Monday, July 28, 2014

Steven Bauer Dating 18 Year Old

Steven Bauer is on Ray Donovan. You probably know him best from his role on Scarface or for being one of the guys that used to be married to Melanie Griffith and share a 28 year old child together. Something you should also know is that he is dating an 18 year old. Oh, Steven is 57. Usually when you are 57 and want to date an 18 year old you head off overseas and plan on paying for the experience. Apparently this is true love though and the 18 year old, Lyda Loudon has been telling all her friends about it. I'm waiting for one of those friends to come forward and tell the world that Lyda, the daughter of a State Senator and Dr. Gina was actually dating the guy before she was 18. Did they just magically start dating once she hit 18? Kind of hard to believe. What 57 year old wants to date an 18 year old? This is like the whole Doug and Courtney thing except the age gap is even wider and as far as I know Steven does not wear ladies underwear. Granted you have to be pretty messed up to date, let alone marry Melanie Griffith, but this seems a bit much even for that. I mean his kid with Melanie is 28 and that almost seems like too big of a gap for those two to be dating.


  1. Replies
    1. 39 year age gap? Nothing really

  2. Didn't you already cover this in a blind item? I sense a reveal!!

  3. So this is the confirmation of the blind taken from the DM article last week? Good third hand start today.

  4. Yes I think it was late Friday he did the blind.
    What 57 yr old wants to date an 18 year old? More than you think Enty.

    1. Im 36 and im grossed out thinking about dating someone in their teens. Raising kids isnt my thing.

  5. Doug in panties?
    eye bleach

  6. If you follow the half your age plus seven years rule for how young you can date, his 28-year old son is too old to date this girl.

  7. I realize this is 100% legal, but that still can't wash away the creep factor.

  8. I think be meant what 18yrto old would want to date a 57yr old. Ick.

  9. Apparently, she has a Grandpa complex?

  10. maybe she is doing some research for a paper on relatinships or something .still creeeeepy

  11. They are both consenting adults but gross with the age difference.


    That's Lyda.

    This is all very gross. Sorry.

  13. So she's an idiot….she's not alone.

  14. But it's okay because she looks like she's 40. So there's that.

  15. How is it that Bauer is the total creepy weirdo, dating essentially his grandaughter (or Great grandaughter) and somehow Enty paints Melanie Griffith as the one with the "real" problem. Not a fan of hers but shit, give her a break. She had NOTHING to do with this turn of events. Leave her out of it for a change.

  16. Yuck.
    Old Man balls Ewwwwwww

  17. Again with you MinPin. What's with the Melanie dis? She's a bit of a mess now but we have no idea if she had issues then.

  18. What 57 year old man wants to date an 18 year old? Probably 90% of them would do it if they could get an 18 year old.

  19. What's with Lydia's Grandpappy's pose for the camera? Always with his head tilted back! Is he trying to hide a bald spot or trying to stretch out his turkey neck???? He's got that bull dog build that very mature men get, square upper, paunch, pants worn high and no assatall.

  20. Well, her mom used to run a dating site called "The Professional Match"...

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Wait till he needs his grandpa diapers changed.

    Her grandpa bf has a decades supply of viagara and a blow up pump - do shed good to go for a while.

    What? Mommy and daddy couldn't buy her an up and coming ivy league lawyer?
    Oh right - she's all about the red carpet fame-whore show. What a surprise!

  23. Like this will last

    She'll get sick of him once she makes it to the D list

    see also : Courtney Stodden

  24. He looks dang good for 57. She's 18. Legal. Find some real news Enty.

  25. Bust that thing open, Bro. Teach her how big girls do things.

  26. So disturbing. Her parents shld do everything they can to shut this down.

  27. "What 57 year old wants to date an 18 year old?"

    Let's reverse that... What 18 year old wants to date an 57 year old?

    That's more like it!

  28. "What 57 year old wants to date an 18 year old?"

    Let's reverse that... What 18 year old wants to date an 57 year old?

    That's more like it!

  29. "What 57 year old wants to date an 18 year old?"

    Let's reverse that... What 18 year old wants to date an 57 year old?

    That's more like it!

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. "What 57 year old wants to date an 18 year old?"

    Let's reverse that... What 18 year old wants to date an 57 year old?

    That's more like it!

  33. I always found Steven Bauer hot for an "older" guy - 10-15 years Melanie has been a mess for years, but when she was younger, she was a hot mess vs. a trying too hard mess that she has become. I did enjoy watching her on Hawaii 5 0 though. As for this tea party kid - 10 years for me was always creepy and I have sisters who are almost 20 years older...sad!

  34. @Wen, take it easy on the "Publish Your Comment" key there. ;-)

  35. i didnt even REALIZE that was manolo on ray donovan. hes fat and swollen

  36. I cannot believe that her hard-core Christian Tea Party parents are okay with this. I just can't. How on earth did they even meet?!

  37. (Also, remember them on "Wife Swap"? They swapped with a family that was polyamorous. Good stuff.)

  38. Ew. When I was 18, I did a 30yo. That was pushing it, imo. And it was only a few nights of drunksex. Never would've "dated" him.

  39. Oooooh man. Wayyyy too big of a hot mess to even begin to break down! Where the fuck to start with?

    You have two nutter conservatives that raised borderline jailbait who has a granddaddy fetish and a deep seeded desire to publicly stick it to her parents. Please meet our new Bristol Palin with a healthy mix of Stodden, America!

  40. I'm more interested how her conservative parents are going to spin this one.

  41. Maybe Jesus told her to do it

  42. Didn't we just do this the other day? Why are we rehashing this crap?

  43. He's obviously been taking notes from Jeff Goldblum on how to date jail bait.

  44. So what? Good for him. Tap that tight teen ass, Steven, while you still can.

  45. Funny how Tea Bagger's get on their soap boxes to tell everyone else how to raise their children while their own are doing ish like this. I've always believed that parents should stay out of their children's relationships but this is nonsense. I can't imagine them having a conversation. What would it be about?

  46. Ditto Figgy. And please people, learn when to use the articles "a" and "an". They are not interchangeable.

    I must say he's a pretty hot 57 and there's also the possibility of her maybe being open to his escapades with trans girls........IJS
