Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Today's Blind Items - Chasing Publicity

This actress has been in this space before. A few times. OK, more than a few, but never really for the reason she finds herself back in place now. At some point in the past decade she got addicted to the fame that came with her franchise movie role. She misses the mobs of fans that followed her because of that role. She misses the constant paps and the traveling all over the world promoting it. She is B list, but in a couple of more years as the role begins to fade she is going to drop. I don't think she is going to find a role that can keep her at B list beyond that. She knows this and is trying her best to find a boyfriend that can keep her in the spotlight. She is also doing anything she can to try and stay in the spotlight. A few years ago she latched on to a rich celebrity whose main claim to fame is that he once dated that awful former A+ list reality star. Since that time when he dumped her for someone he was cheating with she jumped into a rebound relationship that was a disaster. She thought they could become a power couple but all that happened is that she ended up spending a great deal of her money on one failed project after the other. She then started cheating on him with some producers in hopes of landing some higher profile movies. Nothing doing. She could get parts, but nothing that was big box office. Fast forward and she got sucked into the vortex of another reality family and thought the male portion of the family was someone who would make a nice boyfriend and keep her in the spotlight. He kept her around a week or two and then dumped her when he found his next week long project. Now she is growing more desperate and latched on to a B+ list mostly television actor and has been dragging him to places he normally doesn't go just so they can get papped together. When he thinks they are going for a quiet dinner she knows won't get them spotted she makes some calls and cuddles real close while the photos are snapped. She has been causing drama and doing all she can to get their relationship noticed. She adores the tabloid coverage and thinks this could be something to keep her in the public eye and make her more attractive in the eyes of producers. It is all calculated and when this guy dumps her, and he will, she will keep looking until she succeeds in her quest to be the most famous person from that franchise.


  1. Replies
    1. Other players:
      Paris Latsis, Paris Hilton's ex
      Derek Hough reality fam
      Ian Smolderholder (who dropped from A to B+ since the other day)

    2. Not Derek but her ex hubby Paul McDonald

    3. Anonymous11:06 AM

      Yes! I even got this one. Nikki all the way through

  2. and Paris Latsis for the BF ex of Hilton

  3. Nikki,do you want to be famous? Have an affair with an A married director and call the paps during one of your PDA

  4. someone from Twilight

  5. i thought julianne was her madam lol

    guess hollywood is also experiencing the awesome economy situation right now as well.

  6. Try again Nikki Reed was married at some point...blind doesn't mention that...

  7. Who has Ashley green dated?

  8. Nikki Reed. I don't think this says anywhere about her being married or not being married. Paul McDonald was the rebound relationship where she thought they'd be a "power couple." I don't watch Twilight, so I have nothing to base this on, but she kind of bugs me.

  9. Doesn't matter if it says it or not. It's still Nikki Reed.
    I like how yesterday Ian was A now he is B+.

  10. Clearly Nikki Reid.

    Whatever happened to Paris Latsis, anyway?

  11. Burn fast and hard nikki.

  12. Yep. Nikki and her ex AI hubby Paul.

  13. Nikki Reed is a B list? Since when? She used to be, but now...I haven't seen her in anything in forever.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Nikki Reed should get more creative and write a "twenty-one" or a "twenty-five". Nobody knows you from Twilight you idiot.

  16. Couldn't this be Adrienne Bailon from the Cheetah Girls?? She dated Rob K for a while so that part of the blind fits.

  17. So how does having dinner with some B+ actor get you a part in anything unless the B+ actor is also producing movies.

    Do all these wackjobs think that if Spielberg just happens to read the Daily Mail and see their picture he'll say yes, there's the lead for my next movie?

  18. Nikki is not cuddling to lan in pics tho. We haven't even seen them holding hands yet. Also when was Nikki followed and mobbed by fans? Even in Twilight days it was Robsten who were in the spotlight it doesn't fit to NR

  19. Even I got this one. Nikki Reed all the way.

  20. Maria, there are several photos of them out looking cozy, just yesterday I think.
