Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Your Turn

Do you buy fireworks?


  1. Replies
    1. Do you? Really?

    2. I do, Violet. I have tooling for sky rockets, stingers, fountains, aerial shells, etc.

    3. Is that even legal? I suspect the local constabulary would be banging down my door if I starred up a firework business in my kitchen.

    4. It's a bit of a grey area, Violet. They must be for personal use; no selling. Storage of finished product needs to meet certain BATF requirements. Blah, blah, blah. It's just like cooking, but with dangerous chemicals.

      I also make my own black powder for my cannon.

    5. Anonymous11:18 AM

      Charlie... Does any of this explain how you got your nickname?

    6. Good question, TNC!

    7. Sorry, no, TNC. It would make for a far more interesting tale if it were. Either that, or that I got in a bar fight with some Panamanian Merchant Marine men in a bar on Bali. Now that would be a cool story. Alas...

  2. No technically they are illegal here but you can buy them as long as you dont shoot them off for a crowd (dumbass laws). There's a big tent in the WalMart parking lot selling them. :(

  3. Yes. When my hair is flat and I need extra volume.

  4. What, like crazy strippers and hookers?

  5. yes. I run around the streets with those hand held sparklers singing baby your a firework.

    1. After that, do you shoot fireworks out of your pointy bra, derek?

  6. naked. it is all very demure...

  7. Try to stay far away. Had a bad experience a few years back with a massive bottle rocket that fell over and aimed at me. I swear I thought Al qaeda was shooting at me. Shock and awe!

  8. yeah but mine was broken this year. I should have known better than to put it through the washing machine---stupid dry clean only....

  9. @Gator---yeah they actually scare me a little as well....

  10. I did when my kids were little. Add a can of Aqua Net and it's a party! The neighbors had sky rockets from Mexicali one year and we had fun with the cops that night.

  11. if I was going to be spending time making my own explosives I would save my energy for something more a meth lab...

  12. Whenever I hear "fireworks," I think about this epic lawsuit :)

    Also, this :)

  13. Yes but the good ones are illegal here in NC. We get the puny ones

  14. @VIP what a catchy little ditty that is ; )

  15. No. Fireworks scare me. I had a teacher who blew his hand off from fireworks when he was young.

  16. Yes.

    Also, Mr. Bedinbacher wants his remains in fireworks. He wants them set off at his funeral!

  17. Baby --- I am the fireworks :)

  18. They're illegal here

  19. Ex fiancé & now my adult nephew are both Pyros with elite taste in fireworks. I'm always hooked us up well.
    The 4th here sounds like a war zone, but looks pretty. Love the smell of that sulfer and BBQ!

  20. No. There are shops a short jaunt into PA, but I don't need any cops following me out of the parking lot and back over the bridge.

  21. When you're the Opster made a potato cannon and kept firing off at midnight. It wasn't too long after that that some neighbors screamed shut up! That was the end of that.

    My nephew is taking the girls to Carowinds or whatever the hell they call that theme park on the border of North Carolina and South Carolina. I am more than certain that he will bring back some sort of pyrotechnic devices.

  22. A s Sandybrook said, they are illegal in Florida but that doesnt mean you cant buy them everywhere, its weird. I just took a picture of a large display of fireworks for sale inside Winn Dixie. Apparently you are made to sign some waiver saying you will only use them for agricultural purposes here in St Johns County (for scaring birds away from your crops) but that sure isnt how they are marketed. LOL
    All that being said, I bought some sparklers last year and decided not to waste my money this year.

  23. Yeah, I put on a huge show every July 4. It looks like KISS decided to celebrate their 40th anniversary and use all the pyro from all their concerts in one night. As for buying them, technically, no. I get them for free by talking to the owners of the stands ad letting them know I do it for people that normally wouldn't get to see them and then invite them to the BBQ Bash/Fireworks display.

    9 times out of 10 I end up with at least 3 or 4 of those huge family packs from them (the ones that cost about $150-$200 each), so I get about 2 or 3 dozen all told and we blow shit up real good. One of the perks of having multiple acres of land and living on the city/country border.

  24. No & I think that some people shouldn't set them off. I was lucky enough to survive Canada day after someone's firework almost hit me & my bf & our dog.

  25. Used to. In Washington you can go to the indian reservations and get the good stuff. I had many close calls playing with fireworks as a kid. I inadvertently fashioned a glass shrapnel bomb once, for example. That was definitely an oops moment.

    Yeah, you can get into trouble with explosives. Knew a guy who blew off most of a quadriceps with a pipe bomb.

  26. Around here people set them off all through July. At 3 am, whatever. I've come to loathe them.

  27. Now that I think about it, letting your child have free access to fireworks, guns and explosives is not a good idea. I really didn't have good parental supervision as a child. I had many close calls.

  28. Oh, and apparently I was almost killed as a baby by a skyrocket. So I have been told. I was sitting on my aunt's lap and one went awry, whooshing past my head. Man, I bet that scared the hell out of my mother. To my father's family, of course, that kind of thing was normal. Hell, I've got a distant relation on that side of the family who literally ripped out a guy's throat with a broken beer bottle in a bar fight.

    Alcohol and fireworks...not a good combination.

  29. I live in So Cal, which is one idiot away from burning down to the ground because of this drought. I am completely over fireworks. If I owned a pet, I would probably be murderous about it. They are banned in my city, but a few idiots in my neighborhood are busting them out anyway.

  30. No. Had some asshole neighbors (across the street) fresh from Mexico. They set off a ton, debris all over the place, on cars, windows, street, etc. Assholes set their roof on fire.

  31. No and no one should. I wont bore you with stories- true- of blindness or leg blown apart- but no one shld be buying or using them.

  32. Actually, in a macabre way, I kind of like to hear stories about fireworks and explosives accidents. I guess it's because I've had so many close calls of my own.

    Pyrotechnics, properly employed, are lovely things. They're just chemicals, manufactured so as to deflagrate in a colorful manner.

    Now guns, real explosives and high-powered cars...those are really dangerous. And serious tools. Set my head on fire with a welding torch once. You have to be careful with tools.

  33. Anonymous1:49 PM

    man i love fireworks!!!

    someone was setting off some on fathers day around here.

  34. We always buy fireworks. Not just for the 4th either, but every time we're in SC. We have a huge pile of them in a closet somewhere, better dig them out. USA! USA! WOOOOOO!

  35. No. When I was a kid, a friend of the family blew his hand off with fireworks.

  36. We are in our fourteenth year of drought here in Vegas. Fireworks at this point are scary. And I have neighbors who do not understand the concept of safe and sane.
    So, no.

  37. No. Sometimes one of my sons does. I like to go see the city-sponsored shows, though.

  38. You can only buy them in the ACT. They're not really a novelty here anyway since Sydney has fireworks every weekend.

  39. Did you actually do that? I've been in some bar fights. Y'know, they happen. But it's always some candy-ass dumping his beer on you that you can't whale on because you outsize the guy and it would be cruel.

    Bar fights, experimentation with explosives, very seriously dangerous things behind the wheel and the intake of a whole huge load of hallucinogens, some of which you'd have to look up in a text book.

    It's funny...I used to read the works of Hunter S. Thompson religiously, and then I look back and realize that I am Hunter Thompson. He exaggerated a lot. Me, it's all true.

  40. @Derek
    I demand video evidence of that!

  41. No. Fireworks scare dogs.

  42. Nothing anyone can get mad at me about with this post (so it won't be as fun, I know) but for dogs that get spooked by fireworks or really any loud noises, give them a Dramamine or some other motion sickness pill (maybe two depending on size). It's the same thing the vets give to calm dogs down. it can also be used anytime you feel nausea and think you might throw up. (Insert NBC's old "The More You Know!" Rainbow here)

  43. Not in Reno, Nevada!! It's a felony here, especially with the drought we have going. No "Safe & Sane" fireworks allowed here! Nada!
