Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Bachelorette Picks Someone To Pretend To Marry

Lots of former Bachelor and Bachelorette contestants are marrying and having babies, but the problem is most of them are not having these things happen with the people that are proposing at the end of a season of shows. Andi "The Dorf" Dorfman has already said she will be back in her Assistant District Attorney job by the end of the year. Apparently the guy who gave up his baseball career for love. I know, we need to talk about that for a second. The guy didn't give up his career for love. It is a line that producers fed him. The guy wasn't good enough to keep playing and instead of being the mid-30's guy on the back of the bus he gave up the sport. If he had been playing major league baseball and earning millions of dollars a year do you think he would have walked away from it for love? So, that is a bunch of crap right there. The loser seemed pretty upset about the whole thing and you get the feeling that the sex he had with Andi before dumping him has made him bitter and that she may have to seek a restraining order at some point. Anyway, the winner was Josh Murray who will be on one of the spin off shows soon with the runner up where they might have a chance actually finding true love and not made for ABC to fit into the weeks allotted love.


  1. If you know its fake why bother posting it?

  2. I choose to believe, for Reno's sake. Mazel tov!

  3. Dorf on Golf > Andi "The Dorf" Dorfman

  4. Piper Perabo got married for realz and you didn't even mention it Enty (and I always thought she was gay.)

    1. I totally thought she was too, sandy. Huh

    2. She's not gay? Fooled me. Maybe her new husband is her beard. Or maybe she's bi. Congrats to her either way.

    3. It was in the photos yesterday

    4. I always mix her and Maria Bello up, and Maria IS out.

    5. For some unknown reason, I really like her. Congrats and links pretty please?

  5. Are there people who actually believe this is real? lolol

  6. TTM Im pretty sure she was openly gay. I thought she did an interview about it.

    1. Well, maybe she changed! I have a female relative that married a dude after years of identifying as a lesbian

    2. @Sandy
      Is it possible you're thinking of Maria Bello? They were in the masterpiece called Coyote Ugly together, and Maria did an article about finding love with a female after her divorce from a man

  7. This show is for hopeless romantics who believes in fairytales. So people like Taylor Swift.

    1. ...believe* in fairytales.

      I've never watched the show. No interest.

  8. Can anyone tell me what happened last night? I heard something about a letter?

    Was there anything interesting going on?

    1. I just watched the end, NotPicked cried and told everyone he gave up the goods to no avail and he couldn't believe she would use him like that. I hadn't seen it before, but the new Bachelor in Paradise looks fun! Temptation Island, but with handcuffs!

    2. Nick showed up at the studio during a taping wanting to talk to Andi, but she refused to see him. He left a letter for Chris to give to Andi. Last night during the live show he asked Andi whether she read his letter and she nodded or grunted that she had.

      IMO the only real thing last night was Nick's broken heart. Josh and Andi did not seem sincere in their excitement to finally tell the world they're engaged.

      Kill me now, I watched this crap.

  9. Meanie, people get REALLY involved in this show I don't get it.

  10. You cannot convince me that ANY of the participants on these Bachelor shows believe they are for real or that they "fall in love" with each other, puhleez.

  11. Why why is this still on?

  12. Double this. And reality and star do not go together.

  13. Several couples are really married and have kids.

  14. It was so incredibly cringy watching Andy and Nick. First she sat there stone faced and said she was never in love with him. She said it a few times. Enough to piss off Nick who then blurts out "But we made love!" Which she called a low blow. IMO She started it by driving home the fact that she was never, ever in love with him. Thus humiliating him on national tv. It was so cringy to watch.

    I don't think the nut job actually loved her at all. He was more interested in winning the competition than actually being in love with her. He should just be happy he got some tail out of it.

    The other cringy bit was Andy & the winner saying over and over "I love you". WTF you've known the guy for around 2 months (at the time of the proposal) and you're "so in love"? Give me a break. Real, lasting love grows over time. If anything she just wants his body.

    I watch this show for the crazy train and because I have no life. So it gives me something to do for an hour. lol I LOVE it when they have someone truly crazy on the show. Someone like that model from Ben's year. Yes she's a horrible person but she was fun to watch. Her sound bites were comedy gold.

  15. The only ones who married the one they chose were Trista & Ryan, & they were already together before the show. I'd rather watch Rock/Flavor of Love.

  16. Not true ethorne. Ashley and JP are married and she's pregnant. Ashley chose JP on her season. They're my favorite couple. I think the Mesnicks count too cause he really picked her I think the producers rigged that mess that season.

  17. Got it @Reno. I don't watch & they all start to turn into the same people after awhile. :)

  18. And really, that's a pretty low amount for how many couples they've had. I admit!

  19. Anonymous9:14 AM

    I like them together! They seemed somewhat genuine last night, considering.

  20. Nothing comes of these because the people involved are not interested in finding the love of their life--they are interested in finding fame. And once they've got their 15 minutes (okay, 10) they're sure not going to get tied down to one person. They're going to see what kind of Bigger Better Deal they can manage.

  21. Yes! I totally forgot Sean and Catherine!
    Also Desiree and Chris are still together as is Juan Pablo and Nikki.

  22. Awww,cali I thought Andi and Josh were adorable! Nick is a creeper.

  23. I love that Nick asked her on national TV why she had sex with him in the fantasy suite if she knew he was in love with her and she knew she wasn't going to pick him and she was supposedly madly in love with Josh.

    No, he didn't ask it that way but that's how I would have asked it.

    And I really hope Josh asked the same question last night but I think he's just dumb enough to give her a pass on that.

    She didn't deny it but said it was "below the belt" to reveal private information like that (no pun intended apparently).

    So basically she's a slut.

    Yes, Nick's feelings were real ... and if she knew that, the way she treated him was completely shitty.

    She shucked and jived and avoided addressing that question, then segued into complimenting herself for not letting him propose.

    If she's a trial lawyer she should seek another area of the law to practise because she sucks at oral argument.
