Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Random Photos Part Six

Bob Hastings - RIP
The cast of Monty Python are ready to hit the road.
What is a little cheating between spouses? Nothing that a little shopping trip in the Hampton's can't fix.
Chloe Moretz is flanked by her brothers.
Many of the current women of Downton Abbey.
Diane Kruger obviously got those pants from the wardrobe department at Breaking Bad.
Idris Elba and his daughter in London.
Ian Ziering continues his tour of Vegas shows at Olivia Newton John's show.
Jwoww must be about to give birth at any day. Heard she is going to name her baby GTL.


  1. That bunch was uninspiring.

  2. Minus Bob Hastings.

  3. Blue Ivy is still adorable despite what y'all might think of her parents. Also Idris can get it.

  4. Are Diane and Josh still together? I haven't seen them together in a long time...I'm worried.

  5. I love John Cleese!!! Seen his stand up tours, but honestly, he have the best commencement speech EVER at UCSB several years ago. His speech was even better than Obama's...

  6. RIP Bob McHale 's Navy ruled!

  7. More reasons to love Idris Elba.

    1. I was wondering who would be first, Orvilla

  8. ooooh deelish.

  9. I don't get the Breaking Bad/pants reference. Can someone help me out here?

    1. I assume Enty is making a lovely reference to Marie's obsession with purple...

    2. I should have known to ask you for help. Thanks!

  10. Replies
    1. Heeeeey, cutie. Lovely picture, my dear.

  11. 1. So, essentially, one of Chloe Morertz's older brothers is Macklemore? Lol.

    2. "Mrs. Hughes" and "Mrs. Pattmore" look FANTASTIC in that photo! When I first saw the pic I asked myself "Who's the lady on the left in the blue dress??"

    3. Nice to see that Steve Sanders's ridiculous leather jacket game is still tight after all these years! :D

    1. Don't the Downton ladies look lovely?!?! Who is the one just off-center with the dark dress with white appliqué?

  12. Dame Maggie was like "pfft I'm not dealing with some boring photo-shoot"

  13. Idris is soooooo hot.

  14. Oh Olivia Newton-John, beautiful Olivia... that's WAY too much plastic surgery. No I have sadz...

  15. Idris Elba took his daughter to Harry Potter studios outside London for a showing of one of the HP movies. They are doing this all summer long. Wish I could go to one of those.

  16. Ladies of Downton Abbey photo not complete without the Dow Cow. Mph.

  17. Steve Sanders' career isn't great but he's ageing better than the rest of the cast.

    Idris Elba looks good...even in a Slytherin scarf.

  18. Blue Ivy is adorable and so is Idris Elba daughter.
    As for Idris, yum.

  19. BeyJay Update/Alert: BEY MODIFIED THE LYRICS WAY MORE THAN ENTY SPECIFIED EARLIER Bey shading RiRi, Rita, Mya, Rachel....

  20. JayZ is a very unattractive man.

    ONJ could let her face breathe. Icons don't have to work that hard.

    No Dame Maggie = it's not really the women of Downton Abbey.

    Diane and Josh doing "alone" a lot lately. That's too bad.

  21. My landlord's husband has become obsessed with and keeps showing up at the house and harassing me and writing threatening letters and letting himself in and going into my room. I dont know what to do. Im scared.

    1. Headrot
      That's just down right creepy.
      Hopefully there are rules with your states rental laws or your lease that will require 24 hour notice of entry.
      I had issues of our maintenance men for our apartment complex just letting themselves in to run FIOS wires for our building. I felt so invaded by them coming & going as they pleased.

  22. headrot,
    you need to get your lease out and read it very carefully, depending on what state you live in, it should forbid entry unless there is 24 hours notice, except in case of emergency.

    Check to see if your city or county has a tenant mediation service or housing office and call them for assistance. Make a record of every single day/date/time that your landlord has entered your dwelling without permission.

    If you have a smart phone, download a voice recording app that takes lengthy recordings and use your phone to record every time he comes over. You have the right to refuse him entry.

    Sadly, you have to move. You are not safe there. It sucks, but its reality. But, even if you are moving, pursue this case. Call the non emergency line of the police department, ask to speak to a community services officer and tell him/her exactly what is going on.

    A domestic violence shelter might be able to offer help, not necessarily because you are a victim but because the good ones keep a great list of other resources that women (and men) might need.

    Document, document, document, document. And please, let people in your life, especially those nearby, know exactly what is happening in case something happens to you. If you have Google docs, created a document that you can update regularly and share it with one or two people.

    If you are worried about valuables, get a storage unit and start moving things there one to two boxes at time so that you don't arouse suspicion. Use office boxes or beer boxes, not UHAUL! moving boxes that draw attention to what you are doing.

    And if you have to, get a restraining order against him to keep him away from you and the house at all times unless the wife is with him.

    Good luck.

  23. RIP Bob Hastings, AKA Commissioner Gordon on Batman:The Animated Series.

  24. @Omar
    Me: You know he's part of the Barksdale crew, right?
    You: Do tell!!

    Me: If he's so fiiiiine, why did you
    (spoiler alert)

    Keel him!!???
    You: All in the game, yo. All in the game

    Me: Stringer Bell is so hot, but I think he's only into the ladies
    You: Oh, indeed

    Ok I had to get that out of my system. I loved The Wire!

  25. JWow looks tiny for someone who is about to give birth any day now.
    I wonder if it's the illusion created by the dress or that she is quite tall or perhaps that she didn't gain that much weight. Hmmmm.

  26. I did NOT recognize "Mrs Hughes" in that cast photo of Downton Abbey.

  27. FS... Your care for Headrot exemplifies why this community and rare and wonderful (trolls excluded). You are awesome!

    Headrot... Please heed FS's guidance. This man sounds very troubled and troubling. The inconvenience of a move - if you can afford to do so - will be worth the hassle. Peace at home is essential for healthy living. Take care!

    Happy Celebrating and Safe Travels to All this July 4th Weekend!

    And thanks in advance to Enty for the coming Blind Reveals. Old Hollywood and truly scandalous always appreciated.

  28. Jacq, I didn't recognize her either! It's Baxter, she who flirts with Molesley and fends off Thomas' attempts at blackmail. :)

  29. Idris Elba.

    No need to talk about any of the others.

  30. can't decide if Bey and J are just jerking us around

    or it there is really trouble in paradise

    on the fence
