Monday, July 21, 2014

Your Turn

Do plane crashes make you more scared to fly?


  1. Nope. I'm way more terrified of a car crash.

    1. @meanie But At least in car crashes their is slight chance of survival unlike plane crash.. No?

  2. Anonymous10:01 AM

    yes... i know its not rational

  3. No. That shit only happens to other people.

  4. I'm already scared to fly so it doesn't take much to make me more scared.

  5. I'm more afraid of ending up on a Lost island

  6. Ive always been afraid of heights and never took flying on planes lightly even though I used to do it a lot. But its really only take offset and landings for the most part you need to worry about most.
    And I will never fly in a private jet or helicopter just commercial airliners.

  7. Yes, and so did an awful, gusty takeoff out of Palm Springs last year. I have tried meditation, but it might be on to xannies

  8. Hell yes. I always take my sleeping pill with me. If it going down at least im asleep while its happening

  9. Partially, I am also terrified of turbulence and yet I fly once a month.

  10. Nope. As Twitter comedian Trevor S has said, "You shouldn't be nervous about flying. You either land safely or you're vaporized--not much middle ground."

  11. Anonymous10:07 AM

    No, Car crash million times more likely

  12. Can't you ask us what the cutest animal is or our favorite flavor of ice cream?

  13. For those who are afraid of flying, you should read Erica Jong's Fear of Flying. It's not gonna address your phobia, but it's a must-read for women. It's also deliciously erotic.

  14. No, I'm a Flight Attendant :) Car accidents scare me more.

  15. I have to fly for work all the time so try just not to think about it...

  16. Lol @ Kate, no kidding!

    Really: flying. I'm actually more terrified that I'll end up in some bizarre place, not able to return for whatever reason. I hate the whole navigating terminals, but once on plane, I'm okay.

  17. It's odd, I'm afraid of heights but planes don't bother me.

    Four hours in a tin can sitting next to someone who doesn't believe in deodorant and in front of a seat kicker, now that's my fear. And going through security where they make you take your shoes off and the guy in front of you has the most hideous feet, you want to jump back in line so your bare feet don't come in direct contact with his footsteps.

    1. @Seven. I'd like to apologize for my seat kicker, just in case, but short of cutting off her feet, I haven't come up with a threat scary enough to make her stop.

  18. I don't mind flying but planes do make me feel a little claustrophobic.

  19. Hideous feet? They make you take your socks off now? Last time I flew, I had 1.5gm of meth in my sock to bring to Vegas. I hope I don't have to keister nuthin on my next trip.

  20. Yes...and I just started a long distance relationship with a guy. We've been traveling to see each other every 2 weeks.

    My mom used to be a flight attendant, and she was in a plane crash one time while working. The plane lost a wheel and a wing.

    1. Congrats and best of luck with the new man, crila!!!

  21. Nope. Leaving for Europe in 2 weeks.

    If it's time and my number's up, so be it.

  22. I don't fly, so no. It's probably safe but the real issue I have with it is all of the germs. Ugh it's a germ factory and I cannot stand being around that many people with no way to escape. When I have flown, it's cool to look out the window and see the ground, like when we went to TX and flew along the Gulf Coast, you could tell where you were because it looked exactly like the map, and seeing the tankers lined up in the Gulf headed to Galveston and the refineries was really cool. So I guess if I get a window seat I can tolerate it but I also don't want to encourage the destruction of our liberties and the molestation of citizens by the TSA. I've done enough international travel as a kid to have seen places and things, and I don't have any desire to leave the US unless I'm never coming back. I would get on a plane for that!

  23. Thank you Lady H!!! I think I'm really in love for the first time in forever. I may even end up moving to Chicago (I'm in NYC).

    1. @crila: Eeeeek!!! I'm so excited for you, that is the most amazing news in one's lifetime! Cherish yo love AND...
      Safe travels and cheers! XoXo

  24. I've flown over Bosnia on Croatia Airlines. People clap when they land. Not much scares me after that.

    1. Anonymous5:00 PM

      Same thing on Bulgaria Air!

  25. @Count, it was Houston in July and I was wearing sandals. When I flew in December, they only made me take off my boots, not my stockings. (That would have been awkward...)

    Well, at least you didn't take snakes on the plane!

  26. Flying was my way of life for a fair amount of years so im not afraid. However, ive never been one to wag my finger in the face of fate. So you wouldnt catch me flying malaysia airlines or flying in any plane whose flightplan included near a war zone. Im guessing I wont see israel in my lifetime with these rules. Lol

  27. I have flown a hundred times but the older I get the worse my anxiety gets flying. Next time I will need to be sedated. I was a wreck the last time. Terrified.

  28. Considering the last 'crash' was actually shot out of the sky, no.

    Actually I prefer to fly after a crash, everybody on their A game then.

    @Crila happy traveling hon!

  29. I actually like flying. I'm with the majority - driving scares me way more

  30. I am the same! I cannot count how many times I have flown yet my anxiety gets worse and worse every flight. When I know I am flying I now have anxiety the entire weeks/months leading up to the flight. It's getting to the point it is almost not worth it... yet I WANT to travel. It does me no good to remind myself that the fear is irrational, that cars are more dangerous...

    1. @Horseloving Gal - you should seriously look into taking prescription tranquilizers when you travel. I've dealt with anxiety issues forever, and never made the connection until a few years ago. Taking them (I just need them at night - I'm very sensitive to medicine) just before and while I travel has actually made tra

    2. (sorry - posted too soon) anyway, traveling is fun now! I was just like you - I wanted to travel, but was miserable the entire time.

  31. As long as I am not flying anywhere near a war zone and I've never been near a war zone on a plane to my knowledge and not flying in bad weather, and I have flown in a few thunderstorms and some bad turbulence once, enough that I thought oh I may puke if this up and down stuff keeps going on but it stopped after 45 minutes, I wouldn't give it a second thought. Now my brothers and their families, on separate flights, were caught by a big storm in Canada and Northeastern States on the Friday before March break and their planes were stuck on the tarmac at Pearson for 5 - 6 hours because of delays and having to de-ice twice. Now that would make me nervous on takeoff. But wouldn't you rather be in the Caribbean and risk it? Yeah I would.

    More worried about the state of the roads when you are flying in and out of Toronto or Buffalo in the winter time.

    In Canada, the airlines have a good safety record, probably one of the best in the world, same with most of the US airlines but I'd be a bit nervous flying some discount airlines in other countries like in South America or Asia or Russia, for sure but even in Europe I tend to fly with airlines I've had good experiences with, like KLM.

    Flying in much smaller planes is a bit more interesting but I have done it a few times on vacation tours. Helicopter ride is still on the bucket list.

  32. Astra I get your point about the germs esp when it was highlighted in the news last year or so. Feel like one needs a CSI black light at all times. But I always say that which does not kill me makes me stronger.

  33. The thing that put me off flying was an article in the New Yorker many years ago on plane accident investigation and reconstruction. Part of the article included a detailed reconstruction of approximately what happened inside the cabin of a plane that almost literally fell out of the sky over Pennsylvania a few years before. That really put me off flying. I used to enjoy it before that.

  34. Yes, they do. I don't like flying to begin with, so every crash scene I see fuels my phobia.

  35. I was in a mid air plane collision in a small airplane when I was 12 (we hit another plane in mid-air, but we didn't crash). For some reason, it never made me afraid to fly. I actually enjoy the experience.

  36. I know a car accident is more likely but I have to admit it's a bit creepy now that they're shooting passenger planes out of the air.

    I don't have call to fly a lot but have paid more for a ticket on an airline with a better safety record.

  37. I know a car accident is more likely but I have to admit it's a bit creepy now that they're shooting passenger planes out of the air.

    I don't have call to fly a lot but have paid more for a ticket on an airline with a better safety record.

  38. No. I love to fly and I'm a pilot's daughter. It might literally be in my blood to love air travel. Stats show that it's far safer than automobile travel anyway, yes?

    crila, that's darling. I love that you're in two awesome cities doing awesome falling-in-love things, too. Mazel, bella! Maybe you could send me some CDaN-family good-vibes so that I could finally find someone as well?! ;-)

    [Truth be told, I have a feeling, as has my mother, that I won't find Mr. Stellar until I finally finish school COME-PLEETE-LEE! (next week!) and hit 40 (next year!). I just feel like my forties are going to be amazing and all of the past shit will be WORTH IT!]

  39. my mind makes me more afraid of plane crashes

  40. Flying always makes me anxious. I think it's a control thing, though I'm not a controlling person at all. But on an airplane I feel claustrophobic, bored, anxious, restive--- just altogether powerless to be able to do anything to ensure my safety. Strange, but if I was flying the plane I'd feel better.

  41. Not at all. Ill tell u what thi, i wont ever cruise again. I dont want to get shipwrecked while captain boffing his mistress, i dont want to be on ship with outbreak of norovirus, and i dont want to be on ship with engine trouble. Pass, pass and pass!

  42. I'm not usually afraid of flying. Though I am glad I never had to fly right after watching the first 15 minutes of the movie FLIGHT.

  43. I wish I could think that way, Tina. But I am a terrible hypochondriac and it only gets worse the older I get. And now there's Ebola to worry about! I don't know if it can get out of Africa and around the world but with my luck, I'd be the one sitting next to the infected person. Scary!

  44. Did you like cruises auntliddy? I went on one and HATED it. I couldn't sleep, the rocking of the ship made me sick, we were in the cheap cabin with no window and I have horrific claustrophobia...the food was good though even though we never ate a buffet, just walked through to see them. We ate all our meals in the dining room, my mother thought it would avoid food poisoning. We didn't get sick so maybe it worked. Where did you go?

  45. Shooting passenger jets out of the air is nothing new. Someone did it in the 90s to a flight out of JFK, and didn't the Chinese or North Koreans do it a couple years ago?

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. I'm a bit freaked out by this crash but more because I flew out of Amsterdam ten days prior to it than anything else. But the airline I flew (Etihad) had stopped flying over Ukraine in April....still, this could have been any plane with any of us not it....

  48. Probably not flying Malaysian Airlines any time soon. I can't believe some of the planes I've traveled in. Old retired Russian models brought back to life, six seaters. They always make it to the destination. I figure the pilot doesn't want to die.

  49. No, but then I don't fly much anyway (I've only flown once since 9/11 and that was one time too many).

  50. Absolutely terrified. Lost power in the air when we were flying to Europe when I was 18, and it's snowballed since then. Last flight was a ridiculously turbulent bout from Reno to Vegas, and I was a stupid mess. Since then, a dear friend lost her mom (pilot) in a plane crash. I simply don't think it will ever get easier for me, as others have said, the fear grows astronomically as I get older. Ughhh.

    Also, I'm afraid of dying in there's that too:)
