Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Robin Williams Is Back In Rehab

The summer brings out swimsuits and apparently if you are a celebrity, a trip to rehab. Robin Williams checked himself into rehab last week in Minnesota. His people say it is to make sure he stays sober and that he hasn't slipped. Robin has long struggled with sobriety and has made multiple rehab visits. I think it was back in January I heard he was having some issues, but have not heard a peep since. Apparently the grind of working on a television series might have pushed him over the edge and into a slip. He does seem like the kind of guy who would do something like check into a place to stay sober rather than getting sober again. Maybe he just kept slipping but nothing out of hand. I also think he is too nice to say no to someone who wants a photo even though it doesn't look like he is that thrilled about it.


  1. We are rooting for you Robin!

  2. When I saw this pic yesterday I thought he looked like absolute hell.

  3. Sigh. Addiction is a cunt.

    1. He looks old and worn out. :(

    2. I must have low standards, I thought he looked good but thin.

    3. Ha at low standards! It's been a long time since I've seen a pic, so to see him so thin was a little jarring. On 2nd glance, he doesn't look so bad.

      Man, I loved Mork back in the day.

  4. He looks really tired. I wish him well.

  5. "the grind of working on a television series", didn't he start in television??? HELLO MORK & MINDY

  6. If he feels those old feelings creeping in then fair balls to him for tackling it head on.

  7. Sure Montana, but that was almost 40 years ago.
    Hope he keeps himself well.

  8. Yeah but he was hella coked up on Mork and Mindy!

  9. That's a bummer. I wish him well!

  10. Hazeldon is a for real rehab, not like tose ususal ones in Cali that are more like spas that most celebs, (LiLo) go to. They don't baby you.

  11. "Fair balls" is going to be my phrase of the day. I'm going to see how many times I can work it into conversation.

    Good for him for having the wherewithal to stay on top of his addictions.

    1. Happy to oblige Ma'am. ;-)

    2. Never heard that one, we're more prone to "fair fucks to them" in the north. Might borrow it.

  12. Best wishes to Robin! He seems like good people, and I kind of wish I'd been a better fan and watched his show.

  13. Working with Sarah Michelle Gellar might drive me to drinking. :/

    I wish Mrs Doubtfire the very, very best, and good for him for staying on top of what he has to deal with. Addiction is a nasty beast.

  14. Good luck Robin! Long time fan.

  15. LUCKY! He gets Hazeldon and I get 8 days of withdrawals at my mamas guest room. Seriously if I don't slip after staying with this woman nothing will break me!

    I wish him strength. I agree addiction is a cunt.

    1. Damn it!! :(

      Light, love & strength to you, dear will do this!!! So close yet so far...

    2. Thanks my friend. Doing better than expected honestly.

    3. Good on you, Ms Sherry. You can do this!

    4. Sending shazbot love, Sherry!

    5. Hugs for you, Sherry! We love you here!

    6. Fair balls to you too Sherry. Stay strong babe.x

    7. Sherry, I was going to list you as one of my favourite commenters yesterday. I'm sorry to hear you're going through a tough time and wish you "fair balls".

  16. Also, best wishes with your dad, IJU. My stepdad was in a horrible accident 4 weeks ago and he's in the inpatient rehab phase now. It's not a fun place to be but thankfully, he's still here. You guys are very lucky. Know I'm sending love and positive energy your way.

    1. Right back atcha Disco. I didn't know about your poor dad. I hope he gets better soon.
      It's hard seeing our dads weak and hurt, isn't it.
      Best of luck to Mr. Discoflux Snr.

    2. Oh, disco, I'm sorry to hear that. Best wishes to DiscoDad!

    3. IJI & Disco
      Best of luck with your dad's. It's always rough having an ill parent.
      Hugs to you both.

    4. Hugs Disco. Hoping the step makes a full recovery.

  17. He is one of my most favorite people on the planet. So incredibly intelligent and talented that he makes every other star in hollywood look lackluster. Get well soon, Robin! xo

  18. Always loved Robin.
    Good luck to him. He's battled these demons before so at least he's taking care of himself.

  19. Ha! First thing I thought was maybe he's sharing a room with Freddie. Has it been mentioned on here about Shia going to rehab or did I just dream that story?

  20. Thanks, darlings. Love you all.

    Sherry - you're a badass. Sending all sorts of love and strength your way, too.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. It actually isn't traditional rehab - it is a program that is to keep you on track if you feel like you may slip. I have a friend sober 12 years who went to it 2 years ago (at the same place - we are in MN) and she said it is an amazing program but it is definitely not because of a slip. So I say good for him for knowing he needs the help to not slip! As for the Dairy Queen - I would bet he never returns. He is probably not looking happy because he knows the picture will likely be spread all over the place, but he doesn't want to be an ass.

  23. stay strong Sherry! ~good vibes~

    Good vibes for Robin too and anyone else fighting the good fight.

  24. awww he looks like he needs a nice long nap

    keep on keeping on robin

  25. You got this Sherry!! Sorry to hear Disco. Best wishes all.

  26. "...the grind of working on a television series might have pushed him over the edge and into a slip."

    You're really going to tell us that being waited on hand and foot, spending most of the time on set in his trailer/dressing room, cashing big ass network checks and reading something someone else has written for you is so hard it caused him to go back to booze and drugs? Really? Really?

    What the fuck would these mongoloids do if they had to get a real job, work in a factory for a year or so, change bed pans on old people and dress their bed sores like a nurse has to do?

    I think all these "breakdowns" and crap are caused by the celebs mental state and not the "extreme" workload they are under. They realize they are fake, that they have no talent in the scheme of things. They don't create, they read out loud. The writers, directors, editors, etc CREATE in Hollywood but the people that get the big money, the ones who get the notoriety, the people the public cares about for some reason, are professional pretenders. They haven't outgrown playing dress up with their little sister from when they were 5. Even with the best Scientology levels their ill gotten gains can buy their mind still won't let them forget what fakes they are in reality. I love watching this type of thing happen to celebs. The need to be brought down to Earth more and be told "You aren't special! You are a dime a dozen, anyone can do the job you do. You want to really matter in the world? Go teach grades 1-12, having one student graduate because of something you taught them is worth more than Jack, Bicentennial Man, Hook, Popeye (what the fuck was that about anyway? A musical based on Popeye? I know he was in the Navy but he wasn't in the Village People's Navy fill of Semen.) and all you other movies combined."

    Real talk, Robin. Remember, the last time you really created something that you could claim as your own was back on the stage at Ha Ha's or Catch a Rising Star when you were fueled by coke and a wit that went 100 miles an hour. You want to still be in the entertainment business and not just be a trained parrot reading other people's lines? Then make that coke yours, accept it and become great again. until then, you'll always just be a shadow of the man that people loved 40 years ago.

  27. c'mon now The Real Rowdy One, we talked about this. No more ranting online for hours at a time. That's how your 7th kid drowned in the tub remember? Go check on the kids and no more crushed Oxy for breakfast.

    Anyway as someone who's worked with Robin I can say he is a very professional and polite individual, zero attitude, truly loves acting and the same person to the director down to the PA's. There's not a lot of stars you can say that about, so I wish him well.

  28. One of my friends was in the film "Jack" with Robin back in the day. I have heard nothing but great things about Robin, and am wishing him the best, along with the many other millions suffering from addiction.

  29. I was in a film making workshop with two guys who worked with him on Good Will Hunting. They had nothing but good things to say about Robin as well.

    I also liked Death To Smoochy. I think I'm the only one.

    1. Nope it's one of my absolute favorites. SAFAAAAAARI!!!

  30. So inspired by Robin Williams, wishing him well. I enjoyed TCO and hope to see him working on something else soon.

  31. Hey Kels, you can do like your grandma did and choke on my dick (Sorry I missed the funeral, but I still have my rule about never seeing a whore twice). Just be sure to keep your teeth in unlike she did, I like just a bit of tooth scraping when I pound your throat.

  32. @The Real Rowdy, Kels is short for Kelsey, my mom was a big Cheers fan.
    I'm 6'', but thick. So if you're down with the brown as well as oral let me know, I've never met a dude online before but there's a first for everything!
    We could tell our families Robin Williams set us up LOL!
    Lemme know tiger.

    1. Well, this just made my day.

  33. @The Real Rowdy..someone snot in your breakfast cereal today? Nice ranty novel there bud ;-)

    I'm rooting for the hairy one. I think Robin is one of those guys who realises just how serious his addiction is and tries really hard to deal with it, even if he does slip occasionally.

  34. He's such a nice man. I met him at his half-brother's memorial a couple years ago. I think it's great he saw he needed help and went to get it.

  35. My uncle shared a room with Robin during one of his stints for booze. My uncle also often had pneumonia, smoked like a chimney and had a death-rattle cough. One of the first things Robin said to him (after a horrific coughing fit) was: "how long ya got?" assuming my uncle was terminally ill with some variety of lung or throat cancer. No other juicy tidbits to share, just that Robin was a really nice guy and very funny. Hopefully he's able to get back on or stay on the infamous wagon.

  36. got the best of him

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Motherfucking monkey. Seems like fun, then he kills you.

  39. This image broke my heart
