Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Random Photos Part One

Five parts today.

Mary Kate Olsen has a quick smoke before a meeting with
her sister.
Alex Pettyfer spent some time at Disneyland. You don't usually see a guy just hanging out alone at Disneyland.
I'm not sure Rose Byrne could get much more skinny but Bobby Cannavale doesn't seem to mind.
Rosario Dawson pretends to drink some beer for Belgian Day.
Rory McIlroy celebrates his British Open win with his new girlfriend.
Long time no see for Susan Boyle. It is always good to see her. Who doesn't love a good torch picture?
Sarah Michelle Gellar drinking juice. I'm guessing there is no booze in there to make it taste better either.
The Zooey and her new guy on the set of her new movie.


  1. Ok Enty lets snark that Alex is a pedo ok?
    The Olsens are both disgusting I bet the chain smoking troll smells like shit.
    And lets also snark about SMG being an alky--you would be too if you married somebody who toke plays being a baby.

  2. I really like Susan Boyle.

    I don't know what the gelflings are drinking, but they're 28 and still look 16.

    Hi, Zooey!

  3. *role plays but Freddie probably tokes*

  4. Cingrats Jill its quite the honor after all.

  5. Que guapo! Nice one Zooey!

    The Olsen twin being engaged to a borderline pedo is no shocker, now that I recall how the twins were global jailbait and the countdowns to their 18th bdays. Sad all around.

    Rose! Bobby has great weed! Go buy ten apples, one for an immediate makeshift pipe and then another 9 for munchies!

    Pettyfer looks like he's selling shrooms from his backpack to teens outside of the Alice in Wonderland ride

  6. If ever they do a life story of Jack Black I think Susan Boyle should play the part, and vise verse.

  7. Rose Byrne looks fine

    1. Agree @Lotta. I dont think that's her best outfit, but she gets a pass for this one.

  8. LadyH they still look like jailbait and that's all that matters to Sarcokzy (whatever IDGAF)

  9. Word sandy. Trying to dress like babushkas does nothing but make them more like oversized infants.

  10. Why is that Olsen twin doing the thug crouch?

    1. @califblondy: me thinks Ms. Oltroll is popping a squat like that to block the wind while she lights up/smokes

    2. OR: she is getting the right shade to see her phone screen and/or get that selfie! Wild Card Theories: she is meeeeeelting or her legs just gave out due to insufficient caloric intake

    3. Oh, okay I thought she was trying to look tough and channeling her inner chola.

  11. I heart Bobby Canavale! He's a doll.

    1. I've heard that too. Knew someone who worked with Bobby on Cupid.

  12. So you get wasted on beer celebrating Belgian day? I guess you celebrate kwanza eating chicken, or not, because f word Belgian crackers.

  13. Soooo....What ever happened to the supposed baby that Alex's girlfriend Marloes was carrying that allegedly "resulted from a threesome" between herself, Alex and his best friend? (At least according to Enty.)

    Funny, she and he abruptly went from being photographed together all the time to her disappearing and him hanging out alone at Disneyland...Weird.

  14. I'm thinking that if that picture of a pregnant woman with a beer in her hand was anybody except for Zoe Saldana, then Ent would have made a HUGE deal out of a pregnant woman drinking a beer.

  15. OK, so it is Rosario Dawson, NOT Zoe Saldana!! Ha! I only took a quick look! Anyhoooo...

  16. Wait. Rosario looks pregnant, too. Is she?

  17. I was wondering the same thing NN - I didn't remember anyone saying she was knocked up. Maybe it's (Belgiun) Beer Bloat!

  18. Why would you fake drink beer? Is she preggers?

  19. I know most of you don't like her but Sarah is such a hottie.
