Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Your Turn

From a reader - Who is your favorite CDAN commentator?


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ItsCourtneyD said...

@ttm thank you!! I'll let the peacemaker stay home ;)

SugarTitz said...

Hey girl!

TalksTooMuch said...

Just that tiny bit more, yes

SugarTitz said...

Sniff. .tearing up. Someone remembered me.. thanks boo!!

ItsCourtneyD said...

@aj you were the pretty one with the wedding pic, right? The one who said ppl told you that you resembled lea Michele and I said you were prettier than she'll ever be. Am I remembering correctly? That girl is a hag. Slap the next person who compares you to her lol

JSierra said...

We're all like, so fetch.

JBE you're my CDAN boyfriend

ItsCourtneyD said...

Ohhh @oneeyecharlie. You dreamboat ;) btw since you're the chef share some recipes

SugarTitz said...

That's actually how I started commenting
Been out of work since October. Hang in there love

SugarTitz said...

Belgium scored again 2-0
Had a feeling we weren't going to the next round. Oh well

Count Jerkula said...

@CourtneyD: If you insist, then assume the position. (NSFW) :)

SugarTitz said...

Awe sniff thanks boo. Hope you get a nice sugar baby soon.

WareCat said...

Oh Nooo!!!!
I have a sad kittie story!!!
I've had a cat for almost 13yrs.
When she was a kitten my mom came home & accidentally stepped on the kittie, Lily and broke her foot.
My mom felt horrible & spoiled the shit outta this cat.
It was cute tho seeing a kittie in a cast.

Newaze, today my mom pulled out of the driveway & ran over Lily!!!
My mom is a wreck.

This is not kool!

Meanie Rhysie said...

Shit, WareCat, I'm so so so sorry! (((hugs)))

My sweet Lil Puddin' died a week and half ago, old age. Miss my little booger.

Count Jerkula said...

My condolences WareCat.

Pen-a-lope said...

Count, Talks Too Much, Violet, VIP. I couldn't choose just one.

Kelly said...

Oh Ware I am so sorry!!!!

AJ said...

Awe @Warecat :-(
That's so sad. Losing a furbaby is never easy no matter how it happens but that's a terrible way to go. I'm very sorry.
Hugs to you !!!

AJ said...

Awe Violet. I didn't forget you or your tasty AVI.
PS when I saw it, I though it was a person with food in front of their nether regions. LOL.

Lady Heisenberg said...

I heart Seven's big sexy brain and TTM has a bigger heart than any commenter, anywhere. Easy peasy.

AJ said...

@Its CourtneyD
You have an amazing memory. Yes I'm the bride AVI girl. And yes I've been told a million times by people that I look like Lea Michelle since she got famous.
Thanks Doll. I will always keep that in mind. LOL.

AJ said...

Anytime. You're awesome and let's hope so :-)

WareCat said...

Thanks everyone.

It's a Sad Canada Day for me.

Beetlejuice said...

Sorry bout your loss boo!

OKay said...

I'm always happy to read stuff from VIP, TTM, Violet and Count J (well, I don't know if "happy" describes how I feel after I read Count's comments, but I almost always laugh!) I really used to like Amber and Libby too, and I miss them a lot. Nobody will vote for me, I'm just in and out at the end of the day, but I know sometimes I make people laugh or think and I'm happy with that. Love to all CDAN readers - the best bunch on the 'Net!

Jason Blue Eyes said...

My condolences WareCat. And to you Meanie.

JSierra - Aw, I'm honored to be your CDAN boyfriend, gorgeous.

Hear that all you other CDAN dudes? JSierra picked ME!!!

TalksTooMuch said...

So sorry about your kitty, WareCat

Unknown said...

This is shitty because someone will feel omitted and slighted but most of the regulars are pretty entertaining. If someone put a gun to my head and limited me to my four favorites I would list Kristen, Seven, the Count, and you have to acknowledge VIP for her expertise at the blinds. I usually bust a gut reading my own comments.

Nipple said...

TTM. Because I like her personality. And shes beautiful, too.

Sillygurl said...

You know my vote is for Bruce Troll. Fuck I miss his positive comments.

0_0 said...

Da Count

Simon said...

Sigh, nobody loves simon and name starts with "S"! Lol

I love ladyh cause she had some great early guesses and rocked.
Also Kristen, sandyb, VIP!

Jason Blue Eyes said...

Somebody should ask Enty who his favorite commenter is.

Jessie said...

FSP for sure! His comments make me laugh and his reader photos are my favs.

Honourable mention to Bruce Jenner

And now I'm thinking about it I could list so many people.

trudi said...

Whoever thought to ask this question needs to broker the Middle East conflict.

In the short time I've been reading here I've never seen such love, even among adversaries.

RowdyRodimus said...

One out of however many. Seen no armed, legless players have better batting averages than I seem to have here. Luv to you,too AJ

lutefisk said...

Ida Blankenship was the most intelligent poster ever,

Harry Knuckles said...

Sandy, I'm just taking a break.

Thanks to Uhhh... and Eros and Scissors and Riven for the mention.

I'll put Count at the top of my favorite posters list - smart guy, good talker and very funny.

Lots of posters that I enjoy reading, just about every body, really.

Buddy Bones Smith said...

And thanks to VIP, I recognize that living room even before that glorious ding-a-ling comes bouncing around the corner!

Seven of Eleven said...

@WareCat, that sucks! :( I'm sorry about your kitty, and your poor mom, that is awful!

Here's a hug, boo!

Lexa said...

B. Profane!

Lady Heisenberg said...

Awww don't be sad boo! We are now another CDaN couple!
Wooohooo! Must be love connection day here on CDaN! <3

Big hugs to WareCat

Simon said...

@lady! Yea!

CK76 said...

Julie something?

CanadianMiss said...

I don't ave one particullar favourite. I do, hoever, hage a sift sopt for auntlickys ppor keyboaerd! :)

Sherry said...

Thanks Meanie, SJoy, Fancy,IJU & others. Humbled and overjoyed.

astrogirl said...

Like any recipe, the more ingredients of different types the better

bouldercougar said...

VIP and the Count rank high, but I love me some Frenchgirl and Aunt Liddy

JSierra said...

I think it has a lot to do with names that stick out. Most of the above mentioned comment every day on multiple posts, so their names are easier to recall as people they enjoy. I can think of the obvious who I enjoy but then there are a few who don't post anymore or do so rarely. Rocket Queen, Dia, Barton Fink, Seachica, Pugglewug, DBZee, Em Eye Kay, rejectedcarebear even Tuxedo Cat who I had some disagreements with. Hey peeps, if you see this!

JSierra said...

Actually, it would be easier to name the one or two who are not my fave rather than try and list everyone I like. I'm talkin bout you Kym and M.

Harry Knuckles said...

Don't seem to be able to post through the mobile site. Maybe Entyfuck is cracking down on me.

Anyway, Sandy, I'm just taking a break.

Thanks to Eros and Uhhh... and Scissors and Riven for the mention. There's no money in it for you but you can each have a bite of my reheated roast beef and mashed potatoes with gravy dinner if you get here in the next 3 minutes.

I'll put Count at the top of my favorite posters list. Smart guy, good talker and very funny. Honorable mention to everybody else.

Anonymous said...


Count Jerkula said...

Anyone add this all up? I want my friggin tiara. (SFW)

@JSierra: I think Tuxedo Cat was my OG H8R.

@Harry: Thank you for the kind words. Enjoy your summer break.

Jacq said...

VIP is always on the double with the full-frontals. Bless her heart.

Dena said...


Erik said...

I like everyone.

Alice Tate said...

I'm sorry I missed this today. I mostly skim here but I do have a fondness for Ray Nicolet. And VIP is the MVP.

Nipple said...

TTM. Ive got a nasty crush on that lassie.

Sherry said...

I actually answered this yesterday and blogger ate my post. Hugs to SJoy, Meanie, IJU, Fancy and all others who counted me as a fave. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

I honestly can say I like almost everyone here and just let the jerks roll by. It's truly amazing what everyone brings to this crazy party. You're just all wonderful and lovely.

Pop some champagne and as the saying goes: if you've got nothing nice to say, sit by me!

Its just U said...

Aww, no way. That's terrible. Big hugs to your poor mam.
I hope yer ok babe.x

PJ said...

Thanks Courtney! I start interviewing tomorrow :)

PJ said...

Thank you!! Feeling optimistic :)

PJ said...

Thanks Courtney! I start interviewing tomorrow :)

PJ said...

Thank you!! Feeling optimistic :)

Unknown said...

Count Jerkula- Always. He's horrible and hilarious. Luv you,Count!

Steampunk Jazz (especially when being surly...omg...lol)...Steampunk, I don't know if you are a guy or a girl, but your comments are great. XO

PJ said...

Thank you for the kind words @SugarbreadMaker ❤️ Best of luck to you as well!

PJ said...

Thank you Courtney! I start interviewing tomorrow :)

Now! said...

I enjoy Henriette and Kels, who we don't see much any more. I like Eros. I also enjoy Hollywood Dime, Lady Heisenberg, VIP, Hmmm and Agent S**t when they show up, as they seem to have inside information. Basically, I like anyone who challenges me and makes me think differently. And the Count is always fun to read, although I imagine he's a middle-class suburban dad who gets his jollies acting like a pervert online.

Count Jerkula said...

@Nutty: Only because I don't have the chance to be pervy in real life enough.

AKM said...

Oh, hugs to WareCat and MeanieR! I lost my baby J in March, but picked up my new little monster A a few weeks later. I just don't want to live in a house without a cat!

Orvilla Bedinbacher said...

Oh snap, I missed this. I just got back from the boonies.

Ditto to everything AJ said my sentiments exactly! Also, mad love to AJ. Kisses Riven!

I have to say special thanks to TTM and Ruby Soho (who I miss). Both those ladies made me feel so welcome on CDAN.

Also, where the hell is V? I loved me some her. hehehe

TalksTooMuch said...

Ruby Soho! I was just wondering about her the other day! I hope she's still reading, that awesome lady

Nothanksdarlin said...

I came from a link from another site but Himmmm is def what brought be back for round 2, and here I still am haha

Kara said...

A long time ago there used to be a Minnesota somebody or rather that I liked. :)

CamColty said...

Barton ! I miss him. And jsierra you are dynomite as well, miss!

CamColty said...

Lol. You dirty perve. I love ya!

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