Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Situation Is Ordered To Anger Management

The Situation got sentenced by a judge yesterday to Anger Management. Hoping that it was a sequel to the Adam Sandler movie or at least a guest spot on Charlie Sheen's mess of a show, he will probably be shocked to learn that the judge meant classes and that he needs to attend and then report back to court in three months. The Situation was in court facing assault charges after he got into a fight with his brother at their failing tanning salon. The charge would not be erased completely if he completes the classes but would be downgraded to basically a ticket for a noise violation. The arrest happened on July 15th and he had been on $500 bail. The Situation is just probably happy the judge ordered him back so he can get another day of some press coverage to try and revive a career that has no future.


  1. Searching for a care...... hmmmm... just can't seem to find one.

  2. I will trade in a Situation and Snooki for a Kardashian any day

    1. Does there have to be a trade? Can't we just put them all on a slow boat to China?

  3. I would trade them both in for a free tanning session.

  4. If every Jersey goomba 'roid head and his brother got arrested every time they got in a scuffle at their failing co-owned business, there wouldn't be enough anger management classrooms on the PLANET to handle the workload.

  5. What career? Being a complete douchebag? He can furgeddaboutit.

  6. Damn - Is he shown on, "The Faces Of Meth" website?????

  7. I kind of feel sorry for him. You know he's just not that bright. Ill equipped for his "fame" and never saved any money. Snooki, who'da thunk SHE would have been the smart one?

    1. Took the words outta my mouth @Sherry. I feel bad for him. Snooki almost quit the damned show on like Episode 2. Bet she's happy she hung in there.

  8. Anger issues over not coming out...he has done some very high priced rent boy work for moguls but nothing ever came of it...(no pun)..blamed liking men on being on drugs...turns out he still likes them.

  9. I feel sorry for this guy. It seems like he had a bit of fame, and he has an army of people in his life with their hands out--and he has no real talent or skill to make a career out of.
    I sounds like he really needs some structure like a program to maybe get himself together.
