Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Random Photos Part Two

Michelle Rodriguez went to get her hair done a day after
Zac Efron and his vaporizer left her place in the morning.
Nicole Scherzinger on her way to see Lady GaGa last night.
This photo of Alex Ovechkin and a woman was the reason his girlfriend broke up with him.
Paris Hilton showed off her latest dog that soon will be missing.
Queen Letizia stopped to take a selfie at the movies.
Ricky Gervais scrawls out some autographs for fans in NYC.
Richard Gere getting an award in Italy.
Rachel Hunter after a workout.


  1. Spongebob hat and construction boots. You're better than this, Michelle.

    What is an Alex Ovechkin?

    Ricky Gervais! <3

  2. Is Rachel Hunter a 'thing' now?

  3. What is it with English girls and eyebrows now.
    Gere really looks old now no teens anymore for him.

  4. Alex Ovechkin is a superstar hockey player on the Washington Capitals and his g/f fiancee tennis player Maria Kirilinko broke up with him over the weekend.

  5. That Alex Ovaries guy shouldn't be messin' around on anyone who is better looking than him (which is pretty much every woman and most men on the planet.)

  6. Hockey? Really? NBA & hockey in the same day? Nah, man.

  7. Enty's crush on the queen continues.

    Richard has the pepaw look.

  8. Totes thought Richard Gere was Ted Danson on first glance.

  9. I don't think it's a selfie unless you take it yourself and it's for your own use. In this instance, I believe it's referred to as "stopped to have her photograph taken with a fan."

  10. Richard Gere with white hair? I AM OLD.

    You know, there's something I have never been able to figure out about gray hair. You have to color it too if you want it to look snowy instead of just gray.

    Why not keep your original color?

  11. Yes get that d Michelle

  12. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Knowing Ovechkin I'm pretty sure his ego factored into the split as well.

  13. I think Michelle dressed like a dyke just to show she is not a hasbian and completely abandoned her sisters. That or she is competing style-wise with Ellen Page.

  14. The pics of zac leaving Michelle's are from Sunday

  15. Seems as though everyone has been getting awards in Italy over the past couple of weeks.

  16. I remember going to see a PCD concert and Lady GaGa was the opener.

  17. Enty hating on e-cigs now too?

  18. PETA or better a reputable animal friendly organization should keep an eye on Paris and her disposable dogs.

  19. I thought Richard Gere was Steve Martin. About grey hair. Some people have white (snowy) hair and some hair turns more of an ivory color. If you want the ivory hair to look whiter, you can use a blue tinted shampoo (Aveda Blue Malva for example). You don't actually "color" it.

    Has Paris not figured out that nobody cares.

  20. I like Queen Letizia. She's much more fun to follow than Kate.

  21. Richard Gere could benefit from a little hair color - just enough to bring back that salt and pepper look. He has Bill Clinton hair now.

  22. I thought Richard Gere was Bill Clinton.

    Zac Efron looks like he's leaving Michelle's place...for good.
