Thursday, July 31, 2014

Random Photos Part One

Five parts today.

Apparently Mickey Rourke is a big fan of Eskimo kissing.
Aubrey Plaza talks about her new movie yesterday in NYC.
Sandra Bullock wearing a shirt from a Lamar Odom garage sale.
Seal and his new girlfriend.
Sylvester Stallone with his wife and daughters.
Tom Cruise went to the horse races yesterday where he finally found people shorter than him.
Taylor Swift and her purse carrying bodyguard.
Zac Efron took a flight yesterday, but was it to go see
Michelle Rodriguez who is partying with Justin Bieber.


  1. Life seems to be one long party for Michelle R these days. Does she work anymore?

    1. @Violet The Fast & Furious franchise.

    2. That's clearly a good gig then. I need to sign up for it.

  2. Maybe Zac will beat the shit out of the twerp.
    I wouldn't want to speculate on the type of woman willing to kiss Mickey.
    Stallones daughters probably have a rough time finding b/fs.

  3. Count will know who I'm referring to but Stallone looks like he has his own Ho-Train.
    Rourke is
    Cruise definitely had some work done. Why all the photos of him lately? He feels his star fading?
    Ms. Sandra, I'm surprised you're walking around alone. I would be terrified.

  4. Michelle whole life is party and mixed messages on Ingram girl it's time to grow up

  5. Mickey Rourke. ::barf::

    Sylvester Stallone. ::barf::

  6. Icky Dourke!

    Seal gotta smaller Klum

    Bullock- not pap happy

    Swiftys outfit de jour is cute

    How does Rodriguez stay so thin with all that booze consumption? ??

    1. Exactly! I have a couple glasses of wine a night and I have the booze pooch.

  7. The Godfather and his ho train.

    1. @sandy Didn't know you were a wrestling fan.

  8. The guy standing next to Michelle R. is Peter Brandt, who had those uncomfortable pictures with his mom Stephanie Seymour on the beach a few years back.

  9. @MM - awkward pics.....

  10. Stallone has a lovely family.

    Rourke is disgusting.

  11. Oh Mickey you're so not fine, you're so not fine you blow my mind, no Mickey!

  12. Meltface needs to take hairstyling lessons from Bruce.

  13. @MM, gross, I forgot about those pics! Blech!

    Aubrey Plaza, SandyB, and Michelle all look good.

  14. I thought Seal's new gf was ScarJo until I read the caption. And remembered she's pregnant.

  15. I seriously love seeing Taylor Swift's outfit everyday. I think yesterday was the first one I didn't like ever.

  16. What's with Sly's front ankle?

  17. Bad angle on Swifts pic.

  18. Over the same old t swift photos

  19. Ugh I've just lost respect to Michelle. Oh and Orlando didn't miss the punch, the twerp's bodyguard intervened.

  20. Tommy girl looks incredibly tiny in this shot.

    Sly and Mickey are so leathery looking.

  21. Michelle is for real partying with bieber? Lol too funny..

    Micky rourke- he was so good looking in 9 and a half weeks...just wow at that face...

    Seal's wife looks like heidi.

  22. Can we talk about Jennifer Flavin or however you spell it? My God - total plastic face! I guess she and Sly go in for couples surgery or something!

  23. Yes Flavin's face is quite scary, thought she looked like she lost the lower half of her face to a fire.

    Michelle Rodriguez isn't really "thin" she's totally in amazeballs shape!! How does she do it?! When is she working out? Is it voodoo magic? Tell us!!!

  24. oh wrestling and I go waaaaaaay back Freya

  25. @Meanie You're comment made me laugh and laugh. Thank you.

    1. @Tigercat. You're so very welcome! :D It was from the heart, lol.

  26. Love that TAylor Swift's 21 year old knees don't look any better than my 51 year old knees!

  27. @Sincerely - I was thinking the same. If I were to party as much as MR I'd be bloated and gross

    I never see pics of her working out but she must because her body is bangin!

  28. Swifty has squinty eyes. This is a real unfortunate pic of her...she kinda looks like a rabid gopher.

  29. We need a cupid to match up Taylor Swift with Tom Cruise. Then make both of them go away.

  30. @MM
    Thank you! I knew I recognised him but couldn't place him.
    I didn't need to click the link. Those photos are still seared on my brain *shudder*.

  31. J Stallone looks like a Real Housewife. It's a shame; she was a beauty back in the day--but desperate plasticking seems to be the Stallone Way--or he wants the wife to look like his moms.

    Seal has a Type. What a shock. But in that getup, it's easier to understand what attracted Heidi K for so long ;).

    Michelle R could teach Lilo how to be a functional alcoholic. Except Mitchie--despite having a Sam Ronson enabler-type vibe--seems too fond of pretty faces & bangin' bodies to hang w/2014 Lindsay (who's never been sober long enough to mature past 14; & her clingy, mundo-drama codependent stalker-gf thing wasn't a good look even before the crazy cosmetic work & premature aging).

    Ironic, but imo Michelle R appears to be the healthiest & prettiest female in these pix. The others either have wrecked their faces &/or need their warpaint confiscated by an adult until they learn to responsibly apply eyeliner & lipstick.

  32. @Sandybrook, Normally I don't even respond to the trite that comes out of people's mouths but since I'm the person in the photo taken with Mickey Rourke, I couldn't help but ask you to kindly STFU. I'm a celeb photographer and I was talking to Mickey about the photographer who assaulted me. The photographer who shot the photos that are also in the DailMailUK and other places was across the street. I doubt you have the brain or the inclination to take the time to read the TRUTH. Just in case here is a link
    Let this be a reminder to all of you self righteous people who hide behind your computer and make comments and talk shit about people you don't even know and comment on stories that aren't even true.
    You wish you had some talent that people wanted to take pictures of. All photographers are not assholes. And All photographers are NOT Paparazzi. The angle of the shot implies that are noses are closer than they are. You fell for it. It sells tabloids and gives you something to write about and feel superior to. What a fucking boring life you must live.
    Google me also think for a second what it might be like to be a female professional photographer in a chauvanistic and racist media/medium.
    Thank you for your assuming, you got me to write CDAN.

  33. I really want to see a celeb wearing the Three Wolf Moon shirt in a non ironic fashion (see what I did there?)

  34. Jennifer Flavin looks like her face has been carved out of wood. It's the color of wood too. If you look closely you can even see the grain.

    Zac and Michelle both look super fit.

    Taylor Swift needs to straighten her wig.

  35. Holy shit at the rant^!!!!

  36. I don't care about having their talent. I would just want their money.

    I bet Rourke smells.

  37. So seal traded in his 40'something Heidi fora 20'something newer model edition


  38. P: Bullock - it is barely used

    M: Swift - she would h8 it and the h8 would make me harder.

    B: Plaza - she likes to get loaded, and always makes balloon knot access easy.

    @ Kat: First you say you are the broad in the Mickey pic, they you refer to the people in the pic as "they" not "we". Seems fishy.

    But on the chance you are a celeb photog, no one cares what a celeb bim looks like head on when they come from the gym. Get the ass in yoga pants shot. Bonus points if the bim is bent over.

    @Freya: Pimpin aint easy Last I heard the Godfather was managing a strip club in Vegas. Life imitates art.

  39. CAL Blondey. Fab thanks for that.

  40. Hmmm Taylor looks...different. Still convinced she's older than what she says
