Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Random Photos Part Three

Kesha gets some help through the airport yesterday.
Kate Hudson is a Twizzler fan. Or is it Red Vines?
Mel B promoting America's Got Talent.
Meanwhile her former band mate Geri Halliwell gets checked out by a worker.
Michael Caine takes his wife out to dinner at 3pm.
Miley Cyrus plants a kiss on Brett Ratner.
Randomness of the day. Bob Saget hanging out with Melanie Griffith.
Alyssa Milano and her Billy Ray Cyrus hair would like you to buy her new book.
Tallulah Willis shows off what she called her baby bump.


  1. MICHAEL! You look so thin! Please don't be sick Please don't be sick Please don't be sick

    1. Uh uh. Michael for the poorly foreign actor from that blind last week?

  2. Alyssa. What happened? And I'm not snarking about baby weight. But just, what happened?

  3. Wow, Alyssa's very preggo, right? Leather is an interesting clothing choice.

    Fun fact: if you have high blood pressure, don't eat black licorice.

    1. @Seven, does that include other aniseed-based foods? (Assuming we consider licorice a food.)

  4. Alysa Milano style icon smh

    Anyone read the Lainey Gossip blind about the singer that was rude to a young make a wish kid at her own concert? and everyone in the industry hates her---I think Ariana Grande---her bro is annoying on Big Brother and acts like she is god....

    1. No it's quite clearly lea m.

    2. Yeah. I think it's Lea too with Ryan Murphy as the supporter.

    3. Frankie has been getting on my nerves lately.

  5. I thought Tallullah was into chicks?

  6. Hopefully Allisa isn't writing about her baseball player boyfriends again. Probably trying a fashion book thoug, ha.

    I thought Tullulah was still in school & seemed to be the non fame whore sister, ugh.

    Is Saget still married?

    Ratner is just dirty, hopefuly Miley is smart enough to not sleep with him. She'll end up in his database that him & Michael Bey have & want to put online & charge members for.

  7. Yeah.. that's that app that makes you look fat. There are pictures of Tallulah from earlier that same day and she's obviously not this pregnant.

  8. Mr Pibb and Red Vines equal crazy delicious

  9. Tallulah =coke bloat?
    Dont imply Keshss high Enty :(
    Kate looks like crap.

  10. Gotta love Michael Caine and his stunningly beautiful wife of 41 years. How many actors look this good in their 80s, or can boast of a career of seven decades? He's definitely one of the greats.

    And in my book, he's A++. I'd watch any movie he was in.

    1. @JamieMc, I loved him as the toker in Children of Men (fantastic movie, btw) and in Cider House Rules. I have to agree, he's one of the greats.

      Fun fact: his real name is Maurice Micklewhite.

  11. I need help at the airport too.

    Whoa Kate, that's bad.

    I wonder what Demi would do when or if she becomes a Grammy?

  12. @TopperMadison: I thought he looked great. Thin, yes, but great.

    And if he is indeed sick, well, bless him. He's 81 and has lived a long life, and a totally fantastic life at that. He's the son of a cleaning lady and a fish market porter, and has far, far surpassed any expectations for a kid from such a poor background in the class-conscious country of his youth.

    He's wealthy, knighted, has two Academy Awards, a long and stable marriage to one of the most beautiful women on the planet.

    Not bad, Sir Michael! I hope you are well, but if you clock out today, the rest of us can only say, Thanks! You ridiculously lucky talented bugger.

    What a life.

  13. Kesha is a blimp. She needs to lose that weight, stat! No self-respecting man wants a teletubby on his arm.

  14. Did Sir Michael forget most early bird special dinner doesn't start until a little later? Great actor though.

    Ratner looks grossed out by Miley.

  15. So is Tallulah Willis actually pregnant or did she eat a burrito?

  16. From what I read elsewhere, Tallulah just blew out her belly to be funny.

  17. Kate does not look like she has implants there. At all.

  18. RED VINES ARE SO MUCH BETTER than the lowly plastic Twizzler chew, ew.

    And Alyssa looks like me when I'm fat soooooo.... I will actually consider that a reassuring comment to myself I guess.

  19. Anonymous6:36 PM

    stunned at the tallulah pregnancy, if true.

  20. Kate Hudson's head looks freakishly ENORMOUS! Nothing about that picture of her looks right (P.S. Twizzlers kick Red Vines ass).

    Alyssa looks more like Wynonna Judd if you ask me. That hair and those leather pants on some big 'ol thighs looks to be a fashion DON'T.

  21. Since when was Kesha dating Jonah Hill?

  22. Nope a keeper in the bunch.

  23. @Seven of Eleven: More fun facts about stars who changed their names and probably abandoned the parents who bestowed them:

    And I thought Archibald Leach was a bad parental choice. Maybe I missed it - was Marion Morrison even on the list I just posted?

  24. @JamieMc, that was awesome! I love that Helen Mirren's real name is like a spy name!!
