Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Random Photos Part One

Five parts today.

I knew I loved Amanda Seyfried for a reason. She buys wine for the crew of her movie and is not above my favorite trick of
drinking it out of a coffee cup.
Meanwhile her ex, Dominic Cooper is looking really healthy these days.
Ashlee Simpson and Eva Ross paid for these photos. They didn't even try and get a cut. That is how desperate they are.
Shia LaBeouf and Mia Goth run some errands.
Sienna Miller and
Bradley Cooper are still filming their movie.
Snooki does her daily baby bump photo walk while
Zoe Saldana's bump seems to be growing.


  1. Amanda seems fun. I would totes party with her.

    I may be a little tokophobic, but the word bump in conjecture with pregnancy always bums me out.

  2. Snooki looks really good here.
    I like Amanda Seyfried. Actually thought she would be a bigger star by now but it seems Emma Stone and Jennifer Lawrence slid in and took th. spot.

  3. That's what happens Enty, the baby bump grows!

  4. Does Shit LaDouche own a shirt that isn't ripped?
    Amanda seems like a girl Id like being around.
    Asslie not so much but if they paid to be lapped they wasted his money. No one cares enough to buy.

  5. Oh Ashlee...she's marrying a chip off her old pops: GAY!

  6. I've always loved Amanda. She's good people.

  7. Asslee just pathetic. And evan cld very well be gay, who knows. He's awfully young.

  8. Sienna giving Bradley a view. Dominic looking healthy? Sounds like those TMZ where are they now galleries. He resurfaced, looking refreshed.

  9. Bradley has a fierce tuck game going on

  10. Blooper looks like he's pondering how much Sienna's gonna charge for him using her anus for a few rounds. Doesn't seem he's tweenster Suki-Monster or any buff boys available.

  11. Amanda was awesome on Big Love. She likes dogs and wine. No shade!

    Snooki looks like she needs a clown car.

    Oh dear, soul patch. I thought that trend died an angry death. Kill it with fire!

  12. That man is NOT hetero.

  13. We never did get a consensus on how to correctly pronounce Amanda Seyfried's last name. Can anybody help me out with this???

  14. @NaughtyNurse, it's SIGH-fred (though her sister pronounces it differently).

    Interview where she says it

  15. Zoe has a pair of IVF twins in the womb…it's going to grow big time…

  16. Holy crap. Two sisters can't agree on how to pronounce their own last name??????

  17. Eva Ross! ! Wears a lot of guyliner that one.
    Don't invade zoe's personal space you guys. . Just pay to see her stupid movies and leave her alone! ! She's a Stah!!
    Seyfried drinks a lot during the day non??

  18. Cooper and Miller are filming another movie together Chef by John Wells.The filming just starts

  19. I like Amanda, I hope her career hangs in there.

    Aren't we overdue for another Sienna sex scandal?

    I like Snookie's dress. I could do without the fringy bit but I like the color and the style for summer. Excuse me while I go commit ritual suicide.

  20. Simpson and Ross remind me of that GLEE chick that just got married out of nowhere. They're basically nobodies who think - Hey! I bet if we got MARRIED they'd put us on the cover of every magazine and pap us for MONTHS! Nope. Not gonna happen.

    Now what? Pregnancy? Affair? Divorce? (Not necessarily in that order). NEXT!!!
