Monday, July 21, 2014

Random Photos Part Three

Jessica Simpson shows off her new lips and new husband. I wonder if she will try and sing again.
Katy Perry took a break from singing while visiting Toronto.
Leighton Meester out in NYC over the weekend.
Lea Michele off the coast of Italy.
Mike Myers before his two step.
Harry Shearer was there to watch with his wife.
Matthew M and Bryan Cranston flank Camilla Alves at a TCA event.
Taylor Schilling and Uzo Aduba were there
with Terry Crews and his wife.


  1. Lea's got the bloat!
    Nice hat Michael you're a cowboy.
    Jessica you didn't need new lips

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Don't. Mention. Singing. And. A. Simpson. In. The. Same. Breath.

    Not say a word about Katy. Reno, remember, Guido didn't say a word....

  4. Is Lea Michele expecting, or is that just a hiatus food baby?

    1. I'm going to guess food baby since she is on vacay. Pasta and limoncello will do that to ya!

    2. Yep, totally worth it!

    3. I think Jessica is telling the gym to fuck off

  5. Katy raided my middle school closet circa 1998.

  6. Wow. THATS Lea Michelle? I read it as Michelle Rodriguez and figured she'd been on a drinking binge.

  7. Jessica had an incredable voice, Ashley's the wannabe punk lip syncer. Jessica chose not very good songs, or redid old 80's ballads, but at least she didn't try to claim she wrote everything herself. Her clothing is much more successful than her music ever was, doubt she'll do music again.

  8. Katy is really determined to dig up every horrible fashion trend from the 90's! It was ugly then & sure as hell is now.

  9. Lea is NOT going to be happy when she sees this pic!

    1. That bikini is NOT flattering at all! If you zoom in, you can see the lining of her top is all jacked and looks funky

    2. Never buy a bathing suit without first photographing yourself in it.

  10. Jessica looks goyjus... lips and all.

  11. I hope Jessica does sing again....maybe better songs,but girl can sing!

  12. Ugh. NEITHER Simpson twit can sing. Other than sorority row, who bought the yodeliing that Jessica called singing.

    Second rate beauty pageant contestants have as much singing ability. (Not tobe mean to sec rate beauty pageant contestants....)

  13. Bryan Cranston will forever and always be Hal to me - I'm watching Malcolm in the Middle with my youngest right now :-).

  14. Lea looks happy & healthy; she hasn't been with the new dude nearly long enough to be showing-at least not with HIS baby-if she were expecting. As someone who's kind of naturally built like Kate a Upton, far be it from me to begrudge a gal for ever putting on a few pounds! We all fluctuate from time to time. Nbd, she's human.

  15. Bryan Cranston is almost out GQing Matthew Alright Alright McConaughey.

  16. Katy needs to beware - that outfit screams "chafing!" to me (as a fellow non-thighgap girl).

  17. And wait - where was Mike Myers? Billy Bob's in Fort Worth or somethin'?

    1. OK, zoomed in - guess he's at Monty Python Live. Got it.

    2. He was at MP last night Fru. He had a small walk on part.

  18. Katy Perry looks like she got slimed.

    Look, it's Oatmeal and Crazy Eyes! (I <3 Uzo, that is a face with character.)

  19. not a flattering pic of Lea

    what no photoshop?

    1. This! would be not flattering ;) (not that I would be any better in the same situation, mind you! ^_^ )

  20. Simpleton appears to be getting her haggard on.

    Lea Michele pregnant?

  21. Jessica Simpson has some new fish lips and it feels like 2007 again... I expect Ken Paves to appear at any moment now.

    Katy, Katy, Katy! Wtf were you even thinking?!! That's right, you tell her Ty-Ty!!

    Lea Michele seems to be enjoying her Italian trip / holliday. Good for her!
    Btw, I'm guessing she's getting paid to appear at that festival but would she get all of her expenses paid as well, including the yach she's been parading on?

    Taylor Schilling needs to take some pointers from Ms Michele. Gurl, eat some carbs!

    Mike Myers' shirt looks very cheap.... underwhelming.

    Matthew "small arms" McConaughey. & his wife are a delicious shade of orange...

  22. Lea Michelle has a party pooch

  23. Anonymous1:54 PM

    love terry crews. crews swears his wife is black. that is the whitest lookin black woman ive ever seen. perhaps shes a decendant of dinah shore.

    TRex and Camilla look cute. cranston is a boneable as ever. no...even MORE so. did he lose weight. he looks super hot.

    katy needs to sty as close to her hair and make and clothing team as possible. YIKES

    jessica simpsons husband is CUTE!

    1. We come in all shades, being black is not what you'd call a pure race lol. I know you're not trying to be rude.

  24. Agree - Jess has a great voice but poor choice of songs. Although I enjoy sing/yelling TAKE MY BREATH AWAAAAAY to her version of the song.

  25. Oh my. Lea is not going to be happy w this.

  26. Isn't Lea some gluten free vegan or something. That photo is all kinds of awkward because she's hunching forward a little on the steps. It's making a mess out of the top. I agree though, she will freak when she sees this photo.

  27. Katy girl needs to get her shit together pronto. .Not pretty girl
    Lea Michelle better watch out her gigolo is gonna poke holes in those condoms girl..
    18 years 18 years

  28. Lea Michele: Pregnant or just a wee bit chubby?

  29. WTF? I was looking at the photos on this page when all of a sudden it faded to grey and a window popped up with an ad for Clarins and I couldn't close it. It said "Click to close in 30 seconds" and then counted down. For 30 long seconds.

    OK so first, I will never buy Clarins. Just on principle.

    Second? I think Enty needs to re-evaluate ad revenue versus pissing off loyal readers.

    Because while I like surfing CDAN I don't think it's worth an extra (30 seconds times however many pages) = several minutes of my time every day.

  30. @Prunella : Me too. WTF Enty

  31. Hate Jessica's stupid fake lips. SHE WAS GORGEOUS BEFORE!!! now, looking desperate. Her hubby is usually kinda non-descript. Maybe that's a plus, now, in her book.

    But I actually almost forgot about everything here when I saw Katy Perry. That's all.

  32. Gweeds, you are too good to me.
    Jessica's lips are hideous.

  33. Get the Ad-Block extension for your browser and you won't have to see those ads. Even the auto play crap on the side margin. You just hover over them until BLOCK comes up, click it, click OK, and you never see ads from that site again.

  34. Boo, you cropped out Katy's security team.

  35. Yeah Lea's gonna be piiisssssed. She diets her ass off all the time so yes, she finally had some fun eating and drinking in Italy and *boom!* right to her belly.

    Same happens to me, sucks. It's an unflattering angle & pose plus pasta.

  36. Lea is in full vacation mode.

  37. Lea should be doing enough Blow and Adderall to counter act Vacation Weight. Her management team must be incompetent.

  38. If the rumors about Lea are true, that could be coke bloat

  39. Anonymous4:38 PM


    i am a black woman. YES, we come in all shades but TCrews' wife and dinah shore's features (coupled with the coloring) arent strong enough to really suggest a black person per se. that is all

    o, and i remember how dinah looks from back in the day but just googled her and didn't realized she had such an "ethnic" nose. she still looks quite white though...

    they both could be "black" but what kind of black they are is questionable. lol

    definately not black like me.

  40. Good for Lea for relaxing on hiatus, partaking in some guacamole and margaritas…and for letting it all hang out. She's still skinnier than 95% of us!

  41. No love for Terry Crews?! LOVE him. LOVE LOVE Brooklyn 99... Caught up on first season on airplanes lately- it is hilarious! Awesome ensemble...

  42. @PS I ADORE Brooklyn 99!

  43. Jessica Simpson's hubby looks like Joel Lubin (CAA guru) or a sober Ben Affleck.

    Either way - says something. Did she nail either in the past but couldn't get them to the alter ?

  44. Jessica honey you and Kim K. Need to learn to close your mouth/trout lips. That shit is way old.

    Thought Lea was pregnant but if she's just on vacation - so what? Have fun.

    Sometimes Katy P. Has very crafted looking outfits that look perfectly put together. Today is NOT one of those days. What is with that skirt(?). Did she forget her pants? Don't know what you call that mess.

  45. Jessica looks a little wastedand a lot like a cocker spaniel in this pic. Woof. Biatch has some fierce biznass skillz though, billion dollar biznass skills. Guess she gets the last laugh for all those who called her a bimbo.

    Matty M's head his 3 or 4 times as big as his wife's. Cant quite get past that one.

    And Katy...ugh. She is so beautiful with her big blue eyes. John Mayer must have sucked the pretty right out of her...r maybe sucked should start with an f instead...jus sayin...

  46. Jessica please don't ruin your face!!

  47. I don't usually use this word but Jessica's and Kendall Jenner's lips are just gross!

  48. I never thought I'd be thanking @countjerkula for one of his posts but - thank you.

    In fairness to Enty, this first happened to me (like, first time EVER) on another web site last night.

    I think this is a new kind of super-odious ad that hijacks your browser - or at least the web page you're on.

  49. Katie Perry's star is dimming, thus the segue to baby-Lady Gaga-land with regard to her outfits/attention-whoring. (Although she's always been an attention whore, i think she's ramped it up a few notches recently).

    I guess a star will do what they have to do to maintain their stardom, but honestly, her voice sucks (a la Britney Spears) and her greatest attraction is her tits and great makeup (and i GUESS, though have never experienced or watched) her stage presence.

    Please fade away - Katie, Gaga, and Beyonce. Oh, and Rhianna (or just go to rehab for awhile). I'm so sick of hearing about all of you with your "outfits" (or lack thereof), but no real talent. No, Beyonce is nothing but a performer - all her songs are stupid and if i hear them, i immediately turn the station. The pass is Rhianna with her "I want you to stay" track.

    But really just sick of the not (for the most part)talented singers who are obscene attention whores to generate an audience. At least Bette Midler, Cher and even (and i say this with a bit of sarcasm) Britney. They all have staying power. None of the others do.

  50. Bryan Cranston can do no wrong, and while I like MM as an actor he looks weird there.

    I love AdBlock. Whenever I'm on a different computer I'm startled at the amount of ads there are on all the sites I read.

  51. I checked out the rumors that Dinah Shore was African-American and it doesn't seem to be true. Her parents were Russian Jewish immigrants...

    But here's something interesting - she was born on February 29, which only happens once every 4 years.

  52. @Prunella: You're welcome. If it happened on 2 sites, it might be advisable to clear your cookies and cache also.

    I use Firefox, and I have it set to clear cookies, cache, history, etc, every time I close the program.

  53. Don't like Jessica's lips. What's the point? I liked her a whole lot better without them. Taylor meds a donut. She's scary thin
