Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Taylor Armstrong Gives Up On Colorado - Moves To LA

Remember when I told you there was no way Taylor Armstrong would live in Colorado and that she was too addicted to fame to be that far away from the action? Well, with news that Camille Grammer and Adrienne Maloof are rejoining RHBH, I guess Taylor wanted in on some of that action and has left her new husband behind in Colorado to move to LA and try and recapture her former spot on the show. According to Radar, she is moving because she thinks that because she is a newlywed it will give her a good story line. I think she is ticked off Bravo didn't give her a solo show and now is scrambling to be a part of something and stay in front of the cameras. I bet her husband is wondering if she only married him for his money. Umm, yeah, probably.


  1. She is as desperate as you can get..Andy Cohen, if you read this...please don't do it-no one needs to see her big mouth bass lips sucking down wine anymore....or eating cotton candy..
    Yours truly, tricia

  2. And that's the only interesting thing about this post....

  3. Tell me, what did all these RHO... do before these shows? Did they have jobs or were they really stay at home mothers/wives?
    Not even interested to be honest though.

  4. You said it Becky.

  5. They were all con men before these shows or strippers & prostitutes. None of them have the money they claim.

  6. Omg this is so funny!!!!

    But bigger news is I didn't know Saint Camille and the Maloof were coming back! I LOVE IT!!!

  7. If it's a reality show than why does she need a "storyline"?
    I know these shows are probably fun to watch but I just can't get into "reality" TV. The closest I get is Deadliest Catch.

    1. I'm with you AJ. And since the season after Phil died, I haven't even managed that.

    2. Bellaluna.
      I've hung in but it's not the same. Can't believe it's season 10 already.

  8. Anonymous7:38 AM


  9. They're all gluttons for abuse. They need and crave the attention, no matter if is good or bad. So sad.

  10. Oh Thank God! I thought she was gone forever!

  11. Hey Andy, What @TriciaShaw said!!!

    Pleeezzzzeeee! This woman deserves no attention from TV.

    Personally, I won't watch anything her or that lieing POS Camille has anything to do with.

    Good Day and Good Luck. Sounds like you're going to need a lot of luck if you "cast" either of them. They have 0 to enjoy.

  12. LOL. That pic resembles Jill of Dance Moms. (She's hardly who Taylor would consider to be on her level. Hahaha)

  13. I haven't really been watching any of bravo's shows, but I would watch this.

    I wonder if she's still with that somewhat creepy guy from Couples Therapy.

  14. You know whom I would pay to watch on reality tv? KELSEY Grammer. Because you know damn well that is one fascinatingly fucked up life he's got goin'.

  15. "According to Radar, she is moving because she thinks that because she is a newlywed it will give her a good story line."

    Right. Being in a newlywed relationship with the husband she LEFT BEHIND IN COLORADO will be a great storyline. *Inserts so much sarcasm my head is spinning*

    As an aside, anyone who could look at a person who bought THAT face and could convince themselves that anything about said person was genuine sort of deserves what he had coming to him. And to top things off he met her in LA! Some people...

    I can't wait for Camille to come back though! She is RHOBH magic :))

  16. Why don't they call it The Real Ex- wives Of...since that's what they really are?

  17. Did she use her real name when she married this ex, or one of her numerous aliases? And how long til this husband is driven to kill himself? (yes, sick, but legit questions with this witch)

  18. I love RHBH. It's honestly one of my favorite shows.

    Bravo refused to air her wedding (if she was coming back I would have assumed they would have filmed it for the show) so I wouldn't be surprised if they don't ask her back. I think they had some bad blood with her and wanted to get rid of her very early on but then Russell killed himself so they couldn't let her go.
