Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Your Turn

From a reader - Who is your favorite CDAN commentator?


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OneEyeCharlie said...

Well, this could get interesting in a hurry

Violet said...

Violet. Witty and compassionate.

sandybrook said...

Its a secret...

Beetlejuice said...

Robin Sparkles

Violet said...

And great self esteem.

Kelly said...


Anonymous said...



sandybrook said...

Humble too it seems Violet.

Christopher Cruz said...

All of them!!!

Sugar said...

Me. I'm my favorite everything!

I'm a little disappointed that today's question isn't "What is your favorite sexual position"!

Violet said...

Goes without saying Sandy.

Meanie Rhysie said...

Bruuuuuuce!!! I want Bruce! And if I can't have Bruce back, FontLover!!!

Groggy said...

Count Jerkula for his thoughtful, insightful commentary.

Groggy said...

Count Jerkula for his thoughtful, insightful commentary.

Karen said...

Bruce Jenner

Shit You Can't Buy said...

Count, finally someone to talk to about gross stuff xD

And VIP, for always giving the right answer. But maybe I hate her for that, since I am never the first to guess right xD hahaa

Anonymous said...

Meanie I'm changing my vote to Bruce! Sorry FSP :(

Zach said...

TTM! And Kristen (Wiglet) for the correct answers!

spacecowboy78 said...

Count Jerkula does have a great avatar currently.

The Real Dragon said...

I see you trying to start something Enty.

I like everyone Equally cause they all like my waffles.

Uhhhh... said...

The jerkula is pretty awesome. Isn't there a Harry Knuckles too?

Tricia13 said...

One eye Charlie got some charm...

Sandybrook....witty and subtle

And me, and me, natch but only when I have correct answer:))

Tricia13 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ItsCourtneyD said...

I love me some Charlie. And kristin. And TTM. Oh hell. Who am I kidding? I love all of you crazy SOB's. You're all my favoritests

Unknown said...

New to the neighborhood, but everyone has their moments from what I've seen.

Meanie Rhysie said...

Seriously, bless her little heart with all her autocorrect fails, but I love me some Aunt Licky! <3

LottaColada said...

My vote goes to FSP. It's the avi's.

Nothanksdarlin said...

Truth! I never get the guesses right.

Sugar said...

OHHH! Me too! Bruce!!! Bruce!!!!! Bruce!!!!!!

Also, Auntliddy!

Eros said...

Count and that rude guy whos name I forget. His profile pic has the big white pimp hat.

This would have been a way more interesting topic of discussion if youu had made the title 'which commenter do you abhor on cdan' . Lol

Eros said...

Oh yeah harry knuckles is pretty damn funny too.

Dani D$ said...


Nothanksdarlin said...

Um, RDJ. Of course. I mean, isn't that who brought us all to the party. :)

Nothanksdarlin said...

Jokes by the way, just jokes

The Real Dragon said...

EntyMobile...Was that his/her name? She always had a vendetta against Enties.She had me dying.

Seven of Eleven said...

A commentator (not to be confused with a Willis girl who comments) is a pundit. Someone who reports on something, like Jon Stewart or Nancy Hail Mary Full of Herself Grace.

A commenter is someone who comments on something.

My favorite commentator is VIP.

I don't have a favorite commenter, that's like asking which sibling is your favorite. Geez, Veronica.

Unknown said...

VIPlynne and TTM!!!

WareCat said...

Your mom.

LottaColada said...

I forgot about Bruce!!!

Eros said...

Last response because I dont like many but hollywood dime. I love to see her comments because she dishes the tea like nobody's bidness. Thats all folks

The Real Dragon said...

oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh snap

IDoTheRobot said...

Aunt Liddy <3

Runswithscissors said...

The count

Seven! Wittiness and awesome clickety clicks!

Who was it that used to give us FFF, VIPblonde?

Harry knuckles

Oh! Oh! And who was it that had the armpit as their avi? Pretty cool comments.

Dena said...

I like most of the commenters here, but I really miss Amber. It's always cool to see back-in-the-day regulars stop in, too.

Anonymous said...

I liked entyonamobile too! His commenter blinds were the best! I see Wendy Davis didn't make anyone's favourite list, she'll be crushed.

Unknown said...

Libby on a Mobile! Where did she go? She had the armpit sniffing avi.

Also Amanda's Wig, her avi was Amanda Bynes in a multi-colored wig.

Obviously Count and the merry gang of regulars.

S.joy said...

We're all freakin awesome. I do have a thing for the S folks though... Sherry, Sandy, Seven, Sugar, Sunny.

Seven of Eleven said...

Oh, and VIP is my Jon Stewart.

The Real Dragon said...

@Katy She/he made my day. Lmao I dont remember Wendy. I probably recognize her Avi

OneEyeCharlie said...

Yup. Looks as if the bat signal got lit.

Bruce Jenner said...

Hey guys! Thanks guys! This is a great group of people here.

surfer said...

Ohmigod - there are too many to choose from.

Loved all the -onamobiles - Enty, Libby, Kels.

Bruce and Aunt Liddy. Violet - you crack me up!

The Real Dragon said...

@S.Joy Basically all the commenter that start with S lol. And You start with an S too.


lol kidding.

Anonymous said...

i liked Amber too...

my fav is Sherry.

Anonymous said...

Hi Bruce! Thanks for popping in!

Sugar said...

Hi S. Joy! You are always so sweet and nice. I want to be like you! :-)

The Real Dragon said...

Bruce, OMG.

Meanie Rhysie said...

Bruuuuuce! Hi!!

Unknown said...

I love everyone equally (except for the few I don't really like...) but TTM, Steamy, Riven and a few others have been really nice to me and I always appreciate that <3

Meanie Rhysie said...

I think Sherry was the first commenter that I could tell was commenting w/o looking at her avi/name. Love me some Sherry girl!

Of course, VIP for her fabulous guesses that NO ONE can match!

FSP for his gross, but awesome avi's.

So many, so many...

sandybrook said...

Hi S.joy I wish you could comment more often.

S.joy said...

@Dragon LOL see what I did there? :-D

Hey sugar! And you're hilarious!

LottaColada said...

I'll also add my betch @ethorne into the ring. Betch can always make me laugh out loud.

Woodsy_gal said...

Bruce!! OMG please comment more often! I was just gonna say besides VIP, Wiglet, Charlie & TTM you are my fav!!

Unknown said...

Also sandy, sherry, Reno and Charlie!

AKM said...

I got lots and I don't wanna pick favorites. Love and kisses to all of you on this Canada Day.

Beetlejuice said...


surfer said...

Definitely VIP and Sugar (Sugah!).

Tricia13 said...

Steamy...didn't forget you either doll:)

OneEyeCharlie said...

Well, looky looky. The gang's all (almost) here. I'll go on the assumption that a few can't make it here until after work. Maybe working on Excel pivot tables? Still, a VERY impressive display of solidarity.

Unknown said...

I love you all even though I don't comment often, VIP does hold a special place in my heart because I love links to dickpics on Friday, also Jerkula cause even the ladies love a little misogyny sometimes, maybe I like to be slapped around so what? Also EntyOnAMobile was refreshing

The Real Dragon said...

@Lotta I forgot about Ethorne. Wonder whatever happen to her
There was someone else but i forgot her name. It was reveal she was the Troll Massacre

NJ FireFighter said...

I find all of you charming in your own way! I do like hearing inside scoop for people who actually know some of these celebrities. And Bruce is entertaining and unfailingly positive.

PJ said...

Well, Violet, Sugarbread Maker (that name! Lol) and Talks Too Much are the ladies I'm most familiar with so I'll say them? Anyway, glad to have somewhat accidentally recently become a regular part of the CDAN family! Finding myself newly unemployed has had it's entertaining moments :D The job search continues...

dezzie disaster said...

I love you all! Even the trolls! <3

ItsCourtneyD said...

@PJ best of luck with the job search!!

The Real Dragon said...

PJ, Good Luck on your Job Search boo

discoflux said...

I loves my betches.

Gossip-Monster said...

You have my favorite avatar!

Anonymous said...

NJ I miss Hollywood Dime...

AndyCane said...

That single man commenter guy. God I miss him. He was always full of insight and delight.

GatorGirl said...

VIP blonde is awesome and can't forget my totes adorbs girl, Talks Too Much

Anonymous said...

Wow. I read this question, and all I can see is that squid looking guy from Star Wars shouting, "IT'S A TRAP!"

Unknown said...

Bruce always

I love his positivity

La Minette Grincheuse said...

Love y'all, except those "K"-clone trolls from February.

Pip said...

LibbyOnAMobile! That one "attorney" who would show up with weird conspiracy theories, and would pimp out her blog. The one who "created" Homicide: Life on the Streets. FYI: the show was actually based on a very good book. I forgot the commenter's name, haven't seen her in awhile.

Meanie Rhysie said...

@Pip, wasn't that just "M"??? Weird stuff there.

Beetlejuice said...

It was M

Sugar said...


crila16 said...

I miss the "mean girls". They were my absolute favorite.

Pip said...

Yes! M! When I first started commenting, I didn't understand why no one said anything about her obvious made up cases. I then realized it was just another day on CDaN.

crila16 said...

Bruce and crew. They were my second. Welcome back Bruce.

LottaColada said...

Lolololol! Her blog was interesting but full of looney theories.

Not A Ninny said...

Slander Fu.

TalksTooMuch said...

I have so many favourites, but Wigs is absolutely the best.

surfer said...

Wasn't M for Marcie? What a strange one she was.

Flora Goforth said...

VIP Blonde

Unknown said...

Count Jerkula

Unknown said...


AJ said...

All of the above.

Unknown said...

Yep!! She gives us NAKED MEN!!! Can't go wrong with NAKED MEN!!

haydnhorse said...

Count j.makes me laugh.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Everybody's terrific here, but I do have to give it up to Seven for her awesome Cosima gifs.

Beetlejuice said...

She is a Winona stan

Rolf said...


BeckyMae said...


Unknown said...

I miss people who were here when I first started reading everyday and I looked forward to their comments more than enty's blog. Where are you Fru???

Too many favs to mention but I'm fond of Aunt Liddy, Sherry, Bruce, and of course the Count.

Riven said...

Harry Knuckles always makes me laugh. The entire Book Club are some of the loveliest people I've met online. I'd name drop all of you, but the list kept getting longer. I'll add Hammer Girl, AJ and Orvilla since they haven't been name dropped yet and I adore them (and right back atcha Jack Ducky!).

Jason Blue Eyes said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
The BLS said...

The BLS. She's pretty quiet, but has a funny every now and then.

In all seriousness, I loved Himmmmmm, whoever he was.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Also got to give it up for JSierra who's witty and gorgeous.

Jason Blue Eyes said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bunni said...

Whoever gets it right. RDJ, or whomever hmm is, jk. I love them all. Count, One Eyed C., V.I.P., Lady H, Hollywood Dime, Derek, Sprink, miss Hollywood Dime, there's too many to list. CDAN is my favorite because of all of you. Love reading the comments, some of the.best tea is spilled there.

sandybrook said...

Harry if you still read --you see this shit? People like you and you disappeared weeks ago so you should consider coming back!

Jonathan Andrew Sheen said...

I'm terribly insulted. Or something.

Unknown said...

TTM for being so welcoming to all and equally fearless in laying down the law when needed.
VIP for FFF.
FSP for terrifying me with her waffles.
Seven for braininess, smartassed ways and nifty gifs.
The other AVA G lovers... you know who you are
OneEyed Charlie for being a great sensei. (I'm at the eye clinic for the next week. Im at the halfway point. Yeah.)
Countj for fearlessly being every bit of who he presents as.
Derek, my favorite twee one who will marry for money first before settling down with the love of his life, Danny Trejo.
Lady H, wiglet, meanie and the other stalwarts for keeping me amused and always remembering the name of the person., no matter how minor the career.

The only folks I don't care for? The ones with no regard for anything that came before yesterday. The glowingly syncophantic who won't hear one bad thing about their beloved celebrity. And, finally, the girls who love the bad boys but hate their behavior. This mirror is for you: you can't love a bad boy for being a bad boy and then get in a snit when they miss behave.

CDANers, how I do enjoy you.

TalksTooMuch said...

You should see her pavlova! Oh wait. Well this is awkward

TalksTooMuch said...

You're awesome, Zach

TalksTooMuch said...

Lurve you back, Court! Even without the Peacemaker riding shotgun

KRM1 said...

VIP !!!!!

KRM1 said...

VIP !!!!!

TalksTooMuch said...

He brought me to the party

TalksTooMuch said...

^5 helen!

Unknown said...

Hollywood Dime is my favorite. Count and VIP are a close 2nd.

TalksTooMuch said...

Everyboo is welcome at the book club, you're an awesome addition, jack

TalksTooMuch said...

^5 GG, and we are so not too old to say that!

TalksTooMuch said...

Hey Gweeds. Miss your peeper

Its just U said...

Well, I hate yiz all....

I'm only joking, of.course. Over the years there have been several, but Meanie and Sherry have always been extra special to me.

And not forgetting WareCat. The girl gets me.

Anonymous said...

Snootches makes me laugh. You're all great though. X

ecua said...

I'm going to write who I miss:
Ingrid Superstar (funniest ever CDANer)
Original Mooshki
Original Jax (bc like honey badger, she don't give a shit!)

RowdyRodimus said...

Me. I say what I mean no matter if it's popular opinion or not politically correct. I call a spade a spade and wouldn't kiss ass to any celebrity even if they were sitting right next to me writing me a check as I typed.

This isn't to say that everyone here kisses ass or does the "Entirely TOO PC" thing, but there are a few and that pisses me off. For example, if a celebrity is gay, don't pull out the thesaurus and find the most PC way of saying he like dick in the ass, he's gay. Terms like LBGT just confuse the issue. (Sorry to rant about gay topics, that was just an issue that everyone can understand)

July is a month of rebirth. The year is now more than halfway over and we can begin again. My midyear resolution is to quit being the character "RowdyRodimus" I've created for myself and be Chris from here on out. If you thought Double R could say stuff that would get me kicked off a network show for being insensitive to people you're in for a treat.

Kelly said...

I've got my popcorn ready Chris!

NJ FireFighter said...

Don't be insulted @JAS, I would certainly give you the award for best use of HTML tags when formatting your posts!!

AnonPLS said...

VIP and Lotta Colada make me laugh a lot.

Count Jerkula said...

Thank you to everyone who mentioned me. 2+ years ago, when I was dropping troll bombs and didn't look back to assess the damage, I would have never thought that a pervy sociopath would be so warmly received. Y'alls is sum fucked up peoples :)

As for my fave? It would have to be the five foot four fiesty feline, Lola. Aside from the high "SuperStar" praise, she don't take no guff, is a worthy and intellectually engaging opponent for some arguing, and knows just how to push my buttons and light a fire under me. If ever there was a poster I NEED to send me a selfie.....I'd even be happy if it was clothed.

Close second would be Miss Mess/canopener/KymPossible. That loopy betch brings the chaos like no other. From "Enty is my baby daddy" to "Where's my fuckin Amber Tamblyn book" she can turn this site upside down in an instant. I also like it when she engages me in frisky talk.

I greatly miss them two broads. I hope they pop in to say "Hi" during the holiday reveals.

Charis said...

I've been reading a long time & post sporadically. Commenters come and go. When I start to miss them, it seems like others come in and pick up the slack What I love are the inside jokes. I can't remember her name, but remember...The woman who sent the Cease and Desist letter to Enty and no one knew WTF she was, but she became the default blind answer? "Not now Iron Man"? The CDaN spreadsheet of rankings? There are more, but of course right now they aren't coming to mind.

Unknown said...

Ha ha I miss robin

Unknown said...

Meanie or VIP of course

PghGirl said...

TTM. Count and Vip.

Unknown said...

Oh and himmmm

Gayeld said...

I was just looking for the Bruce thread to add my "Me too" to.

Kelly said...

@Charis YES. That was so funny. What was that girls name? She was like a wee player on a reality show right?

Gayeld said...

Or Himmmmm (is that the right number of mmmmms?) Those were interesting days.

VIPblonde said...

Thanks everyone! :)

I haven't seen him on here for a bit, but one of my faves has always been Peter!

WareCat said...

das right, IJU!

i'm sorry to hear about ur dad, ghoul.
i found sum NSFW reading material that u might like tho!

Meanie Rhysie said...

Yessss! VIP comes through, thank you!!!

@Emily May, aw, thank you! :)

TalksTooMuch said...


TalksTooMuch said...

Thanks, lovely lady. That is a awesome looking cake, PghGirl!

AndyCane said...

I definitely miss Jax and her just don't give a shit attitude.

Ms Cool said...

I enjoy everyone, especially the pre-himmmmm commentators. I don't comment very often anymore but read a lot of the guesses!

Count Jerkula said...

I think I'll have some champagne (NSFW) to celebrate all the love I got here today.

BeckyMae said...

I love me some Steampunk Jazz!!

Kelly said...

Good lord, that looks like that would cause permanent damage! Oy

Snootches said...

Wigs makes me laugh the most, so I'm right there with ya girl! t's like one big disfunctional family round here!

Snootches said...

Yeah babeh! I knew I liked you <3

Snootches said...

I said to myself, "Do I really want to click the link?". I could't help myself, clickies are like the big red buttons that you're told not to touch.
Count, you certainly know how to pick 'em!

TalksTooMuch said...

That's not safe.

Its just U said...

You, my Damnation Damsel, are awesome. Especially as I'm supposed to be at a Slayer show right now. (my man is doing their lights)
The kids are supposed to be on holiday with my parents this week, but my dad just had to go and smash himself up.
Just my luck. (jokes)

Its just U said...

Thaaaaaaaank you!!!

Violet said...

Keerrrist. There are no words.

Turkish Taffy said...

VIP and Charlie

CamColty said...

I really miss amber and Libby.

Meanie Rhysie said...

@AndyCane, yes, he was such a charmer, wasn't he?

Krissie said...

I don't care who posts as long as those trolls pretending to be the Kardashians and posting hundreds of times per day never come back.

I do not have favourites or least favourites. I just read the threads i'm interested in.

Unknown said...

That's what I'm talking about!!!

Anonymous said...

VIP that's the gif that keeps on giving and keeps your special place in my heart reserved!

Unknown said...

You dummies need to get over your obsession with hating me.

Meanie Rhysie said...

Wendy! You old so-and-so! How the hell are you? I mean, besides hateful and all that jazz?

BeckyMae said...

@Wendy...you need to get over yourself....

CamColty said...

But I have to say no one tops the count

Count Jerkula said...

@Wendy: You forgot to say that I am your favorite poster.

Sunny said...

Sunshine keeps it real

Land Manatee said...

I appreciate the truthful story/scoop tellers with first hand info and the accurate guessers to the reveals like VIP. Have lurked here everyday for years just for the reveals. Thanks Enty and CDAN'ers.

Count Jerkula said...

@Cam: Only if I get tired and the chick wants to show off her Cowgirl/Reverse Cowgirl skills ;)

Seven of Eleven said...

Hate and pity aren't the same, ducks, but if it makes you feel better to think people are obsessed with you, you go, Glen Coco!

Anonymous said...

WD40 we love to hate you! Don't ever take that away from us, you keep on keeping on boo!

TalksTooMuch said...

Um, I think we ALL know that I am Wendy's favourite poster, amirite?

Gossip-Monster said...

She luuuuuvs you and your svelte body! Ha!

Its just U said...

Who's Wendy Davis? Never heard of her.

WareCat said...

Aw! that sux.
we'll drink this together then.
everyone needs a little Slayer in them.

TalksTooMuch said...

And my totally age-appropriate and non-risque sense of humour, GM!

Tillie said...

And wasn't there someone named Sue Ellen Mischki or something like that? I miss her comments

C'estMoi said...

I'm not on here very much and only comment once in a while, but I like VIP Blonde because she always seems to have the right answer, and Lady Heisenberg because she reminds me of myself back in the day.

Its just U said...

The girl has skills. I bet that's a LiLo special.

Its just U said...

\m/ \m/

Anonymous said...

That there is Giardiasis just WAITING to happen.

Its just U said...

Btw, my avi pic is me when I took my kid to see 1D for her birthday.
Surrounded by 80,000 Directioners. Can you tell how pleased I was?

Sincerely,Your Friend said...

Months back, when newer than I am now, I shouted out to some of my faves as I was so impressed. But y'all reminded me of ppl I didn't get in, I was sad bcuz y'all were right. And as I was trying to compliment, I ended up feeling bad for the greats that I didn't get in. ARGH !

Everyone is da bomb. I get a little tense at some bitch fests, but it's interesting yet still. So Erinyes I want to stick up for the nice one but I'll eave that to the little feisty beauties on here.

P.s. One Shout-Out to Jordan. He's so stupid I lactually laugh.

AJ said...

Thanks Riven.
Love you right back doll :-)
Love the bookie wookie club members !!!

WareCat said...

My turn to do that is right around the corner, IJU.
I took my daughter to see Fresh Beat Band twice.
I can do like kid parties but an arena of children? *shudders*
Kids are either in awe of me or terrified of me.
My daughter's friend in preK asked her if I was a vampire.

I will continue to wear black until they make something darker.

AJ said...

To my CDAN & Bookie Wookie peeps, I love you all y'all :-)
Here's some shout outs in no particular order ...

Count ( who has to be the most political incorrect yet delightful poster ), TTM ( Who runs the best welcoming committee ) Steamy ( Yet another amazingly kind and welcoming friend ), TNC, Charlie ( our resident gourmet chef ) Violet, Becky ( our little world travler ) UMop, Sincerly, VIP ( who's always right ), SandyBrook, Sugar and Sugartits Breadmaker, Seven of Eleven, Snootches, NJ Firefighter, Rowdy, Bacon, Aunt Liddy, Libby ( I miss that arm pit ), RDJ ( I mean Himmmm ), Reno, Its Just U, Me, Ray, Lotta, Meanie Rhysie, Jack Ducky, Warecat and so many other delightful posters.
I love every one of ya.

ItsCourtneyD said...

But the peacemaker riding shotgun makes you love me more right?

Unknown said...

No. I am going to be super sweet to one and all just to deny you all the opportunity to have fun hating me. Except I will be mean to the Count so he can have fun.

ItsCourtneyD said...

Well there was a lot of love in here today! Love it! And I forgot @count although I should be properly beaten for doing so. He's a beautiful mess, that one. I really like a lot of y'all it's hard to name names! I guess I just remember first off the ones who first spoke to me when I started on here. But seriously. You all are a major part of my everyday life lol And @ttm what's this book club deal? Do spill and help me out! I'm intrigued!

ItsCourtneyD said...

@wendy Honey I don't hate you! Then again this is the first time I've ever spoke to you...so hi!

Mugshotland Creator said...


Mugshotland Creator said...


TalksTooMuch said...

It's the Bookie Wook club, I started it a few months ago for book club meets, but this last month we started doing Social posts and just random OT stuff. Now we do a post every morning and some evenings to just visit and do all the OT that irritates some people so. EVERYONE is welcome, but I don't allow any trolling, so I'm afraid Wendy is just noooot allowed. Everyone else, sure!

It is clicky on my profile or:


It really is for everyone and it is so much fun, come see, Court! You don't even have to bring the Peacemaker

SugarTitz said...

I love your waffles boo.

TalksTooMuch said...

We love you too, AJ!

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