Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Award Show Rigging

Over the weekend there was disbelief among the teens of the world that their beloved Teen Choice Awards were rigged. In the past I have written about all the awards handed out by MTV and how they are rigged. There are a lot of awards televised at this point and I'm sure Sundance airs a few critics awards that are not rigged, but for the most part, unless you are watching the Emmy Awards, Academy Awards, Grammy Awards, Tony Awards, Golden Globes or SAG Awards, they are probably rigged. I would venture to guess that the Golden Globes have an honest voting process but their nominations are a little more loose to ensure that high profile guests show up. A big shout out to Miss Golden Globe too. That normally doesn't go to the kid of a D lister.

An awards show that is televised that can't get high profile celebrities to show up is not going to be on the air for long. How do you get good ratings? Get good celebrities to appear. How can you guarantee they will show up? make sure they get plenty of nominations and tell them they are going to win an award. In many cases they get to choose the award they want to win. Your movie or song doesn't fit the window for qualification? Exceptions can be made or they can give you some kind of lifetime achievement award or other thought up on the spot award which will be used in future years to get other celebrities to show up. If there is no accounting firm mentioned, chances are it is rigged. If there are pre-recorded thank you speeches during the broadcast that is a good sign. I hate to break the news to you but even reality shows that have judges don't always get the final decision. Producers do. If there is some contestant that is really making an impression, do you think producers want that person to disappear? Why not keep them around for a few more weeks to stir things up and keep viewers interested.


  1. LadyH, as usual u made me laugh-thanks,you lifted my spirits-been a tough morning.

    1. You're welcome sand thank YOU! Hang in there, rolotomassi! <3

  2. I'm amazed that people are still gullible enough to believe any of it.
    I've said it before re: reality shows but read Ben Elton's Chart Throb. It's a riot but if you still think there's any element of public choice in these things, you will change your mind immediately.

  3. Well, what tipped off the teens?

  4. I really hope that only very young people with <20 years on the planet did not previously understand this. Anyone who's been alive longer than that and is legitimately shocked is operating at a clear disadvantage.
    Wait till they find out about photoshop.

  5. who didnt know that. I mean it obvious when only 1 of the nominee in the category shows up

  6. Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. So wait those guys from the accounting firm that wave at the Academy Awards are just actors?

    How many awards has Harvey Weinstein bought I wonder. Plenty no doubt.

  8. oh no! the tweener army will attack now!

  9. Anonymous8:39 AM

    oh, FFS

  10. I've known this since even I was a kid in the 80's. Wow.

  11. Its all a dog and pony show, just enjoy the spectacle if thats your thing.

  12. In other news, I'm shocked -- shocked! -- to find gambling going on in here!

  13. Please don't tell Count Jerkula that the AVNs (Adult Video news i.e. Porn) are rigged. He's very fragile.

  14. Say it ain't so, Joe! IS NOTHING SACRED???

  15. Please who ever thought it was real ?

  16. @Haywood: Too late. The tip off was the Bonnie Rotten victory. He seems to be recovering remarkably well since last year, when he was found huddled up and shaking on a park bench, only saying sparse words about bolt ons and spider webs being everywhere. Some experts are still dismayed because they had never heard of such a severe case of catatonic depression. He has returned to his usual routine of
    and will hopefully receive appropriate compensation for his struggles.

  17. Well it's obvious, but one thing is knowing because duh, and another thing is having it all out in the open. I get why tweens and teens are shocked. I wonder how much will it damage the show.

  18. Next we will learn that Pro Wrestling is rigged, unless it is the BIG awards like the Oscars it is just a self congratulation ego fest just to clog up air time. We need Selena Gomez here, her movies have bombed, no new music. Give her an award for overcoming her problems.

  19. not news breaking enty

  20. LowKey! Missed you!

    Teen Choice Awards. Um... color me shocked.

  21. When zendaya wins an award its obviously rigged. The best part of that show was watching becky g perform. ATTENTION ENTY PLEASE WRITE A BECKY G BLIND. IS SHE PITBULLS LOVER EVEN THOUGH ALL SIGNS POINT TO YES.

  22. What is a sendaya and what does it do?

    And how come "Smells like Teen Spirit" has been rattling around my brain?!?!

  23. Years ago Howard Stern had a contest to see what listener could get the biggest star to call in. There were a few stars who said they would call, but only if they were guaranteed to be the biggest one to call in.

    I believe the guy who got Dustin Hoffman to call in was the winner.

  24. So I guess this means I am allowed to care even LESS about this drivel, Enty? Wasn't sure that was possible but ok.....

  25. thanks for feeding me the apple Hedwig...i mean Enty

  26. Most award shows are nauseating giant ego stroking circle jerks.

  27. Are you responsible for these rigged abominations, LowKey?!?

  28. But Sexiest Man and Sexiest Woman contests in Kneepads are still legit, right? Right?

  29. Pro wrestling is NOT rigged. It is 100% an actual athletic contest in which people are repeatedly punched in the face with nary a bruise to show for it. Hulk Hogan was just naturally a stronger, more athletically gifted athlete than the people he faced for a period of 3 years before that dirty, no good, stinky Andre the Giant and Legit Millionaire Ted DiBiase forced a poor referee to get plastic surgery to look just like another ref to steal the belt from him. In fact, the ref now has to pose as the twin brother of another ref since he can't afford the surgery to go back to his original looks.

    Plus, this crap you see where they have The Rock in a movie and use the name "Dwayne Johnson" is crap, his real name is Rocky Melvin.

    If you can't believe Captain Lou Albano, who is left in the world to trust?
