Thursday, July 24, 2014

Random Photos Part Two

Liv Tyler and Dakota Johnson took a flight together. That could have been fun. Well, I would have made it fun.
Michelle Dockery continues to promote Downton Abbey.
Leonardo DiCaprio had a party for his foundation and Petra Nemcova was there with Selena Gomez and Cara Delevingne.
Leo gave some tips on playing guitar to Bono.
Robin Thicke grabbed Toni Garrn's butt.
Jared Leto and
Marion Cotillard were also there with
Daisy Lowe and
Joan Collins.


  1. Liv Tyler is the answer for the main blind. Enty loves Empire Records---even though it is a shit movie

  2. Hi, Jared Leto!

    I love that it looks like Leo has one of those dorky ponytails.

    So DeLasagne renewed her ad subscription. Cool.

  3. Leo, lose the fucking beard. You look really square.

  4. Unless Robin is doing jazz hands in his photos, I'm always going to assume he's having some butt fun

  5. Only Leo can make Bonk look like a less pompous ass than he actually is.
    What's the foundation do? give free services to supermodels and up and coming models?
    Joan Collins is 81?

  6. Replies
    1. Actually, I liked Bonk much better:)

  7. Robin Thicke and his Ken doll pose again.

  8. I'm really starting to feel bad for Selena, she looks dead in the eyes

    Joan looks fanfrickentastic!

  9. Joan Collins is like former Queen Mother of England conserved in booze.

  10. There's Ms. Tired Eyes

  11. I love Leo. Unabashedly. He's sexier with a beard and a paunch than he was in the R+J heyday.

  12. Robin Thicke is the definition of "making me punchy" I want to hit that smirk off his dumb face - and that arm. My god, cool it with the pose. If that weren't Leo's girlfriend, I might suspect hand-butt action, but I'm pretty sure Leo would have him killed. Not because he cares so much, but because he doesn't like to share.

    Poor Selena. Although I saw pics of her the other day with a MAJOR upgrade from Tweeny McGee, so good on her if she's getting some from a tall, dark, and handsome instead of a short, skinny, and stupid. I don't buy the lesbo rumors with her and Delevigne - what, because she's friends with a bi girl that means they're getting it on? That must mean I'm a gay man, then, since I hang out with a gay guy sometimes. I DO believe the hard-user rumors though, because girlfriend's been looking a little rough lately. Hope she doesn't pull a Lilo. Shame shame...

  13. Joan Collins looks fabulous.

  14. Joan looks like theres a filter over her face. Feel sorry for the old lady in among the 3 models. Talk about feeling like crap, although she does have good legs.

  15. Can someone please explain the purpose of Alan Thicke's pose? I mean he ALWAYS poses like that!

  16. Liv thinks she's rock royalty, she probably thinks Dakota is HW royatly so they should be BFF's. They are both a couple bad copies of their parents & just wannabes.

  17. @Sandy - I like Bonk better!



    and i will fucking go junkie on anyone who disagrees and shank the fuck outta them.

    1. Headrot, you brought me outta seclusion. How are you babe?

  19. Liv!

    Also, saw the trailer for that 50 shades of gray thing. that girl seems boring.

  20. Who is Daisy Lowe? Is she Asian?

    The tsunami was the best thing that ever happened to that nobody, Nemcova. Without it, she would be even more of a nobody. Yes, that is probably a terrible thing to say.

  21. Bitch Please! Do not compare Liv to the pond scum off-spring currently creeping around Hollywood trying to get noticed. Of Dakota Johnson, I have no comment.

  22. The trailer for shades just looks so awful. It may as well just have been made as a parody of Twilight.

  23. I actually like Leo with the baby ponytails and head bands etc

    Marion Cotillard is sooooooo beautiful!

  24. Never did get the appeal for Leo and with that beard just deepens my stance on him still being ugly to me. Jared used to be cute but also what's with the beard? And the Ken doll comment was fun as hell!

  25. Ok. Joan looks amazing. Period. Wow.

  26. Jared Leto needs to gain back some weight and lose the beard.

    Marion C looks gorgeous as usual.

    Leo - don't get the fascination with him.

    Daisy Lowe is adorable. @astra: Her Dad is Gavin somebody. Gwen Stefani's husband. Not sure about her Mom but I don't think she's Asian.

  27. I thought Cara D was tall but apparently NOT if she's roughly the same height as Selena Gomez in heels. Saw a barefoot bikini shot of them in the NYPost today and again - roughly same height as Selena, maybe 1-1.5" taller.

    Then there's Petra, much taller than Cara in heels (assume heels are same height).

    I met Petra and she's probably 5'9 or 5'10 I'm guessing. So that makes Cara D much shorter, hmmm.

  28. I thought Cara D was tall but apparently NOT if she's roughly the same height as Selena Gomez in heels. Saw a barefoot bikini shot of them in the NYPost today and again - roughly same height as Selena, maybe 1-1.5" taller.

    Then there's Petra, much taller than Cara in heels (assume heels are same height).

    I met Petra and she's probably 5'9 or 5'10 I'm guessing. So that makes Cara D much shorter, hmmm.

  29. I can't believe Alexis Morell Carrington Colby Dexter Rowan (a.k.a. Joan Collins) didn't get the top spot!

    Joan Crawford used to say that she didn't go out for a stick of gum unless she looked like Joan Crawford. I think Joan Collins operates under the same philosophy.

  30. @jaredleto DONT LISTEN TO THE H8RS

    @sherry and @H i'm alive and kicking despite everything.

    i'm actually in the middle of moving. my landlord went wack a doodle. thrillz.

  31. Hey headrot! Glad to hear that you're doing well and getting away from the creepo!!! :)

  32. I would totally rock Jared Leto's shirt. Would be perfect with a lacy black bra.

  33. Why the fuck is Leo having a fundraiser for his charitable foundation? Cut the check yourself you cheap, bastardly, attention whore. Why not try a crowdsource while you're at it douchebag.

  34. Is anyone else utterly and completely over Downton Abbey? I-like most people-fell in love with the first season and was absolutely THRILLED when it came back for a second but something happened after that. I couldn't be bothered to watch it on tv and only got through about 2 episodes of season 3 on DVD (out from the library) when I decided that I was over it. While I adored Shirley McClain as the grandmother and thought that many of the costumes and all of the homes were beautiful, I think the show became a bit-or very much-too full of itself and tried to become a soap opera or something. Sad. I think it's just run its course.
