Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Snoop Dogg says He Got High At The White House

You know if there is anyone who is willing to risk just about anything to smoke a joint wherever he can it is going to be Snoop Dogg. On his show he was asked by Jimmy Kimmel if he ever got high in the White House and Snoop said yes. Snoop says that he told the Secret Service he needed to use the bathroom and was actually asked if it was #1 or #2 just like that. Snoop replied #2 and said he liked to light up a cigarette to wash away the smell. The Secret Service told him he could light a piece of toilet paper. That seems strange, but Snoop said sure and when he went to the bathroom he instead smoked a joint. That is going to smell a bit different than a piece of toilet paper. Do you think the Secret Service goes into each bathroom after just to check to make sure no bombs or anything like that was left? You would think they would have noticed. Maybe they just don't care.


  1. I like Snoop of course but why was he invited to the White House in the first place?

  2. the lighting of the toilet paper has to be the most bizarre thing ever. Whatever happened to an old fashioned tin of air freshener?

  3. He ain't the first to get stoned there

  4. Well, Obama has said (and I agree) that marijuana is no more dangerous than alcohol. I'm sure the alphabet guys don't care about policy, only safety, though.

  5. You mean to tell me the White House has no air freshener cans?

    I wonder if they would constitute a possible explosive threat? Seriously.

  6. If you have Snoop as a guest, you have to assume he will be smoking a joint in your house.

  7. You'd think they just say turn on the fan.

    I've seen boxes of wood matches in bathrooms before though, light a match. Lighting toilet paper, would probably result in getting burned.

  8. I call BS on this


    but if true much disrespect

  9. Snoop is my hero along with the secret service. If anyone can get away with that s*#t it's Snoop.

  10. Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston did if first in the Lincoln bedroom.

  11. Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston did if first in the Lincoln bedroom.

  12. Trust me. Mr. F is a federal government letter guy. They ain't into busting people's balls for piddly shit. That would take all damn day - gotta call in some local dudes, file a bunch of paperwork, yadda yadda yadda.

  13. Yeah, why would they ask what he was going to do in the bathroom? Was he standing there with a big old doobie in his hand? I'm calling bs on the story even if he did blaze up.

  14. Not as cool as Hunter Thompson sitting on the roof with Jimmy Carter's mom, sharing a bottle of Wild Turkey, but better than the oddest place I got high.

    That would be in an open couch dance room, passing the joint w/ the stripper as I got the dance. I figured it was win/win. If we got caught we'd probably both be thrown out, and she'd still want to get high. Thursdays were always good nights at strip clubs. Just enough customers to get the joints lively, but not so many the places were crowded.

  15. Now wait a minute, that HST story for real? And what roof--the White House? I'm trying to picture Miss Lillian out there w/HST passing the bottle; half of me thinks it's totally plausible, and the other half is thinking that HST was full of shit when he wrote that. Source?

    Oh, yeah, and I suspect the Secret Service is far more concerned about actual security threats than someone getting baked--didn't Willie Nelson light up at the White House, too, or am I thinking of someone else?

  16. So did Willie Nelson, also on the roof IIRC.

  17. Two things:

    1) I just read what Robin wrote. Yeah, Willie Nelson! I'm pretty certain.

    2) The Secret Service people actually ask you if you have to go #1 or #2?! Why...WHY would that have any bearing on anything?!

  18. That's probably one of the most normal and honest things that's ever happened in that house (if it's true).

  19. @Robin: Yes, White House roof. I wanna say it was from a Rolling Stone article that was published in The Great Shark Hunt, but I could be wrong.

    This is the only thing I could find about Hunter, Jimmy and Wild Turkey via the Google, and it is dated before Carter was in office:

    "RS 214 (June 3, 1976) is probably one of the most influential pieces of political writing. Although HST did not officially endorse Carter (he has often said that endorsements are something a journalist shouldn't do - SoD - and was furious at Jann), the issue was headlined, "Jimmy Carter and the Great Leap of Faith, An Endorsement With Fear and Loathing by Hunter S. Thompson" This is one of the funnier political articles by HST. He isn't really raging at anyone, but was shockingly surprised by Carter's apparent honesty. The article contains a fake press release by Raoul Duke. My favourite part of the article is where HST describes how the Secret Service agents gave him the key to the car trunk to get Wild Turkey over and over again. "

  20. No smoking on Federal property so I can see the light something else on fire thing.

  21. I miss Hunter S. Thompson.

    Gerald Ford's son used to smoke weed in the White House. It's really not a shocking or unusual thing. Plenty of people have smoked pot in the White House over the years and the number of active alcoholics might surprise some people.

  22. Snoop don't have no vape?

  23. @Malibu: and don't forget the rumors that Reagan didn't like GWB cause he was caught doing lines in the White House.

  24. Probably the security is used to BHO smoking (hopefully) cigarretes in the restrooms, they don't care about a junkie killing his lungs with a joint.
    I wonder if when some satyr from hollyweird (di caprio, Renner..., well, most of them) is invited to the WH, if someone has ever hit (and banged) on the first lady (or the children if they are legal, I don't remember the age Chelsea left it).

  25. @Malibu Borebee - Is that the son who played Joe in WHEN HARRY MET SALLY...? Fun fact! :-)

  26. I have a hard time believing the Secret Service is telling people to light things on fire in the White House. Don't they have patriotic Febreze or something?

  27. Ethorne, lol, patriotic frenreze. As for snoop maybe he maybe he didnt, but think he didnt, just likes people thinking he did.

  28. Patriotic Febreze makes me think of this (don't look if you're male).

  29. Snoop is not lying and the Secret Service does not have the authority to arrest someone.. They can only detain them.

    Plus, the White House does NOT have aerosol air fresheners in publicly accessible bathrooms because it is an easily modifiable weapon. So don't take a shit at the White House... Lol

  30. I love the story of Boris Yeltsin drunk off his ass, running around D.C. in his boxer shorts looking for pizza in the middle of the night. Now that deserves the hash tag #TheBearIsLoose, not taking a walk to Starbucks with the Secret Service in tow.

    Snoop Dog, stay classy. Not as bad as making Elvis an honorary DEA agent, but perhaps our President should put the effort into his job and stop playing President Kardashian with celebs.

  31. @MAgnus per their web site:

    "Make arrests without warrants for any offense against the United States committed in their presence, or for any felony recognizable under the laws of the United States if they have reasonable grounds to believe that the person to be arrested has committed such felony"

  32. I could care less if an adult smokes a doobie in the White House. My issue is our worthless excuse for a POTUS is a clown and he should be paying attention to the disaster he has created around the world.

  33. Anonymous8:37 PM

    if u dont want snoop to smoke in the white house dont invite him. there are probably countless numbers of other persons who've probably done harder drugs whilst there.

  34. Snoop surely enjoyed his smoke in the WH--like, does he ever NOT smoke?

    The part of his story that really seems shaky, is the implication that he unpatriotically neglected to offer the Secret Svc Guys a hit. By the expressions on the Oz firemen's faces, it looks like Snoop wasn't at all stingy with them(which was proper. They'd just sped to his hotel, w/sirens blaring, after his suite's smoke alarm exploded).

    Um, is Little Green Footballs still a Thing? x|

  35. PS: I'm going to offer the altered & re-cropped jpg of Snoop & hotOz FireGuys to the goss blogs as "original content," & demand a usage fee.

    Beyonce does that w/other people's songs, & now that the Director's Guild can do something similar w/plays under copyright--well, stands to reason. My version significantly changes the composition, saturation, exposure, &c--& now reflects my personal artistic vision; right? ;p

  36. I'm sure Snoop would have courtesy flushed if necessary. No need to light anything.

  37. lol - snoop is the motherfuckin man. and the prez is pro-legalization even if he can't publicly support it yet.
