it for entertainment. And if it comes out that jay z is this huge cheater and there's proof other than what's written on this site then I'll believe it.

      Blindly believing something you read online without like photographic evidence or something more than a "source" is crazy and hating people you don't know based on that is crazy. And no I'm not saying you hate them I'm just saying in general the people on this site do.

      But it's whatever. I don't know them so it doesn't really affect me either way.

  33. @jack

    Yeah you can't believe everything you read, period. However, a lot of the "rumors" that are posted here or elsewhere were ones I actually heard about before blogs were even a thing. And im not that old. Jay Z said he was "big pimpin" years ago. I doubt much has changed with him. And yes hating on these celebs is pointless. They dont care.

  34. I think it would make sense for Beyonce to stick to employees for her indiscretions.
    They'll have had to sign a confidentiality agreement to get their job in the first place and a recommendation from her would greatly help their careers, so it's in their best interests to keep their mouths shut.
    She would be in complete control.

  35. Anonymous4:10 PM

    I dont get why this story is on this site but nothing about that female rapper releasing that song totally dissing beyonce rapping about jayz hitting on her....its juicy !!! All the other sites have reported on it but nothing at all on this site. very disappointed !

  36. @ay, I honestly don't doubt that jay has side girls but I think Beyoncé is fully aware of them and just doesn't care so I agree with you on that. I don't believe his side girls are rihanna or rita though. Beyoncé loves rita so I'd be more likely to believe rita is Beyonce's side piece than jay's.

    @violet that's not on this site because the song sucked and there is no story there.

  37. Yay!!! Doing the @Hollywood Dime's back dance!!! Hey girrrrl heeeeeey

  38. julius there to protect bey from Jay
    he has hand problems before
