Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Ray J Charged with 10 Crimes

If this were some other state or jurisdiction, the fact that Ray J faces 10 criminal charges including sexual battery would probably be a big deal. Yesterday, the LA District Attorney charged Ray J with crimes ranging from sexual battery and resisting arrest to assault and battery and vandalism. Back in May, Ray J was in a bar at the Beverly Wilshire. It is not a place you will find me drinking. The drinks run about $20 and they don't even come in a Pretty Woman souvenir glass. Ray supposedly ran his hand over the butt of a woman and she was upset and complained and Ray was asked to leave. Ray was not happy about that and and the police were called. Ray spit in the face of one of the cops and kicked out the window of the police car where he was placed. Not one of his finest nights. My guess is that this will all be knocked down to some kind of disturbing the peace and Ray will serve some probation and some community service which will include him traveling to different schools telling kids how they too can make money selling sex tapes.


  1. His biggest crime was unleashing the Kardashians on us.

    1. Unknown, that's why the charges are so varied! Some of that has to stick.

  2. You know, I'm not a fan of p.c. crap, but I have to say: Why did they pull their punches with that asshat Beiber yet file a list on fellow asshat Ray J.? Of course, I'm biased: I was hoping for nothing less than deportation for Beiber.

  3. Well he's looking for a new lady to piss on.

  4. Long over due. He has lots of bad karma coming his way. I can't believe they put him on TV.

  5. "You can call me Ray, you can call me Jay, you can call me Inmate 123456."

  6. What in the name of christ us wting with him??!! You dont grab someones butt just because. And then u dont make it worse by fighting cops when the show uo. What an ass balloon!

  7. Pretty nasty watching Ray J slam his big slimy cock inside the fat pig KK's slimy cooze. God knows how he stood it.

  8. coke is a hell of a drug

  9. Sorry Trilby, borders are locked. We don't want him back.

    1. I love Canada, so I prefer to think he was born elsewhere and forged his papers.

  10. Ick, u can just tell how skeezy and desperate he is just by looking at him!

  11. Right on, Trilby!

    He said he never grabbed a woman's butt (cops agreed with that), never spit on anyone, and broke the window out because he was claustrophobic. I'd be scared of small spaces, too, after being with the glow worm.

  12. He doesn't like tight places, that explains why he was with Kim.
