Monday, August 04, 2014

Anwan Glover Beaten And Stabbed In Club

Anwan Glover, who starred on HBO's hit show The Wire and most recently was in 12 Years A Slave was beaten and stabbed in a Washington D.C. bar over the weekend. This kind of thing is nothing new for Anwan who has also been shot at different times in his life and also watched his son get shot over a pair of shoes. Anwan told police he was at Cafe Asia when someone hit him in the head and another person punched him which caused him to fall to the ground where he was kicked multiple times and then stabbed. I know there are a lot of crazy people out in the world, but it seems strange Anwan has no idea why anyone would want to hurt him. This was not just one person or a couple of guys out in the street looking to rob him. This was in a club with lots of other people when multiple people attacked Anwan but nothing was stolen from him which discounts robbery as a motive. i think he knows, but isn't saying anything and if he hadn't been stabbed and required medical attention, probably wouldn't have reported it to the police.


  1. I thought this happened a couple of weeks ago Enty? Or was that a different guy from The Wire?

  2. It's most likely drugs or gambling debt...and whatever it's definitely got to involve a whole lotta money.

  3. He screwed Somebody over, that's for sure..

    1. +1. That sounded like an emotional beatdown instead of a gratuitous one if that makes sense.

    2. Yep eros, it sounds personal. A "Pay UP" beating would be more professional. The stabbing? That's personal......

  4. Fuuuck, whats the name of that club so I never go there. I have never watched an episode of the wire but really want to see it bad. I have heard rave reviews from people I know. I dont want to buy it though. Ive been trying to wait out netflix to buy the rights so I can see it. I may break down eventually and buy a couple of seasons to see what the hype is about.

    1. Eros - it's a good investment of time and money. Watch it!

    2. Im gonna do it for reals. Everyone swears by that show definitely gonna check it out.

  5. Why is he wearing a sweater over what appears to be a denim shirt? Yeah, I'm shallow like that...

    Anyhoo, best wishes for a speedy recovery and a safer future.

    1. Meanie it was probably some stylists idea. I've seen some stupid shit try to pass for fashion.

    2. @Sherry and @meanie
      Have you seen Larry on OITNB? I miss half his dialogue because I'm distracted by the layers. I think one time I counted 5!!!

  6. Anonymous6:38 AM

    im only concerned that there is no T in his name. WTH? im used to ANTWAN not anwan. WEIRD...

  7. Eros - The Wire effected me more than any other TV show. I don't want to overhype it, but!

    1. @ msgirl. Im really going to have to buy it. Maybe its even on on demand for comcast. Im going to have to check it out for sure! Thanks :)

    2. Eros, if you have Amazon Prime, you can stream it for free.

    3. Hmmm.... ok will definitely look into that as well. I used to have amazon prime eons ago but I heard they have stepped up their game a little.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I haven't watched the Wire yet either but Hubby raves about it.
    We just got HBO again & noticed it's on HBO GO. I think I need to check it out sooner than later.

  10. Did the attackers whistle "farmer in the dell"?

  11. Café Asia is a really random place to get stabbed by a total stranger. It's a sushi restaurant by day downtown that turns into a nightclub. It's not exactly dangerous.

  12. Clearly there's something shady here, but I will always be Team Slim Charles. *That was for Joe!*

  13. hard to believe it is completely random......


  14. Just watched Twelve Years last night. Now I want to read the book to see how much license H'wd took with the story.

  15. Anonymous7:55 AM



    just read your comment. actually his outfit bugged me more that the missing T in his name but there is so much going on with his clothes that i just decided to crap on his name.

    the outfit...((sigh))...where do i even BEGIN? i dont have all morning. lol


  16. The Wire is a great show. Slim Charles is a good character.

  17. Sunny!!! Hey girl, nice to hear from you. Sadly I do not get OITNB yet..Some day.

  18. Wth, does he have target on his back? He must not be paying for something, thats what usually gets people all shooty.

  19. Cafe Aisa is literally 30 steps from my office near the Farragut West metro stop here in DC. I didn't even know there was a club there. It's primarily offices and places to be $15 salads. Usually random acts of violence are elsewhere in the city. I'm voting it was someone he knew.

  20. Eros, Netflix had "The Wire" on DVD--or at least they did 3-4 yrs ago--their annual withdraw lists can be infuriating, Also, Amazon, Hulu &c were not serious competition back in 2010/11.

    Anwan clearly has problems; sex, drugs... both? But he must be hanging w/a rough crowd. Still: none of these explain why his Event fashion sense is even more haywire than Kristen Stewart's.
