Monday, July 28, 2014

Random Photos Part Six

Alec Baldwin and Hilaria Baldwin do another yoga pose.
Elizabeth Banks doing some shopping yesterday.
Ed Sheeran and his new girlfriend.
Fergie gets her time with Axl.
Gordon Ramsay does some stretching in Malibu.
Irina Shayk always walks while showing off her stomach.
Julianne Hough on her dance tour.
Johnny Weir in Beijing.
Kelly Rowland shows off her baby bump.


  1. Cant remember the last time I saw Fergie with bebeh
    Alec sure does hate the paps doesn't he?
    You mean Sheeren's new beard right Enty?

    1. In all seriousness, I'm pretty sure this is only the second time she's ever been photographed with him so that's likely why. Luckily Axl has a father who is super loving and interested in spending tons of time with him.

    2. It sure doesn't look like she holds a baby very often. In my expert opinion.

  2. Julianne looks to be thickening up through the midsection and hindquarters.

    If Alec was 1/2 a man, he'd whip it out and piss on her or kick her in the ribs.

  3. Alec looks very annoyed. With paps or with his wife's antics?

    Fergie's baby looks a lot like her.

    Hough's body looks very thick compared to previous photos of her.

  4. OMG. JULIANNE. What the fuck are you wearing.

  5. That photo is from Hilaria's instagram, so no paps involved.

    I thought Julianne was going to be a country singer?

    I thought Julianne was going to be an actress??

  6. Julianne hough= talentless annoying in your face pseudo celeb. Pls go away. And I too cannot believe Alex puts up with his wifes asinine, idiotic, moronic,inane daily yoga poses. It could not be more stupid.

  7. Oh Em gee! I think I've finally got it! Hilaria is really just Namasteing her way towards triggering Baldwin's premature impending aneurism! He's about three quarters the way there, according to this pic. Ireland is doing her best to nudge her way to his money too lately.

    Julianne: I can see your Hough-haaaaa! You look like a stripper from Dr Seuss.

  8. LOL @ Alec shading at Hilaria!

    Julianne looks like something out of Tron.

    Elizabeth Banks and Ed Sheeran!

  9. I think it is the outfit that gives that perception.

    Alex has that look when your children are misbehaving in the car and he's almost had enough, my dad had that look often.

  10. I'm not a fan, but Julianne has talent. She's a very good dancer. Her problem is that she's willing to do whatever it takes to be famous.

  11. @auntliddy Julianne is an extremely talented dancer though.

  12. Think Alec is tired of her…I do

  13. Someone took the picture of Hilaria so it wan't spontaneous and I don't think Alec is really PO'd, just "acting" like he is.

    Fergie never looks the same. Of course she hides behinds glasses and a hat.

    Irina is gorgeous...

  14. Johnny Weir vs. Naomi Campbell? I've got five on my go-to b!$@h, Naomi...

  15. Am I the only one that thinks Alex is just playing up his "annoyance" at his wife's attention whoring? Keeps him in the public eye, afterall...

  16. Hilaria's yoga poses are the equivalent of a mother who was once told she has a good voice and wants to sing all the time.

  17. Alex is totally just acting the annoyed role for this pic.

    I think the whole thing is stupid, I don't understand why outlets re-post these pics from her.

  18. I think that picture of Alec and his annoying wife is very funny!

    Not a flattering picture of Julianne, that's for sure. She should rethink that costume…as should Johnny. He needs to stop playing the Lady Gaga dress as ridiculously as you can game.

  19. He's doing one of the most difficult yoga poses. It is called, "Why Did I Marry This Gold Digging Fame Whore?"

  20. Johnny looks good. That's a great skating outfit for a show over there.

  21. Julianne Hough looks really good!

    Love Alec Baldwin throwing shade.

  22. Alec must be sick to death of his wife doing yoga all the time. I imagine every time they go anywhere she runs around saying, "Honey, take a picture of me doing a yoga pose by that rock! And in the car! And by that house!" etc.

    Julianne Hough looks like she's trying to be mistaken for Pink. Pink always wears an outfit like that.

  23. Fergie can't hide her meth face with sunglasses and a baby
    Julianne just smells of Desperation and last night's brother loving. . Not good Julianne.
    Love Ed.. always. .
    Alec go away and take your daughter/wife and your real daughter with you.

  24. I agree that Alec's "acting" in that picture. But I also think he may be thisclose to getting a FML tattoo.

  25. Hillaria tries way to hard. At some point Alec is going to lose it on her.

  26. Oh the horror! To be as "thick" as Julianne would be awesome to me.

  27. Alec is giving the pose we all think of when Hillaria does the "try hard" pose.

    That bondage gear does Julianne no favours.

  28. Alec Baldwin had better never, ever, say again that he hates being papped.

    Something about Kelly Rowland has never clicked with me.

  29. I'm a serious luster of Hough but even I have to ask, "WTF".

  30. When I first saw the photo of Fergie and hadn't read the caption I thought, "What Denise Richards doing with Josh D's baby."

  31. @iknowpeople you beat me to it, I totally thought that was Denise Richards.

    I think the reason Julianne looks "thick" is that costume is sewn over a nude body suit so you're seeing an extra layer. I think the girl can dance something fierce. At least she has an actual talent unlike Kimye.

    I hope Alec set up a trust for his new baby, left everyone else $1.00 (so they can't contest the will) and left the rest to Charity. That would be awesome!

  32. Johnny Weir - Am I the only one thinking of Will Ferrell in Blades of Glory!!

  33. We all know Julianne Hough is thin as a rail, but that outfit magically makes even her look chunky. Can't believe she/her team haven't figured that out yet. Maybe she reads this? ;-)

    I think she does have talent, and I even somewhat like her, but as others have said, she is palpably frantic to find some way to stay/get more famous.

    The real problem with Hilaria's pose here is it looks like her hands are in the dirty gutter on the edge of the road. Why? Why would she do that?

  34. I will say this and perhaps I contradict myself when it comes to other celebrities but I don't think it is fair to assume Fergie does not spend just as much time with her child as her husband because Josh is photographed with their child more than than Fergie.

    There are 24 hours in each day. Maybe she does not like to have her child with her when there are paparazzi around. Smart celebs can avoid them you know. Dad might have his own pap on call. Dad may drop the kid off with Mom and is gone for the rest of the day.

  35. A dance tour? And people pay to see this?????
