Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Today's Blind Items - The Cover Up

Lost in the shuffle of the convictions of British broadcast legends on sex abuse charges was the brief trail investigators followed which led them to this former A+ list entertainer(singer). When investigators decided to ask questions about the singer's activities in his own country, they were promptly told by high members of their own government to stop. Back in his home country our singer was constantly in trouble for having sex with girls and boys, but his legend was so great and his face in many aspects was associated with his country that the government chose to cover up his crimes and in some cases even helped pay off the accusers. This was in our singer's later years when he was running out of money because of all the payoffs and bribes and various women he got pregnant through the years. At one point, a leader of the government arranged for some women and men to be with the singer at all times just so he would stop indulging with children. It mostly worked and the men and women were very well compensated, but then of the course the leader who was paying the escorts has a great deal of wealth and probably gets a big discount on escorts.


  1. Violet this one belongs to you and the rest of our British Empire readers.

  2. Come on CDAN Detective SVU This OUT

  3. (Tom jones or engelbert humperdinck)

  4. Replies
    1. Reputation of the size of Tom's Jones alone tells me that there's no way his parking it in anything less than Paris Hilton sized holes. Unless there were rumors of payoffs for kids being torn in half.

    2. That's sick what's wrong with you idiot???

  5. Replies
    1. Thought the same, but is he a singer?

    2. Thank heaven for leeettle girls...

    3. And isnt he Russian now? He made a protest about the high taxes in France.

  6. Wow, that's insane though.

  7. Johnny Hallyday- France
    He's a national treasure

    1. +1 - I'm pretty sure Hallyday was mentioned in passing while the investigation was unfolding, and it's almost definitely a French star with a big Brit career...

  8. Paul McCartney.

  9. @ sandy don't think it's nessarily UK...just foreign

  10. Did Enty write "indulged" with children? WTF? Like the pedos are after ice cream!

    1. Or like it's just a guilty pleasure. Ick.

  11. A

    John Alford (singer)
    Ian Anderson
    Mike Anthony (singer)
    Apache Indian
    Arjun (singer)
    James Arthur (singer)
    David Austin (singer)
    Peter Auty


    Pato Banton
    Richard Barnes (musician)
    Daniel Bedingfield
    Tom Bertram (singer-songwriter)
    Bruce Boniface
    Simon Bowman
    Robbie Boyd
    Geoff Bradford (musician)
    Lewis Bradley
    Martin Bramah
    Brendon (singer)
    Tony Brent
    Rhett Brewer
    Errol Brown
    Findlay Brown


    Clive Carter
    Christopher Chung (actor)
    Charles Coborn
    Frank Collins (musician)
    Sean Conlon
    Brian Connolly
    David Courtney
    Taio Cruz

    That's all I got

  12. Phil Collins? Though it kinda sounds like this singer might be dead now.

  13. Cliff Richard, his name is on the guest list at the Hotel that hosted "parties" that procured children for celebs and politicians. He attended many of these, and his nickname for the parties was Kitty.

  14. That's despicable.

  15. The blind reads as though this person is dead and not from the UK. Kristen's guess could work with Pavarotti and Silvio Berlusconi being the one with deep pockets who paid for the escorts.

    1. Pavarotti died about with about $18 million in debt.

  16. It's not England dudes..read it again..just saying this scandal in another country was lost in shuffle because of British one

  17. You might have a great point there Tricia.

  18. Until I saw the word women, MJ was my guess.

  19. @sandy. think it's Hallyday...i lived in France...he's untouchable...several beautiful homes, lots of money....younger wife, got another young girl Preggo while married...he's quite a pig
    It's him or serge gainsbourg

  20. Liberace. JK. Never with women.

  21. Hallyday the French Elvis

  22. Yes....singer, actor.....he's still performing, actually was in Miami recently...
    French "Elvis" is what they term him

  23. Google a pix...it tells the tale

    1. Oh God, I think I'm blind now. Why did you tell me to do that? Gross.

    2. @Gayeld Thanks for the warning

  24. My money is with @Tricia

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. What about a Canadian like Bryan Adams or something?

  27. Thx @scissors....mo money mo money:)

  28. Pavarotti. Died I'm debt, quiet a few children, Berlusconi getting his escort deal.

  29. Quite a few children even.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Tricia, sounds like the leader of the government who pays the escorts is still alive, but maybe not the singer. And that he's from a country that's not the UK and probably not USA. That's all I got.

    2. No that is the leader with money and well to pay escorts who is still alive, Berlusconi

  31. Or former French prez Sarkozy who was independently wealthy before he even took over post

    1. But the blind reads as though the person is A+ list even outside of their country. No one has heard of Hallyday outside of France.

  32. He just sold the Fillmore in Miami last year
    Granted, he's more obscure than Pavarotti, but there has always been whispering a about his pedophilia...and Pavarotti, never. Just the young asst. he left wife for and married.....just don't see it

  33. Sick, sick b@st@rd

  34. Plus my French ex hubby(I mentioned here before lol) used to drive for him....here in US(NYC).. This was a couple years ago only....and he was always getting mobbed by fans...he's a relic

  35. Phenom was having money issues, which is why he needed to start touring again..dunno, just my thoughts:)

  36. Hallyday isn't that obscure, but he's alive and not in a state of financial ruin. Pretty sure this person is dead, and was not in great financial shape. That fits Pavarotti/Berlusconi. Yes, Serge Gainsbourg is dead too, but I don't believe he died with financial problems, and Sarkozy, wealth or not, was not high ranking in French politics when Gainsbourg passed.

  37. "but his legend was so great and his face in many aspects was associated with his country"

    Bryan Adams was on a stamp in Canada. Just sayin

    (I don't really think it's him. I just don't have a better guess)

  38. somebody i've never even heard of can be A+---and it doesn't even qualify it with 'in his own country.'

  39. Pavarotti. There were rumors that he had debt later in life.

  40. Wiki says Johnny Halliday is alive and still performing. He supported Sarkozy and had tax issues - tried for Belgian and then Swiss citizenship. He spends a lot of time in LA and looks seriously creepy.

    If the singer is supposed to be dead then Pavarotti/Burlusconi.

  41. Johnny Halliday lives in Pacific Palisades actually with his younger wife and their 2 kids( i never heard a woman was pregnant of him when he was with Leaticia or Nathalie Baye an ex or Sylvie Vartan )Halliday may be not faithful but he's straight.He also always has money trouble because he spends more than he wins( he has 4 houses)
    Sarkosy was a political nobody when Gainsbourg is dead

  42. Julio Eglesias was A+ and was a known Sl-t. He was beloved in spain.

  43. I was referring to Sarkozy and Hallyday

  44. Julio E good guess too

  45. its clearly Pavarotti and Berlusconi from the clues. seriously. in the 1990's the 3 Tenors and Pavarotti in particular WERE the face of the nation abroad. Berlusconi gets deals on escorts.

  46. @feprenchgirl, also, I don't automatically associate pedophilia with being straight or gay...it's a sickness. Period. Lusting for, and abusing young children. In a warped mind like that, didn't think one is considering gender, necessarily
    And I know how many homes he has, as I said before...I was at one of his homes ithe south of France

  47. Yes, his younger wife is the one he got pregnant while with the previous wife....
    I know a bit about him

  48. Frenchgirl

    OT did BHL break up with Daphne?

  49. Tricia, is Hallyday in remission from his colon cancer?

  50. Julio Iglesias is still alive and rich as f word.
    And sincerely, what Spanish PM would have paid for his scorts and doing them later?
    González? The most likely, he is a socialist and Julio is not, no way they would do a joint venture.
    Aznar? Him and scorts are like a Kennedy becoming a nun (or whatever is the male version of a person who gives up sex).
    ZP? Dumb as hell and hater of prostitution and non-socialists.
    Mariasno? Most likely closeted dude. Him using female scorts is as reliable sean penn doing a PSA against drugs.

  51. @ Suzanne....I'm assuming.....he was here not that long ago...2013....

  52. Don Ho isn't just a weird name for a crappy singer who likes tiny bubbles in his champagne.

  53. I've never heard of Johnny Halliday if he did look like Elvis at one point he's messed up face with plastic surgery to just look creepy now

  54. Oh, I don't like this blind and what it might be telling us. I would say the sort of government who would pay for something like this to be hushed up, is berlesconis, who is very wealthy, and does probably get a discount on escorts.

    It would then indicate pavoratti as a paedo. But god, I don't like to make that guess and possibly malign a dead man with such an awful accusation. This isn't just screwing about, this is paedophillia.

    I also hate and I mean really hate the way enty calls raping children " indulging". That's one of the sickest things I've seen written on here.

  55. I don't think it could be him but Bob Marley was the first that came to mind.

  56. Rolf Harris was convicted yesterday in the UK for this kind of thing. He was A+ in UK, australia and New Zealand

  57. Hallyday is straight, and I haven't heard a single pedophilia rumor about him. His main issue is that he's not the sharpest tool in the shed. Alcohol and drugs reduce him most of the time to a shell of a man. That's why he never took care of his own contract or business for decades. The record label boss sent him a check when he wanted to buy something.
    And there was one complaint filled by a woman for rape that made the headlines, so there has never been any powerful cover up of his crimes. The charges were actually dismissed a few months later.

    If you want some gossip about Hallyday, he had his entire lower jaw redone along with the nose due to the length of his cocaine abuse. His new chin was based on George Clooney's.

  58. So what we have learned is not to many people have a soul

  59. Wow - I'm sooo confused!

    FWIW- Iglesias followed me in my car many years ago, driving up Sunset Blvd., I pulled into a bank parking lot and he confronted me there. I was 16 or 17. I didn't know who he was at first, but caught on due to my moms crush on him at the time. He asked me to do something with him, I told him I was in way to my Bf's. He wanted me to call him and tell my bf I would be with Him, Julio. I called my bf, I was kinda scared, Julio talked to him. My bf said I should go if I wanted to. Haha. Yep! I didn't. Julio then asker me to meet him later at a club then. I didn't. I told him I wouldn't be able to get in and if coarse he said not to worry about it. I wasn't into men who could be my dad. I didn't go. The ladies / moms in our neighborhood were all disappointed that I didn't bLol.

  60. If it's Bob Marley, I don't even want to live on this planet anymore.

  61. The blind, IF true, is certainly pointing at Pavarotti and President Bunga-Bunga.

    The clues don't all fit for Gainsbourg/ Mitterand (another dirty old man). Halliday, Jones and Igleseas are still alive. As are Humperdink and Cliff Richards, and although they were born in India they're British citizens.
    And Christ let it not be Bob Marley!

    Elvis did meet and marry Priscilla when she was very young, and was having money issues when he died, but one would hope he wouldn't be that depraved. Sinatra and a Bush/Clinton cover-up is an interesting idea though...

  62. Although this may be a but misleading as there have been rumours of a "veteran international pop star" being investigated by Operation Yewtree.

  63. Froggy, I so agree with you about the wording. It makes it seem slightly naughty.

    I also hate the use of the term 'child pornography' it's child abuse FFS. Just because it's a photo, somewhere a child has been abused.

  64. Like the povoratti guess

  65. @froggy totally agree. Wording enty wording!

    Sickened by Rolf and all of this.

  66. How about old Wayne Newton? Major money troubles.... patriotic crap.

    1. I saw Newton a couple years ago at Our Lady of Angels and was shocked at how plastic he was.

  67. I'm liking the Pavarotti guess also. Govt seems to be into escorts/prostitutes and he was face of Italian music.

  68. Yep, I'm thinking this is a retro BI on Rolf Harris. Fucking rock spider.So glad he was found guilty. The ones who helped cover for him should be on trial as well

  69. Bono - Ireland

    Pete Townsend - UK

    Elton John - UK

    Neil Finn - New Zealand

  70. The fact that so many of you guessed him and it is so believable make it so unbelievably frustrating to be an AC Milan fan during this shit "rebuilding" period.

  71. Rolf Harris?


  72. When I started reading it I thought it was Cliff Richard.

    I don't know why Marley's name has come up. He and the government of Jamaica were never buddy-buddy. If I remember there was an assassination attempt on him that may or may not have been perpetrated by the government.

    I also found it odd that Depardieu left France for Russia so suddenly with a flimsy excuse for doing so. Was he being protected by Sarkozy and left when Sarkozy lost power?

    After reading the comments the only logical conclusion is the late Pavarotti and Berlusconi.

  73. Just to formally state that the guesses about Canada don't really fit. The BI states that "the leader who was paying the escorts has a great deal of wealth" - Stephen Harper, who is the Prime Minister of Canada, is estimated to be worth 5 million dollars. While not chump change that's a far cry from "a great deal of wealth". And while I'm googling the topic I don't think France fits that well: Jacques Chirac was worth 9 million, while the current PM (François Hollande) is worth only 1.5 million. However, Silvio Berlusconi (former PM of Italy) is worth over 6.2 billion dollars...

  74. Mick Jagger was the first to come to mind.

  75. Forgive the weekly attack of logorrhea; just click this comment shut...

    The post does not say at any point that the singer is deceased. The use of past tense leaves that impression, but it may just imply that his career (as singer &/or paedo) is over.

    So, while it seems too obvious, I think this is Future Justin Bieber.

    Sorry, Canadians! <3 ya, & Toronto's bril (has the shiniest, most curvy Downtown ever; a Shoe Museum; lovely Uni district; plus--by the Conference Centre--an extraordinarily detailed Pavement of Gruesome & Agonizing Occupational Deaths That Were All-Too-Common Before Unionisation)!

    PS: If it's not Future Bieber, answer depends on this alt-Ent's ESL skills.

    The Legend is elderly, & so broke he's probably worth more post-obit, like Michael Jackson is now, or Future Biebs. But it's rare for a CDAN post to be vague even re a BI's gender; if the guy's dead, it would say that, yes? Text implies a non-Brit, & not of US origin (US govt stonewalls, but this is the Age of No Secrets; we'd have seen it on the Web or in an MTV expose). An EEU singer seems likeliest.

    Pavarotti's fully dead--& tho' a bona fide, mass-market Legend, was he really so reflective of Italian culture as to inspire frantic gov't cover-ups?? Descendants of expats from the land of the Caesars, the Popes, & skeevy old Bunga-Bunga guy seem much more defensive of Italy's "image" than native Italians themselves (& I bet the latter are opera snobs ;). Maybe LP was an FoB-B, though?

    J Hallyday is not known for being bisexual, but France is definitely notorious for making cultural chauvinism a matter of State. Also, not sure we get much of their gossip--eg, was it news in the US that Cath. Deveuve was Mitterrand's long-term mistress & walked in his funeral train, not far from Madame M? So, good chance the singing predator is French, simply because it would be a Matter of State & Francophone Pride.

    Hallyday's never been a household name here, but he was massive in what my old cross-pond marketing colleagues complacently referred to as "ROW" (yep. There's the US & UK, then, the Rest-of-World market :/). Admittedly he only came to mind because the evil, omnisexual missing singer in Alan Parker's cheesy/fun Angel Heart is named "Johnny Holliday." Always found that strange.

    Mea culpa. Apologies for the vast mess'o'words.

  76. berscoloni himself went on trial for being with underage prostitutes= he was known to have underage orgies at his palatial estate & his actress wife could no longer turn a blind eye. PAVAROTTI FOR SURE! entys practically giving away the answer w/all the Escort references!

  77. @Bitca, thorough post-nicely done.
    I still think it's Berscoloni La Corrupto & Pavarotti La Largo...& yeah,it was common knowledge that Mitterand had 4 known mistresses at his funeral.The one next to his wife did get more attn. than Deneuve though-we should ask HER about Halliday,eh!?she knows the score with him for sure.

  78. Pavarotti/Berlosconi seem to fit best.

    Pavarotti was the only Italian in the Three Tenors. Plácido Domingo and José Carreras are Spanish.

  79. undoubtedly Rolf Harris. Makes every Aussie over a certain age throw up in our mouths a little bit.

    PS - to the person who named random stars who have never been even whispered about in reference to paedophilia - all 4 ridiculous and WHY would you even type Neil Finn?? What the actual fuck??

  80. @Debra Kessing, @cdanluva wrote the four names. I haven't heard a thing about Bono, Elton John, or (agree, wtf) Neil Finn, but Pete Townsend's had some rumours about him.

  81. Just a thought as I read this today: Berlosconi acquitted of underage prostitution charges

    Also, let's change that wording because if you are underage you are not a prostitute. You are a victim of sex trafficking.
