Thursday, August 14, 2014

Arlene Martel Has Died

Actress Arlene Martel, who played the prospective bride of Leonard Nimoy’s Mr. Spock in the only episode of NBC’s Star Trek set on the planet Vulcan, has died. She was 78. Martel was married three times, including to actors Boyd Holister and Jerry Douglas, a longtime player on the CBS soap opera The Young and the Restless and was involved for years with James Dean.


  1. Can we stop defining a woman's life by to whom she was married or dating? Please?

    1. Snap- i yjinkb thats mentioned to jog a memory of who she was.

    2. Yeah. My sister had no idea who Lauren Bacall was until I mentioned she was married to Bogie.

  2. Well how many years? He died at 23. Unless it's another James Dean.

    RIP to this beautiful lady though.

  3. Like 6 celebrity died this week.


  4. She was so exotic looking just beautiful

  5. She was also a reg on Hogan's Heros it looks like, whenever I see that I wonder now if they ended up in Crane's home movies.

  6. @The Real Dragon, can we use the term celebrity for the likes of Kim Kardashian and such?

    Arlene Martel, Robin Williams, Lauren Bacall and J.J. Murphy were actors, with different degrees of sucess and talent, but none of them were "celebrities".

  7. I remember her from Hogan's Heroes where she played a resistence fighter in numerous episodes. RIP

  8. She also appeared in the classic Outer Limits episode "Demon with a Glass Hand."

    She was not all that well-known, though, so I'm pleased to see you covering her passing. She was gorgeous and a prodigious talent.

  9. Not to nerd out too much...but she also starred in two episodes of The Monkees. :) She was a real beauty. RIP.

  10. Clearly she should have taken Spock over that lug Stonn.

  11. Pretttttty sure the Star Trek mention was sufficient for that.

    I don't mean to sound like this is personal against you, @auntliddy--I'm just so frustrated that women seem to have to be defined by some relationship to a man in order to matter.

    E.g. She's not a well-respected human rights lawyer, she's Clooney's fiancee. Sigh.

  12. It's cool that you use two totally unknown to me husbands in order to define some lady I didn't know but could put somewhere (star trek) without the clue.

    RIP anyway.

  13. I remember who she is and most of her commented (and memorable) roles just from the photo, but who the hell are those listed husbands?

    Hottest Vulcan ever.

  14. Ahh, what a shame. She was pretty great! Like said, she played Tiger on "Hogan's Heroes" and about a million other guest roles on all kinds of shows from the 60's and others.
