Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Shia LaBeouf Checks Into Rehab

In a move that probably should have happened a year ago, Shia LaBeouf checked himself into rehab yesterday. Shia has long struggled with sobriety and for the most part it has been a losing battle. He would go to meetings, but not regularly. He avoided an actual stay in rehab because he preferred working and never thought it would get so bad that it was unmanageable. Incidents over the past three years though should have been a wake up call. He attended meetings less frequently and his drinking sprees became more legendary. Yesterday he checked into a rehab facility by himself with nothing but an e-cigarette and an AA book. I really do hope he gets his life together before something awful happens to him or to someone else.


  1. He needs it badly. And psychiatric help.

    1. Morning Sandy! Once he's detoxed for a few months, they should be better able to diagnose him.

    2. Happy Canada Day, cdaners of the great white north!!

  2. Good Luck , Alcohol induced mental schiz is no joke. Take the Help and get well.

  3. I 2nd thar emotion..
    Slow clap everyone

    1. Morning sugarbread! I prefer the golf clap..pat pat pat pat pat...: D

  4. Ttm are you feeling better? ?

  5. Don't like they guy, but don't wish him ill either. I hope he gets straightened out.

  6. Cue the Shia reveals.

    1. Did you see the inverted penis on reddit? Classic.

    2. #linkplease
      Morning Ray!

    3. Dammit FSP, now I'm going to have to go and reread the two penis fun fact thread.

    4. My favorite AMA!

  7. Amanda bynes syndrome

    1. Bon Jour Belle Dame! I agree, clean him up, replace the chemistry and send him off to work. at least that's his agent's hope..: D

  8. He's unlikeable because his life is screwed up maybe with help that will change Charlie.
    Morning Charlie Steamy and Sugar

  9. Oh God, FSP! Your avi!

    1. Why do you look, Karen? Why? I NEVER do, I see FSP and a self protecting tunnel vision slaps up..; )

  10. Good for him. Hopefully he gets the proper help he needs.

    Happy Canada Day ! ( Eh )

  11. I don't know, @sandy, I never really liked him, especially after seeing him in movies. Just sayin' - but maybe it was the movies.

    1. Of course I don't wish him I'll will, just started to avoid flicks he was in.

  12. He's got bigger problems than just needing rehab. He acts like he needs psychiatric help.

    1. Morning Henriette, you do enough drugs and alcohol, the mind buckles. Sometimes it overshadows a larger problem, sometimes it IS the problem and sometimes the problem is, you can't get back all the way...He will get help in Rehab to figure out which he is. I Hope..

  13. we will just have to wait and see it may take years or he can be Lindsay and it never happens. He has to want to change things

  14. I hope rehab somehow leads to an Even Stevens reunion.

  15. You don't want to see the inverted penis!

    1. LOL! I can't find it on reddit now but I did find about 100 other inverted penises on there!

  16. The best part about the double penis AMA is his response to questions. Like, which penis gets more action? Which one does the peeing?

    Shia LaDoof makes me stabby, but I remember him in Holes. He's talented and I hope he gets his act together (a shower wouldn't hurt, either). Substance abuse and MI are never a good match, if that's the case, and it sure would explain a lot.

  17. @Steampunk, it was purely accidental! I never look closely, but that one was too obvious.

    And now I'm blind.

    1. I always look at FSP's avi because I am a glutton for punishment.

  18. He is the Poster Boy for How to Ruin Your Career in 5 Easy Lessons….hope it works

  19. Him I've always and forever will be rooting for

  20. Anonymous7:42 AM

    poor lamb

  21. Was the alcohol making him a douche or is he just a douche? Guess we'll find out if he sticks with a program. Hope it works.

  22. About time! I wish him well and I hope it sticks.

  23. Good for him. He's a talented guy who clearly needs help. His career can easily recover, too.

  24. Shia's life, from what ive read, was pretty dysfunctionsl. His mother was dome sort of hoppie cultist, believed in going naked in front of him, and i get a whole incest vibe. Hope he gets well.

  25. What a fucking coward. Own your disrespect of the fucking Hollywood system. They need to have a mirror shoved in their faces to see how overblown, spoiled and evil they are. There are no morals in Hollywood. All of the ass holes in the media "tsk-tsking" him are doing it because at the moment he can't help them out.

    You have rappers with drinkiong problems, jumping on stage with strippers and what happens? They make it a meme and turn overpriced, disgusting Champagne into a best seller in Cristal.

    You have actors telling people that the way they live their lives are wrong. That if you don't live in a "green" environment (that has cost our government how many billions of dollars on companies that have gone out of business because the entire movement is a scam?) or believe in the same things they do are evil. These same actors then use their celebrity to get crooks and idiots elected ot office so they can hang out with them and feel smart and important. (I thought all these people were going to move out of the country if Bush was elected a second time. So their words count as nothing I guess)

    So he made a scene at a performance of a gay musical (Let's be honest,is there another kind) at a fucking BAR. That's like throwing someone out of karaoke night because they had interrupted the fourteenth rendition of "Friends in Low Places" when their cell phones wouldn't quit ringing.

    I'm not a fan of Shia but he was at a place that served booze during a "production" of Cabaret. Did they really expect people to stay sober when you have the "Leftover Community Chorus" badly doing an already bad musical?

  26. I hope he gets groomed Wizard of Oz style while he's in rehab

  27. Update: DLISTED.COM is saying that Shia is NOT in rehab.
