Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Your Turn

Ellen and Portia are supposedly talking about having a baby to save their marriage. I think they need to save each other first, but do you think having a baby can save a relationship?


  1. Take it from a baby meant to save a marriage --NO!!!!!!

    1. @sandybrook I was used to break up a marriage.

  2. No way. Just what this world needs, another screwed-up kid. Unless this is something Portia has always wanted, I don't see how they could do this. I don't believe it.

    1. *Wasn't intending to offend any children meant to save relationships who turned out fine

  3. I would hope you already knew the answer to this question.

  4. Ellen said she was never having a kid.
    And absolutely not. It makes things harder

    1. @reno Yeah. I remember her saying that.

  5. Theoretically you should save the marriage first then decide to have a child.

    That said many marriages have lasted a long time with children than they probably would have if there were no children, is that good or bad, but then this was back in a different era when you married the girl you knocked up and divorced was frowned up.

    But in this day and age and with celebrity type folk, different ball game.

  6. No, we have enough confused entitled brats running around.

  7. Ah...if by save marriage, you really mean enable two dysfunctional and miserable people to continue living in denial by displacing all of their current issues onto a future infant? Sounds like this will end really really well! Mazel!

    1. Very well said.

    2. And anyone who's ever had a baby would roll around laughing at the notion that having a baby is going to salvage a bad marriage. You better be crazy in love with the person you procreate with, or 48 hours of no sleep and a screaming kid will make you go murder/suicide on your partner's ass. Babies are tough, y'all! Totally worth it x 100, but Lord, talk about STRESS!!

    3. ITA, LadyH. And in case you missed it - thanks for the Heisenhugs yesterday!

    4. And 6 months later just like the dog that didn't go with the home decor she gave it away to her make up artist. It's a baby not a dog can't just give it away to the help if it starts clashing with the furniture and other pets.

  8. Lesbian Bed Death


  9. A baby usually makes things worse. Plus, very selfish reason to have a baby, selfish people don't make good parents.

  10. Babies are wonderful but the do stress and test a marriage

    so no

    that is never the solution

  11. No it either postpones the inevitable while they focus on the kid or it's like adding fuel to the fire and the relationship implodes sooner.

  12. No. However, having a baby can make you get your shit together really quick. It can force you to grow up in ways you didn't think possible. So, fingers crossed for them. It is not an easy way to do it, that's for sure.

  13. If the relationship is rocky due to the stress of dealing with infertility, then a baby certainly helps. In all other cases, no. Speaking from experience. ;)

  14. When has lack of sleep and being covered in shit and vomit EVER been a good way to save a relationship?

    Look at Sid and Nancy for god's sake!

  15. I dont think this is true, and of course it is a terrible idea. FOR THE CHILD. so stop thinking about yourself and save a child the heartache.

  16. I don't believe this. I think both are smarter than that.

  17. all though that would be one lucky kid! Enough money to get over a divorce---in my next life I hope I have them as my 2 moms

  18. No, it usually has the opposite effect.

  19. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Very bad idea. A baby will further f*ck up an already f*cked up situation. They will divorce and then there's the whole custody thing. No kid wants to feel like property, for crying out loud.

  20. @Brian is probably on to something. Lesbian bed death will bring on all sorts of crazy ideas on how to fix it. A child tho? Usually some good old fashioned cheating will fix it. Or a open relationship? Either way at least u don't fuck up another life

  21. Children are mere distractions. They don't fix marriages, hell they don't do ANYTHING but eat, sleep and shit.

  22. Yeah, this came from Radar Online via InTouch magazine, so the rumour holds as much water as a used coffee filter.

  23. Thanks errrybody LOL
    TV junkie, I hope you are hanging in there!!! I wish there was something I could say to make you feel better. When I got dumped a few years ago, one of my friends who is in her late 70s told me: "I can remember every shitty thing every one of my exes did to me, but for the life of me, I can't remember what a single one of them looked like." That always stuck with me. Everything gets better and those that are meant to stick around will. You just keep doing you, boo. XoXo

  24. LOL people that think this are delusional

    Kids just make things harder

  25. No way in H E double hockey sticks!!!!

  26. And of course they'll get it because people who shouldn't have kids always get to have them. Pisses me off. I hate couples who have bandaid babies. The only thing worse is a one night stand baby, which is what I was.

  27. Certainly. It will save the relationship for a year or 2, then make the break up 1000x harder. It is almost as stupid as having a kid to make you buckle down and get off drugs.

  28. The marriage lasted until my fathers parents both died when I was 3 because my mother took them in when none of the other kids of theirs would. Even though they had disliked my mom forever. That's how much she wanted to save the marriage.

  29. I don't know in lesbian relations, but in straight ones this would be the most idiotic idea they could have.

  30. No.

    It's a pathetic excuse to not grow up and deal like adults.

    So instead let's bring an unwanted child - since sure as hell didn't plan and make it happen when things were good.


    Let them blow up.

  31. Can a helpless little infant human being save a dysfunctional adult relationship? Really?

  32. So unfair to the baby. All that responsibility placed on it by two parents who should be guiding aand protecting it, but who can't sort out their own shit. And as above - it makes things harder.

  33. I never wanted of kids because the doctors said i was unable to be pregnant and it was able to be dangerous for myself or the kid .
    My partner knew it and he never was interested to have his own children.Until a day and it became a huge big problem ( it was the major reason why we broke).
    When we cameback together,he asked to think about a child( in clear he thought to adopt:it's complicated to adopt in France.You can wait until 8 years so you have the time to think about it) and i went to see my doctor and what happened? I became pregnant naturally without the help of the medicine and i had no problem during my pregnancy.Our baby was heathly.I was healthy.My doctors don't understand how it's possible
    In my case,our daughter didn't save our relation: it's just the fact of try.In fact i almost am sure it happened too fastly for my now-husband
    We don't try to have another child because the big chance happens ONCE

    1. @FrenchGirl: miracles happen! Give the LittleFrenchOne a big hug for us!!!

  34. Bad decision. I know she has a lot of kids on her show but I honestly never get the impression that she even likes kids in real life. And if Portia is that messed up, the last thing she needs is a child to take care of.
    Get some more pets.

  35. Bandaid babies never work. You end up making three people miserable instead of two. DONT DO IT!!!!

  36. The only person stupid enough to say a baby can save a relationship is someone who's never been a parent. Children aren't accessories - they're human beings who deserve love and affection, 24/7, 365.

  37. No way! A baby will make everything 10 times worse.

  38. HELL to the No. I was a band aid baby. "Surprise! We're pregnant!" was an evil trick played on my dad.
    They divorced non-amicably.
    Would not recommend. BAD IDEA!!!

  39. My SIL got pregnant to save an 8 year marriage, they broke up when my nephew was 2. Babies are very hard work and it only gets harder as they grow up. If it wasn't for my kids however, my husband and I probably would have packed it in years ago. He is just too difficult sometimes. But the kids have no idea how bad it has gotten. Really. You can hide it and keep it together until they leave home.
