Monday, July 21, 2014

Sex Tape Bombs

No matter how many appearances Jason Segel and Cameron Diaz made to promote their new movie Sex Tape, there is no way it could overcome just how truly awful the movie is. Audiences agreed and the movie which opened this weekend barely crawled into fourth place at the box office earning a piddly $14M. The movie cost about $41M to make and even the overseas market is not going to help it at all. I wonder if this is the end for Cameron Diaz as a leading actress. Yes, Jason Segel deserves a lot of the blame and he did co-write it but the way Hollywood is he will keep getting more chances. Cameron however seems done. She really only has one character she plays and she doesn't have the popularity of Jennifer Aniston, who continues to make bad movie after bad movie and keeps cashing paychecks. Cameron probably needs to try and play second fiddle for awhile or do some of those movies which include lots and lots of other people where she is getting a big check for a little bit of work.


  1. I know it wasn't worth my time or interest.

  2. Yes I think this spells the end of cam. It's their karma though been rude pricks to their fans.

  3. Silly concept to begin with. I hope they got paid up front.

  4. why is this a story.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The fact The Purge 2 is a success is more worrying than the fact Cameron Diaz's last shitty movie bombs

    1. @Frenchgirl Purge 2 is a success?!?!? ughhh I just saw the first one a few weeks ago with such high hopes and was thoroughly let down as far as one could go :(

  7. I saw "The Other Woman". The only thing that made the movie was Leslie Mann (though she's a one trick pony herself). Cameron looks too many years of sun or something. She just doesn't have that "it" factor anymore, and all these guys fawning all over her, just didn't make sense.

    I will say though, there's nothing wrong with her losing the it thing. At least she had it at one point in her career and it made her lots of money. I never had the "it" thing going for me, so...there you go.

    1. I thought Cameron looked gorgeous in that movie!

  8. Cam should let "It" go and move on in her career

    do some indies and get some cred

    she is starting to look her age and nothing wrong with that.......but you can't play the ingenue forever and you shouldn't want to

    see Helen Mirren...

  9. Not to get the "debate" started, but I think Brad leaving Jennifer for Angie is probably one of the best things that happened to Jennifer's movie career. She gets the "sympathy vote" from a lot of people. Of course, she also picks movies that are marginally bad or kind of good, not usually outright stinkers.

  10. You know what was a good movie this weekend? Boyhood. It's long and I had my doubts despite the good reviews but it was fantastic.

  11. I like Cameron in movies so far, but seeing her standing there in her underwear to promote this one, is off putting;looks desperate. (Which makes me think they are overcompensating.

  12. Aww. I thought this had the potential to be cute. Like husband is away on business, and you're drinking a glass of wine and need a funny movie to watch kinda cute.

    I just watched This is 40 on HBO. God, that movie went on way too long. And Leslie Mann annoys me. She is always the same person. Always.

    Cameron will probably rock the Miss Hanigan role in the new Annie. A crazy ass kooky drunk broad. I kinda think that was perfect casting.

    1. @Susan, Leslie Mann annoys me too. Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me.

      As for this movie, I thought it looked stupid when I saw the previews. Not really shocked that it bombed.

  13. Cammie could always do another movie with Drew. What was the name of that crappy series they did? It made money.

    Personally, I don't think this is the end for Cammy. She has a way with men and that's a good skill in Hollywood,if you get my drift. Yeah, she's a bit old but the body is still there. I think she still has a couple of failures to go before she heads for TV.

  14. I like Jason Segel and Cameron Diaz, but the entire premise of the movie was so unbelievable that I couldn't get interested.

  15. I liked Cameron in The Counsellor in fact she was one of the better performances in an odd movie - she and Javier. Fassbender's character was such a wimp I wanted to kick his ass.

    She needs to find a role that is different from her other movies. Maybe work with foreign directors. Do an indy and take a paycut.

  16. Just watching the commercials for this movie, I wondered who thought it would be great to pair these two in a movie anyway.

  17. Well the upcoming remake of Annie fits the bill and maybe that will save her. The trailers for Annie look good so far

  18. In Hollywood, about 400 movies a year are in development at a time; about 200 of those get into production; and about 100 actual make it through production to distribution. And, out of those 100, only a handful make any money. It is truly a crap shoot!

  19. Looks wise Cammie has been in real housewife territory for a while without the big fake boobies. She can't do drama, she does alright in comedies with co-stars though, which she'll probably continue getting for a few more years. She doesn't have the chops for indies & knows it.

  20. I think Jason could be the let down? Why blame Cameron? IMHO Jason is not hot enough to be leading man, better supporting type. But of coarse, in a mans world he'll continue to underwhelm our eyes and labidos so men can keep their hopes up that the average guy is good enough.

  21. Like Ron Jeremy. Who is still working it.

  22. All I can think of when I see him is that creepy blind about making moves on a woman w puppets and creepy talk.

  23. I find this karma for putting that guy in jail who gave her the opportunity to buy the LEGAL professional nudes he had of her, and she spun it as blackmail.

  24. Jason Segel is a BORING to look at and watch as he tries to act, really sad! He's not anything interesting, not even as a 'best friend' in a movie. BLAH!

  25. Cam will still be fine if she sticks with her niche of ensemble comedies for a few more years, but she needs to realize she no longer a 25 year old, if she still wants to act she will need to play older. Jason will continue writing, acting, etc, but unless it's for The Muppets, it will be smaller lower budget movies or tv again.

  26. I think she does have the ability and we've seen it occasionally but she relies on what she considers to be money makers

    she can be good-with the right material and a little work

  27. Yes, I'll eventually watch it. reviews not withstanding it will probably be no worse than three network sitcom episodes back to back. Yes, Cammy is at the desperate end-of-ingenue stage and has not let accepted playing mommies in supporting roles. For all her comments about independence etc. I don't think she is going to happy as an old actress.

  28. @Sincerely has it right--men LOVE to see an average schlub getting it on with an above-average woman. It gives them hope. Women are far more realistic.

    The funny thing is, when I was single I used to see this phenomenon constantly, i.e., men having unrealistic ideas about what kind of woman they could attract. They confuse movies with real life. I lost count of the men saying "women my age can't keep up with me," etc. Riiiight. From what I've seen, the women I know age far better in terms of endurance and energy than men of the same age. So glad to be off the market now. With a man my exact age! :-)

  29. You'd think that her recent string of loser boyfriends might lead to a bunch of loser males seeing her flicks, but they probably go stag.

  30. Jason, yeah, Jason Segal- Over here. Come here, got a bit of advice for you. We all know you want to be a huge movie star. We get it, it'd be an awesome life and if we can somehow make Seth Rogen a star, the sky's the limit for anyone no matter how little talent they have.

    But Bro, the problem is you'll never get past the TV role everyone knows you as until you quit just being Marshall Erickson in every role you play. Every time I see a movie with you in it, the second I see you I think an episode of HIMYM is on.

    Take some time off. Get out of out consciousness for a while and work on a new Jason. People will be happy to see that, we can still have Marshall in syndication and DVD's but it's time to move on and try something new.

  31. Not a surprise.

    Diaz is more B- (even closer to C) in my ranking.

    Mind you, the film shouldn't have that much of a stretch for her seeing as there are websites out there showcasing how she started in porn.

  32. It's called "Sex Tape" for gods sakes. I can't think of any parents in middle America who will want their teenagers to see a movie called Sex Tape. And unless it is actually a sex tape starring Cami and Jason Segal with a muppet making a guest appearance, I don't know of any 20-somethings that would bother either.

  33. Like I said weeks ago: this movie already happened and it was a masterpiece called Zach and Miri. No one puts Linky in the corner!

    Diaz should just put out a line of blunt papers and call it a day.

  34. I highly doubt Cameron Diaz's career is over. "The Other Woman" made almost $200 Million Worldwide on a budget of $40 Million.

    Jason Segal's last hit was "The Muppets" back in 2011. $140 Million Worldwide on a budget of $45 Million. Prior to that it was "Bad Teacher" $216 Million Worldwide on a budget of $19 Million which many would argue was Cameron Diaz's movie.

    Cameron will be fine, Jason on the other hand is much less bankable as a leading man.

  35. Last laff out loud movie I enjoyed her in was the Vegas movie with Kutcher. Even then it was painfully obvious she had about 10 yrs on the guy.

  36. I'm pretty sure the only reason the film made $14M was because of Cameron in her underwear.

    Jason Segal is overrated. And if he starred in the bomb AND he wrote the bomb, I'm ready to lay the blame for the bomb firmly on his shoulders. Lord knows if it was a hit, he would receive all the credit. Logic, people.

  37. I'm sure Cameron is very grateful for your career advise, Enty.

  38. Cameron s sparkle is gone. after Alex Rodriguez she just seemed to lose her confidence and mojo. I don't judge her promiscuity, only that she thought she could keep being a fuck buddy forever. as much as I hate to admit it I think women have a sell by date. I know, I know. just hear me out: if you are getting your kicks and companionship from younger men who are openly just using you for hot no string sex, and run every time it gets serious, then you can't be surprised when a men aren't attracted to a road weary well used immature ditzy cheating insecure commitment phobic box office poison older woman. she has the right to do what she wants, but somehow the desperate, forever single and yet promiscuous cougar is not an attractive character. plus is an odd figure for the public to get behind and watch.

  39. I like Jason Segel. He grew on me over time, I think, and now that I started watching HIMYM from the beginning last fall and "Freaks and Geeks" just recently, I like him even more. He's not stellar or Oscar-material, but he's nice enough to watch, I guess.

    I wonder if people are just tired of Cammie. She thinks she's so edgy or something, but she's really just pretty bland to me. (Although her recent body book? Not a terrible read, believe it or not.)

    Along the lines of Susan's comment, I still might pay $1.20 from RedBox to get this around Halloween or whatever.

  40. The previews for this looked just terrible. I don't understand why they had Jason Segal yelling at the top of his lungs for like a minute as part of it

    I actually really like Cameron but she should have known better than to be part of a move called Sex Tape

  41. I'm completely over both of them.

    I watched Snowpiercer this weekend.

    Best dystopian science fiction movie I have seen in a very long time.

    Plus, there is a high-quality DVD rip on The Pirate Bay, so you can watch it in your home while it is still in theaters.

  42. Yes we may have not like The Other
    Woman as a movie but millions of others did.

    I hope that hunky Nikolaj Coster Waldau doesn't get stuck with lame romcom roles as his foray into Hollywood. He was just background candy in Mama.

    He was good in his small role in Oblivion.

  43. If she ever was, Cameron stopped being "must see" around The Sweetest Thing

  44. Oooh, Brian, I heard about Snowpiercer, it's on my list!

    The last Cam movie I liked was "There's Something About Mary", an incredibly stupid movie that I would still watch for the 20th time. The guy from Ghostbusters as her dad and Matt Dillon, that's some amazing casting.

    I think Jason will have a pretty good career. He writes, acts, directs. His career will probably look something like Stiller's.

  45. well perhaps Cam should take some career advice from someone other than who she is currently taking it-no?

  46. AKM, I never watched HIMYM until one day the cable box was frozen and only one station was coming in (Lifetime) and my PS3 blu ray drive was out, so I turned on Lifetime to just have background noise and they were doing a mini marathon of HIMYM. It had been on for 7 years or so before this but I ever watched it and the first one I watched that day I was all "eh, whatever" then I noticed there was continuity between episodes, what happened two episodes ago had a repercussion on this episode.

    A couple of hours later and I was hooked. I never miss it now (it's on right now) and have my TV set to find it whenever it's on. Which is weird since right after Christmas I bought every season on DVD when Walmart had a $5 sale on almost all of their TV season box sets.

  47. Diaz was in Gangs of New York, the Counselor, Any Given Sunday, The Holiday. So she has been in more than the usual airy fairy crap meant to appeal to women. I am not referring to Shrek, I love her voice in Shrek.

  48. @Seven - Keith David actually played her dad, not Ernie Hudson. And yeah, I did have to look up Keith's name. I've also heard people swear up and down that it was Charles Robinson. :-)

    @Shockwave - You know, I enjoyed the show, passionately hated the finale, took the quizzes to find out which character was the most like me (like that's hard to figure out for most of us), just really soaked it all up...and now that it's all over, I can't really remember too many episodes independent of the others. I kind of wish I hadn't binge-watched for that reason, because that's what happens sometimes.

  49. @AKM, holy crap! I haven't seen the movie in ages but I was sure it was the guy from Ghostbusters! The one scene where he's grilling Ben Stiller, and then Stiller has the zipper issue, tears were streaming. SO didn't find it as funny. :b

    I forgot about Shrek, I did like her voicework as Fiona.

  50. No. She's good and looks good-just needs better material.

  51. @AKM It's easy for me to figure out which one I am:
    I'm Ted who wishes he was Barney but could easily become Marshall.

    (One reason I know I'm Ted other than always trying to find "the One", I've been accused of being a know it all and I can't stand people using the word literally wrong)

  52. HIMYM had its moments.....

  53. Likely it's a crappy movie but I wonder if all those reports about how rude they both were to fans had something to do with this?

    It's dumb to be rude to the people who support your career...

  54. "Sex tape bombs". That's a hell of a lie for a headline, I was expecting something more lewd.

  55. Ok I admit I saw it over the weekend. It was the only thing with seats left that fit into our timeframe at the theater with the big,cozy, reclining seats. I laughed during parts, but overall it was pretty bad. I would say it is a netflix pic at best. Cameron also is not aging well. Her nose is distracting. Looks like she has maybe had too many procedures to fix it. I know she is a pot smoker, but wonder if she had coke issues too. Also she has a good body for her age, but it is not curvy or sexy, but more pre-pubescent boyish. I like Jason Segal but his characters are all similar.

  56. All lace- Cammy actually broke her nose coupla times and doesnt want to get surgery. Why in Entwan all chaotic and twirly about this being a bomb? Plenty of movies tank. Thats the buz. Stars still got paid, and movie will prob make a fortune overseas. So power down enty, i hate to break it to you, but another movie may tank any minute now!! Lol

    1. Thanks Liddy. That makes sense that she broke it. It just doesn't look right on her but couldn't figure out why.

  57. Jake Kasdan should stick to TV. He doesn't have the aptitude for big screen like his father, Lawrence. Hard to believe Jake is the son of the man who wrote Raiders of the Lost Ark and Empire Strikes Back.

  58. Cameron is an idiot in interviews. Can't stand her.

  59. I saw this yesterday it was bad but I think the problem is Jason. He seemed disinterested through the movie and felt like he phoned in most of his scenes. There was a tiny but of heart during some of the scenes but a lot of the sex scenes just felt awkward. Most of the funny bits were in the previews. However Lets Be Cops is a fantastic movie!!

  60. The problem with Diaz, Segal and this movie in general was drugs. Too many, too often and it wasn't weed.

    Cam's got some time left on her vagina in Hollywood but it's fading fast. She's getting old.

  61. Cameron needs to give Marty Scorsese a call and grab another role in one of his movies. She's really much more interesting doing those type of roles IMO. You can bet Marty's never gonna cast Annisten in ANYTHING he directs.

    Jason Segel? Barf. He's up there with Seth Rogen and Jonah Hill. Annoying, Obnoxious and Creepy. No Bueno.

  62. Cameron is a fine actress. She was great in Something About Mary, Being John Malkovich, In Her Shoes, The Holiday, The Mask & Charlies Angels. She has had a few bombs recently, but is A list, undoubtedly.

  63. Cameron is way over the hill. Very few men want to see her naked and that seemed to be the premise of the movie.
