Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Uma Thurman Is Not Dating Quentin Tarantino

Two weeks ago, the tabloids were trying to pair off Uma Thurman and Quentin Tarantino. He said that he loved her which he does, but not in that way. I thought I would share this from a reader because I love the way they wrote it.

You don't fully appreciate the pleasures of public anonymity until you're on a train platform with Uma Thurman and everybody is not-so-secretly watching her make out with her boyfriend - and it isn't Tarantino. It was quite the show at the Rhinecliff Train Station, high watt PDA.


  1. Did the rich guy dump her or did she dump him? Arpad Busson. I believe they have a small child together.

  2. Uma takes public transportation? Also---she has never come across like some angel----had plenty of men come and go in her life---and who has her damn kids?

    1. It is summer break. Maybe the husband is taking his turn?

  3. PDA on a train platform when you're Uma's age is just tacky. Presumably she is not into toe sucking then?

    1. Exactly what I was thinking! I think she's about my age & I'm past that crap.

  4. "Uma Thurman Is Not Dating Quentin Tarantino"

    Well! I should certainly hope not!

  5. She probably has corns on her feet.

  6. Being obsessed over constantly grates the nerves quickly

  7. Quentin likes to work naked, coked out, with a Vietnamese hooker sucking his dick. Not Uma's thing.

  8. Ok who lives in Westchester NY that squealed on Uma?

  9. he's kinda gross-no?

    maybe he's her dirty secret - now outed

    if they were ever a couple no way it would last anyway

  10. sounds like she was on her way back from a country house upstate. nice area. I can confirm from personal experience (not this blind) that she has a powerful presence.

  11. I heard she is the nicest person ever. This arpad gets around, and throws money if there is a problem.

  12. Wait. Maybe the 18 yr old Ukrainian girls he flies in to have sex with for months at a time is a problem for her?

  13. The fact that she and Quentin are still good friends so many years after Pulp Fiction should tell you she doesn't shit where she eats.

  14. He is so disgusting, the idea of having him in the same room, let alone having sex with him, is too much to bear. The things celebs do for fame and roles! He looks like he smells like dick cheese, BO and alcohol.

  15. Uma only fucks billionaires

  16. derek, yes. everybody in this area (NYC metro) takes public transportation. it's the easiest way to get around, and nobody really gives a shit if you are famous or not.

  17. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Rhinecliff train is just Amtrak, not Metro-North.
    And definitely not Westchester.
    I wonder if Liev Schrieber still has his house up here?
    Shout out to my neighbor who reported this to Enty! {{{hi!!}}
