Thursday, July 03, 2014

Tarynn Manning Gets Restraining Order Against Ex-Friend

Taryn Manning seems to have a tough time with female friends. She got into a knockdown drag out fight with her makeup artist who was also her best friend and that fight got them both in trouble. Now, another long time friend of Manning got arrested and served with a restraining order after Manning said the friend would not stop e-mailing her or texting her. According to the charges, Jeanine Heller is accused of sending Manning hundreds of e-mails and texts between April and June. Why do I think there is way more to this story? Heller was ordered to stay away from Manning and Manning's family and even Manning's dog. Considering how quickly Manning made up with her makeup artist, I have a feeling that Manning and Heller will see each other soon and then when Taryn gets mad again will probably have Heller arrested.


  1. Pennsatawky. Be crazy

    1. Meth no Buenos kids.
      E-meth is no such thing.

  2. Pensatucky cleans up so well! Everyone thought this was a couple gone horribly wrong, right? And then again?

  3. Somebody's role on OITNB isnt much of a stretch and she has nutsy friends who dont take kindly to being broken up with.

    1. @sandy, my first thought and I always wonder about the girls on OITNB. Great casting at least.

  4. Soooo...lemme try figure this head scratcher out....hmmm.

    It's a lovers quarrel.

    Gee, that wasn't so hard afterall!!

  5. The real question is: did she get new teeth out of it?

  6. To quote Hannibal Lechter "They were lovers you see"

  7. Ans pyscho friend lady pissed that Taryn going through all the female extras on OITNB( well she was my guess, anyway)

    1. I thought that was Natasha Lyonne?

  8. Who the h*ll is Tarynn Manning? Sounds like a porn queen name.

    1. She was fantastic in Hustle &; Flow

    2. She really was great in Hustle & Flow.

  9. This is Single White Female territory.

    1. Pennsatucky clattering around in those Bridget Fonda stilettos and her jail clothes!

  10. Who would really be obsessed with Taryn Manning, though? Crazy

  11. or the oths I think

  12. Enty is implying this Manning chick is a paranoid ahole.

  13. Who the hell is Tarynn Manning?

    1. @Gayeld, she plays Pennsatucky (a main character) on Orange is the New Black. She was supposed to be a contender back in the day but got hooked on a lot of not nice stuff.

    2. @Gayeld - don't listen to Seven! :-P
      You remember Eminem's movie 8 Mile? She was in that. Long time ago.

    3. I haven't seen either of them, so I'm still clueless as to who she is, but behavior-wise, she sounds like one of my siblings. Next she'll be hooking up with an ex and making sure their current significant other walks in on them. Not because she wants them back, but because she wants to break-up the new relationship before dropping the ex again.

    4. Because that's not gross, Gayeld

  14. I wish I could get a role on a really popular show so that every time I wanted to demonstrate superiority to my lovers I could get them arrested or have a starstruck judge sign off on a restraining order. All I've got now is withholding sex, but that's really a punishment for me too.

  15. Manning plays white trash roles.

  16. Def a lovers quarrel. And if Taryn has done this before I suspect she's the crazy one.

  17. I love her but I saw her on an ep of Girl Code (don't judge...) and she was talking about how Kurt Cobain is her best friend in her head and she just seems like she's not all there mentally.

  18. Was she in Britney Spears' masterpiece movie or is that someone else?

    1. @ethorne- yesss!

    2. @Lotta-Lucky betch had everything going for her! Then she hit a crossroads...

  19. Kill me, but i kind of liked the music act/group she had with her brother. I believe they were called Boomkat. 'The Wreckoning' and 'Waisting my Time' weren't bad, although they weren't super memorable. i'm assuming she ended up getting caught up in the whole uppers,downers, and all arounders drug spiral that eventual knocked Brittany Murphy out of commission. Who the hell knows.

  20. I have no idea who this is. So, she would just be another crazy walking down the street I would avoid.

  21. Eh.
    Taking her work home with her I see.
    PS OITNB is addicting y'all. Halfway through S2 now !!!

  22. Manning was in the Brit Spears movie, the white trash girl that is raped.

    Manning is one of those you have to wonder if her mom did drugs while pregnant.

  23. I didn't realize it was against the law to send a bunch of emails and texts. She should consider changing her email addy and getting a new phone number.

  24. How can she beat anyone up? She's teeny.

  25. Obviously I have absolutely no firsthand knowledge of this situation but I don't buy it fully or understand the court involvement at all.

    This part seems particularly fishy to me: "According to the charges, Jeanine Heller is accused of sending Manning hundreds of e-mails and texts between April and June."

    Uhhh, ever heard of BLOCKING? That's it. If texting and calling a lot are the only things this woman is being accused of, Taryn could have easily put a stop to the whole situation with the simple pressing of two buttons. That's it. Suspicious...I think our girl just loves the drama.

  26. I know someone who had to add phone calls, voicemails and texts to a restraining order because of the nature of the content. It may not be because she wanted to block her but because she wanted it on record that the emails were threatening.

    Not that I believe this to be true in this particular situation. Just pointing out a time when a RO versus changing an email are valid.

  27. I wasn't a fan until OITNB. Her performance is amazing. I hope she gets some Emmy love next week.

  28. OMG Boomkat! I had their CD and I loved it! Hmm, maybe I'll have to go look it up.

  29. I remember her from that one horrible movie Britney did. I honestly don't know how she has a career, but props to her for not giving up.

  30. She actually reminds me of this chick I used to work with who would put restraining orders on her boyfriend and find ways to get him arrested for "violating" them. That was one crazy chick.

  31. I wasn't aware that she was a user IRL. Hopefully those aren't her real teeth on OitNB. Blech. And she's amazing on that show, BTW. She also looks much better and years younger with brown hair.
