Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Bachelorette Picks Someone To Pretend To Marry

Lots of former Bachelor and Bachelorette contestants are marrying and having babies, but the problem is most of them are not having these things happen with the people that are proposing at the end of a season of shows. Andi "The Dorf" Dorfman has already said she will be back in her Assistant District Attorney job by the end of the year. Apparently the guy who gave up his baseball career for love. I know, we need to talk about that for a second. The guy didn't give up his career for love. It is a line that producers fed him. The guy wasn't good enough to keep playing and instead of being the mid-30's guy on the back of the bus he gave up the sport. If he had been playing major league baseball and earning millions of dollars a year do you think he would have walked away from it for love? So, that is a bunch of crap right there. The loser seemed pretty upset about the whole thing and you get the feeling that the sex he had with Andi before dumping him has made him bitter and that she may have to seek a restraining order at some point. Anyway, the winner was Josh Murray who will be on one of the spin off shows soon with the runner up where they might have a chance actually finding true love and not made for ABC to fit into the weeks allotted love.


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